Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C423 That Was Ridiculous

C423 That Was Ridiculous

0"So it's you, nephew." Beiming Kun still smiled. "I heard your uncle talking about you before coming here. Don't go back!"    


"It seems like Mister Beiming wants me to stay here?" Gong Lingye said with a meaningful tone.    


"Hahaha, you must be joking, nephew!" Beiming Kun laughed and said, "Of course the master of Shangguan Family will decide whether you want to go or stay. I am an outsider, how can I..."    


"No, you can." Gong Lingye narrowed his eyes and said, "I have always wanted to pay a visit to the Beiming Family, because my uncle Gu in Hua Country has something to tell me to bring to you. Also, Chu Mingyao in the prison of Ning Country also has a question that he has always been unable to understand. Let me ask you on his behalf. "    


"Is that so?" Beiming Kun did not change the topic. "Lingye, you are still too young! Life has been rushed for dozens of years. It is wise to look forward. "    


"If the roots behind are all broken, how far can you look forward?" Gong Lingye's tone became heavier. "There are some things that I will get back sooner or later!"    


"Then we will depend on our own abilities." Beiming Kun said and reached out to pat Gong Lingye's shoulder.    


Gong Lingye dodged to the side. He turned his head slightly and saw Shangguan Ao walking towards him.    


"Brother Darknorth!" Shangguan Ao said to Beiming Kun with a smile.    


"Brother Shangguan!" Beiming Kun asked a servant to bring the gift over. "I just chatted with your nephew for a while, and it seemed like we had a good time together."    


"Is that so?" Shangguan Ao looked at Gong Lingye's cold and hard face, then put his arm around Beiming Kun's shoulder. "Xun Er brought a lot of good tea from the south a few days ago. Let's go and have a few drinks."    


After saying that, the two of them turned around and left.    


Soong Yiren looked at their joking figures and felt a chill in her heart.    


Although the person Beiming Kun killed was from the Gong Family of Hua Country, he was also Shangguan Ao's nephew. It turned out that three lives could not be compared to benefits in the eyes of these people!    


Next to her, it was obvious that Gong Lingye had the same feeling as her. He held her in his arms. He said in a low voice, "Treasure, I don't care about all the wealth and status in this place. Give me some time. When I figure out the background of the Beiming Family, I will definitely seek justice for your family and my brothers!"    


"En, I believe you." Soong Yiren nodded.    


"In the next few days, we will definitely encounter a lot of unexpected things. You must be careful not to let your guard down at all times." Gong Lingye said again.    


Soong Yiren nodded. "Okay, I will be careful."    


He took her to the rest area and then told her to rest and not wander around. He himself began to wander among the people present.    


Soong Yiren knew that Gong Lingye must have gone to get some information out of her.    


After all, today was such a good opportunity. As long as he had the heart, he would be able to obtain a lot of information.    


Just as Soong Yiren was thinking, someone sat on the sofa opposite her.    


She looked up and found that it was Xuanyuan Huo.    


"Xuanyuan Third Uncle." To be honest, Soong Yiren had a good impression of the man in front of her. At least, in this materialistic country of J, the man in front of her was indifferent to fame and fortune.    


"Why don't you go and chat with them?" Xuanyuan Huo asked.    


Soong Yiren smiled. "Maybe there is some cultural communication barrier."    


Xuanyuan Huo was amused, and then he said, "This is your first time coming to J Country, right?"    


Soong Yiren nodded and said, "Yes, the visas here are not invited by the residents of the country. It really cannot be done."    


"Do you like it here?" Xuanyuan Huo asked again.    


"Do you need me to tell you the truth?" Soong Yiren asked.    


Xuanyuan Huo was amused again. He realized that he seemed to be smiling more than usual today.    


He said, "If you say so, I already know your answer."    


Soong Yiren also found it funny. She picked up the drink and took a sip. She suddenly felt that she was the most relaxed at this time when she was dealing with people.    


"Actually, I have also been to Hua Country once." Xuanyuan Huo said, "I went to see my Second Elder Brother, which is also Che's father."    


Soong Yiren asked curiously, "Why have we never heard Che or Uncle Xuanyuan mention that he has seen you or mentioned anything about Country J?"    


"Because I didn't tell him that we were in Country J. I only said that Big Brother asked me to see him and asked if he was willing to go abroad." Xuanyuan Huo said, "But Second Elder Brother didn't ask where it was at that time. He only said one thing. He was used to Imperial City and didn't plan to go there."    


Soong Yiren nodded and said, "I heard from Che that his father does not like to walk around."    


"Yes, I didn't say anything when I saw him reject me." Xuanyuan Huo said, "After that, I went back to J Country very quickly."    


However, before returning to the country, something happened...    


Xuanyuan Huo still remembered that woman's appearance at that time.    


At that time, he was still very young. His girlfriend who grew up with him had died due to a car accident.    


After that, he no longer had any other woman.    


Until that time in Hua Country, he met a drunk woman in a bar.    


The woman looked very similar to the person in his heart. At that time, he was also drunk. He said that he would send her home, and he hugged her because he wanted to use her to look at her more to comfort his many years of longing.    


He and she went to her house. She happened to be the only one in her house that day.    


She heard her drunk self talking to herself, saying that her husband brought his two daughters out.    


Then, she treated him as her husband.    


After that, everything went out of control. He had a relationship with her, deep... After a night.    


The next day, when he woke up, she was still sleeping in his arms. He felt a basin of ice water pour down. He actually did such a thing with a married woman because he was drunk!    


Therefore, while her family was not around, he quietly left. On the same day, he directly left Hua Country.    


After all, this... It would be best if they both forgot about each other at night.    



There were some things that had long become faint and indistinct in the long flow of time. However, when they brought up the past today, they discovered that even though they wanted to forget, they never forgot.    


Xuanyuan Huo picked up the wine cup and drank the wine in it. He absentmindedly thought, "I wonder how that woman is doing?    


He remembered that she had hugged him and treated him as another person. She had accused him of never loving her.    


He sighed with emotion. Love, hate, hatred, they were all infatuated people. They were never like Shangguan Ao, living a clear and rational life. They were direct and clear.    


Soong Yiren saw that Xuanyuan Huo seemed to have thought of something, so she said to him, "Actually, Hua Country and Ning Country are pretty good. If Xuanyuan Third Uncle is not busy with business here, he can go around."    


"Sure." He nodded. At this moment, he felt that Soong Yiren seemed to be more friendly and could not help but ask, "Can I call you Ruonuan? Your family has always been in Imperial City?"    


Soong Yiren nodded her head, "Yes, my family is in Imperial City. To tell you the truth, my family background and status are worlds apart from the Shangguan Family. Even my father is still in jail in Imperial City."    


Xuanyuan Huo was a little surprised, and then he said," Ruonuan, what's your father's name? " Perhaps he could help her because of such a close relationship.    


"Yu Chengzhi." Soong Yiren said.    


In an instant, it was as if a bolt of lightning had struck a memory from a long time ago, causing Xuanyuan Huo's chest to violently tremble.    


He recalled that back then, that woman had hugged him and called out his name repeatedly. It was surprisingly Yu Chengzhi!    


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