Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C42 Mr Gong Bullied Girls

C42 Mr Gong Bullied Girls

0When their lips touched, Soong Yiren suddenly tilted her head.    


Gong Lingye's kiss landed on her cheek. He did not seem to be angry and followed her cheek to her ear.    


Instantly, waves of electric current spread from her earlobe. The alarm in Soong Yiren's heart rang again and again, but it could not be moved at all.    


He kissed her lips again from beside her ear. Peel. Instantly, her breathing was filled with the scent of a man. It faintly carried the scent of Jasmine, which should be the smell of the toothpaste at home.    


Soong Yiren's scalp was numb and her nerves were taut like a cat whose tail had been stepped on but her body was unable to move uncontrollably.    


Until she clearly felt something. The string in her mind suddenly snapped.    


She did not know where she got the strength from, but Soong Yiren suddenly broke free of her bound hands and waved at Gong Lingye's injured back shoulder!    


His reaction was extremely fast. He once again trapped her and firmly held onto her.    


However, at this moment, time seemed to have pressed the pause button. He did not continue. Instead, he slightly raised his head and left her lips.    


Danger was jumping in his eyes, and his voice was much more hoarse than usual: "You want to hurt me that much?"    


Soong Yiren's chest rose and fell and her long and thick eyelashes cast a shadow over her eye sockets. The light in her eyes was cold. "I didn't expect Mr. Gong to bully girls in such a way."    


He stared at her for a few seconds and then released his grip on her. "Don't worry. I don't intend to force you. This kind of thing can only be fun if it is voluntary."    


Soong Yiren sneered, "Since that is the case, let me go and treat me as a stranger."    


Gong Lingye got off her body and laid down beside her. He said, "Impossible."    


He turned off the light and laid back under the blanket.    


Soong Yiren immediately tensed up. She felt like half of her body leaning against Gong Lingye was covered with body-immobilizing techniques.    


In the darkness, he stretched out an arm and hooked her, causing her to roll into his arms.    


He slept sideways, and his injured left shoulder just so happened to not be pressed down. He even stretched out his left arm and hugged her tightly.    


In the darkness, all senses became exceptionally sensitive. Soong Yiren seemed to be able to hear Gong Lingye's heartbeat.    


Also, he placed his chin on top of her head. He seemed to have swallowed a mouthful of saliva. Instantly, she could feel his Adam's apple rolling and sliding across her forehead and skin. His bones were hard.    


She had never been so close to a man before. Soong Yiren only felt uncomfortable all over her body.    


Gong Lingye was not the Gong Mochen who had psychological problems. His danger and thoughts were obvious.    


Soong Yiren shrank back and twisted her body again. She wanted to increase the distance between her and Gong Lingye. However, just as she moved, he opened his mouth and his voice was a little hoarse. "Try moving again?"    


Soong Yiren was shocked and immediately did not dare to move again.    


Her body was still very stiff. After holding it in for so long, she felt sore all over her body.    


By her ears, the man's uniform breathing fell on top of her head. In her breathing, she smelled the smell of the night when he hugged her at the casino.    


However, this time, the cool scent was even purer.    


Perhaps because her entire body was too tense and uncomfortable, Soong Yiren's body began to unconsciously relax.    


She thought that she could not sleep. At least after experiencing those terrifying things at night, she would have nightmares. However, when she closed her eyes, she thought of Gong Lingye forcefully kissing her just now. It made her feel vexed and forgot about the blood for a moment. Gradually, she also fell asleep. Nightless.    


When she woke up again, the man beside her was gone. The wrinkles on the bed sheets reminded Soong Yiren that Gong Lingye was indeed in her bed last night.    


She turned on her phone and saw that it was already 7: 30 in the morning. She could not help but feel anxious.    


She had previously used the map to locate the place. It was also an hour away from the school's drive. Moreover, it was high in the morning. It seemed that she would be late for the first lesson today.    


She hurriedly got up to wash up and change her clothes. Soong Yiren had just walked out when she saw that Gong Lingye had already changed into a shirt and pants, and even wore a tie. It was obvious that he was going to work.    


When he saw her, he said very naturally: "Nuan, everything has been settled. I'll send you to school now. Breakfast is on the way."    


Soong Yiren nodded, "Thank you."    


Gong Lingye did not care that she was deliberately polite and distant. He carried breakfast and a big bag of things and walked out of the villa with Soong Yiren.    


Soong Yiren was a little surprised when she saw that he did not walk towards the garage. "We are not going to school?"    


Gong Lingye raised his eyebrows. "You want to be late?"    


She did not understand what he meant.    


However, he put everything in his right hand, held her with his left hand, and leaned closer to her ear: "It seems like I slept well in my arms yesterday. I don't want to get up today. If it wasn't for that, I wouldn't have asked Aa Mian to drive you by helicopter. "    


Soong Yiren's eyes widened. She was too lazy to care about what Gong Lingye said about sleeping soundly in his arms.    


Because she really heard the roar. Her gaze followed the sound and she really saw the helicopter that brought them back from the deserted island that day.    


Hehe, taking a helicopter to school is really... cool, no, it should be squandering enough!    


Gong Lingye seemed to be very happy because of Soong Yiren's surprised reaction. The corner of his mouth slightly raised, and he pulled her along as they walked towards the helicopter.    


After getting on the helicopter, Aa Mian looked at Soong Yiren unhappily. He then respectfully said to Gong Lingye, "Prince, get ready to take off."    


Gong Lingye nodded and closed the cabin door. The plane took off very quickly.    


He took out breakfast and handed it to Soong Yiren.    


The milk was still warm. In the lunchbox, there were two scallion pancakes, a fried egg, and a plate of cold mussels.    


"Aren't you going to eat it?" Soong Yiren was surprised because there was only one lunchbox.    


"I have already eaten." After Gong Lingye said that, he raised his eyebrows and looked at her. "But if you can't finish eating, I can help you eat the rest."    


Soong Yiren's face heated up and ignored him.    



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