Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C35 Full of Hormones

C35 Full of Hormones

0Soong Yiren remembered that years ago, when they were making unmanned cars together, Chi Jingyu tore down a new car his father gave him, in order to study the entire brake system thoroughly.    


At that time, when a middle-aged man in their group saw it, he immediately cried out in pain. He said that even if he wanted to tear down a car, he should tear down that cheap car of his.    


However, their squandering behavior also gave them high returns, which greatly increased their work efficiency...    


Soong Yiren thought of the past and was somewhat absent-minded.    


Chi Jingyu could not hold it in anymore. He started to fight and even smiled at her like a hooligan. "Beauty, you are really amazing. You are an expert!"    


Soong Yiren's throat felt a little clogged. She thought of the scene of them staying up all night and fighting together. She smiled. "Together?"    


On the other side, Pei Jun had already taken out the toolbox.    


Chi Jingyu and Soong Yiren each took their tools and started to repair the car.    


Pei Jun was surprised to see that this was clearly the first time Soong Yiren and Chi Jingyu had met, but the two of them were completely in sync. It only took them more than ten minutes to find the problem and fix it. The efficiency was extremely high.    


Finally, Soong Yiren opened her mouth and said, "The brake arm snail has not been adjusted properly. It has extended too much of the propeller in the engine room, causing the brake system to be unable to perform its normal brake performance."    


Beside her, Chi Jingyu made a hand gesture at her. "You are right!"    


The two of them looked at each other and smiled. They closed the engine cover and turned to Pei Jun, who was in the car, and said, "Do you want to try?"    


Pei Jun started the car again. This time, there was no problem at all. He drove directly into the warehouse. He only needed to change the bumper later.    


Soong Yiren looked at the engine oil in her hands and was about to walk into the villa.    


However, just as she took a step forward, she saw Gong Lingye at the entrance of the villa.    


He seemed to have stood there for a while. The shadow of the roof shrouded him. In the glaring sunlight, his figure seemed to be somewhat blurry.    


He saw her coming over and his deep eyes stared at her. The outline of his face was outlined even more deeply and sharply by the shadow. At this moment, he pursed his lips, giving off an inexplicable sense of oppression.    


Soong Yiren walked in front of Gong Lingye. She originally did not want to greet him, but when she thought of the news about HQ, she had a deep impression of this man's danger, so she politely nodded and said, "Mr. Gong."    


Gong Lingye did not say anything. The probing and complicated look in his eyes made Soong Yiren feel a little nervous.    


Was he suspecting her relationship with Chi Jingyu? However, Yu Ruonuan had never seen Chi Jingyu before. Even if Gong Lingye was very capable, he would not be able to find out anything.    


Soong Yiren comforted herself and went to the washroom. She carefully cleaned the oil in her hands.    


As soon as she came out, she heard Pei Jun introduce Chi Jingyu to Gong Lingye and gave a simple explanation. "Today, when I picked up Mr. Chi, Someone's following me. " So I ran into a quarantine belt on the road, so there was a problem with the car. "    


Gong Lingye nodded and extended his hand to Chi Jingyu. "Welcome to the Heavenly Palace."    


Soong Yiren was shocked. Chi Jingyu actually agreed to enter the Heavenly Palace, because she always knew that Chi Jingyu and his team did not like to be restricted.    


That was why they didn't want to join the Haisheng. Instead, they followed Soong Yiren and secretly provided research and development services for the Haisheng.    


She was puzzled. Could it be that something happened to Chi Jingyu that made the Heavenly Palace a haven? Would the other comrades be in trouble as well?    


However, they were at Gong Lingye's house now, so Soong Yiren could only suppress all her doubts.    


At noon, Gong Lingye and the others did not come out to eat. Until evening, no one knew whether they went out or were busy. Soong Yiren ate dinner and prepared to go out for a walk.    


Because she did not know how long it would take for Gong Lingye to settle the matter over there, Soong Yiren was a little vexed. The robot competition was near and she did not go to the team for two days. It would definitely slow down the progress of the team.    


The last ray of sunlight fell from the horizon, and the sky gradually turned black. Soong Yiren walked to the flower bed at the entrance of the villa and unexpectedly saw a blooming Tricolor Jin.    


Anyway, there was nothing much to do. She turned on her camera and squatted down. Just as she was about to take a picture, she heard the sounds of several cars. They seemed to be coming at a high speed.    


Her heart shivered. Seeing that the lights of the cars were getting closer, she quickly walked to the side of the room.    


Very quickly, the car reached the villa's entrance. There were three cars in a row. All of them were men. Soong Yiren smelled the smell of blood.    


Among the group, Aa Mian was the first one. He wore a black vest. Under the dim light, the outline of his arms and shoulders were especially clear, as if they were covered with a layer of dark colored oil.    


There were a few bloodstains on his camouflage pants. He walked silently, full of hormones.    


The few of them walked quickly under his lead and did not talk much. Soong Yiren saw that a few of them were injured and looked like bandits.    


She did not need to guess what they had done in this kind of situation. She knew what they had gone out to do. Soong Yiren did not want others to suspect her, so she waited until everyone went in for a while before she walked out of the shadows.    


When she returned to the villa, Soong Yiren went straight up. On the second floor, the light in the bedroom next door wasn't on. She estimated that Gong Lingye was still in the study.    


When Soong Yiren walked to the bedroom, she did not notice that there was something on the floor. She stepped on it and slipped and fell backward. Although she finally stabilized her center of gravity, the phone in her hand fell from her palm and flew far away.    


She stood up and found that the phone had slipped to the door of the study.    


Hence, Soong Yiren lightly walked over and bent over to pick up the phone.    


At this moment, in the study, Aa Mian was reporting, "Prince, the clearing has ended, but we have found out that there is a force behind those people, and the leader of that force is in Imperial City. Tomorrow night, he will go to the 'Night Orchid Club'. This will be the best opportunity for us to destroy them. I will bring all my brothers there."    


Gong Lingye narrowed his eyes. "No need, I will go and meet him tomorrow."    


Aa Mian's face changed. "Prince, your body has not recovered yet. This is too dangerous..."    


"He doesn't know my trump card, so it's a good time to use it against him. "Recently, we have been injured quite a lot, and we have consumed a lot of energy from fighting face to face." Gong Lingye knocked on the table. "Arrange for this matter to be absolutely confidential. Don't reveal it to the fourth person -"    


In order to not make any noise, Soong Yiren took off her shoes and quietly walked to the door of the study. She bent down and picked up her phone.    


At this moment, the door of the study was suddenly pulled open.    


She was still bending over to pick up the phone. When she saw Gong Lingye, Aa Mian, Pei Jun, and a man with an unknown name looking at her with sharp eyes, the palm of her hand that was holding the phone was quickly covered with a thin layer of sweat.    


"Prince, she..." Aa Mian was the first to speak.    


Gong Lingye waved his hand. "You guys go and make arrangements first."    


The three of them swiftly left after saying this. Gong Lingye slowly walked in front of Soong Yiren.    



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