Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C416 The Patriarch's Initiative to Invite Her

C416 The Patriarch's Initiative to Invite Her

0It was quiet all around, and the courtyard was apparently deserted all year round, with dust and fallen leaves all over the place.    


Gong Lingye asked the bodyguard to open the door. With a creak, the wooden door opened, and the smell of dust came from inside.    


When the bodyguard cleaned up, Gong Lingye led Soong Yiren in. They saw that the house was almost full of old-fashioned furniture. There were not many of them. The chairs and tables were old and worn out because they had been there for a long time.    


There was nothing special in the room. At most, it could be seen that the person who used to live here was a cultured person. This was because they could see the study room and the four cultural treasures. However, they were all broken.    


The locks of the rooms here had been broken. It was obvious that there had been villagers in the vicinity all these years.    


The two of them looked around the room, but they did not find anything unusual until they arrived at a bedroom.    


Gong Lingye looked around and suddenly walked to the corner of the wall. Then, he moved away from the soft spot.    


Suddenly, a small bronze door on the floor was revealed.    


Soong Yiren was shocked, "How do you know there is a passage here?"    


"Nuan, have you seen anyone who placed a soft object in a corner?" Gong Lingye said and brushed away the dust on the copper door. Instantly, a keyhole was revealed.    


He took out the bronze key and inserted it into the keyhole.    


Soong Yiren's heart was also lifted. Then, she was stunned to see the key inserted into the keyhole seamlessly. Following Gong Lingye's turn, the bronze door opened!    


The two of them looked at each other, then carefully opened the door.    


Instantly, a man-made underground tunnel appeared before their eyes.    


Gong Lingye waited until the carbon dioxide in the basement was almost neutralized before going down with the flashlight.    


Soong Yiren followed behind him and walked down the stairs step by step. Only then did she realize that the underground space was actually very big.    


The flashlight shone over and instantly, everything in the room was finally revealed in front of the two of them -    


It was actually a library like place!    


On the bookshelf, there were many books neatly placed. Soong Yiren even discovered that there were ancient bamboo slips like that.    


But most of them were paper, but they were all dated.    


She walked over and saw that one of them was written "Herbalism," and another one was written "Rong Family's Medicine King Guide.    


So, this was the Rong Family's book collection vault in the past!    


She felt that her breathing was a little tight. For a moment, she felt as if she was in the midst of a prehistoric era.    


Gong Lingye was also shocked.    


The Shangguan Family was considered a general in ancient times. However, because of the escape a hundred years ago and the war, the Gong Family of Hua Country only had a few porcelain and ancient swords left by their ancestors. They did not have a huge library like the Rong Family.    


As a result, during this period of time, they could imagine what kind of medical incense family the Rong Family used to be, and what kind of cultural heritage they had!    


However, perhaps it was also because of the war in the past that the Rong Family had dispersed, and their descendants had ended up wandering in the outside world.    


As the eldest son and grandson of the Rong Family, Soong Yuncheng had obtained the key to the Rong Family. However, he didn't know that his ancestors had left behind such a treasure trove of knowledge for him!    


He did not know if it was because of the blood flowing in his bones. Therefore, even though Soong Yuncheng did not inherit the traditional TCM, he had made some achievements in the Western Medicine Department.    


His scalpel could also be used to help the world. Even though he had passed away for three years, it was still remembered by others!    


Soong Yiren knew that the things here were definitely worth a lot of money. Along the way, although the people around them could be trusted, if they dragged it on for too long, it would be a lot of trouble.    


Therefore, after discussing with Gong Lingye, she immediately sent people over and brought a lot of empty luggage.    


In the night, Soong Yiren and Gong Lingye carefully put the books into the luggage one by one.    


Fortunately, this place was almost sealed. There were no mosquitoes and because they were in the middle of the mountain, they were not corroded by the water, so most of the ancient books were still intact.    


Finally, Soong Yiren saw a diary.    


The owner of the diary should have been recorded by her grandfather. He talked about his medical cases one by one, and finally, he recorded the incident of the war.    


On the way home from Mount Pan, Soong Yiren had been reading the diary the whole time.    


She could not help but sigh. There were so many things passed down from her ancestors. If she had seen it earlier, would she have also learned medicine?    


It was just that she was really dividing them now. She was too tired, and Soong Ziheng still had to inherit the Haisheng Group. The Soong Family had fallen, and all of their descendants had lost this path?    


Or perhaps, she would keep these medical books and wait for Gong Lingye and her baby to be born. Perhaps...    


Gong Lingye did not know that Soong Yiren had thought so far. Seeing that they were about to reach the villa, he rubbed her hair. "Nuan, rest for a while. If you look at it for too long, your eyes will feel uncomfortable."    


Soong Yiren then put away the letter and leaned on Gong Lingye's shoulder, looking at the house that was getting closer and closer.    


The suitcase with the medical book was sent to an empty room on Gong Lingye's third floor. It took up more than half of the space.    


Soong Yiren and Gong Lingye were very tired today, so they took a shower and went to bed. They prepared to tidy up the custom-made closet after it was sent over.    


In the next few days, Gong Lingye had been very busy.    


Heavenly Palace Group's aircraft manufacturing base in Country F had been put into full production, and the first batch of planes had also entered the global aviation market.    


At the same time, Gong Lingye announced that he would officially enter the automotive manufacturing field. He would not only step into the unmanned piloting field, but he would also start the automotive production plan of the Heavenly Palace.    


On the day of the press conference, the Heavenly Palace Group's share price rose by 5.3%, while the Laiyue, who was his opponent, had a slight drop of 0.3%. 28%.    


After the press conference ended, Gong Lingye had just returned to his office when he received a phone call.    


When he saw the Region J on the screen, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. The other party's reaction was even faster than he had expected.    


On the other end of the phone, there was an aged but energetic voice. "Lingye, you should have guessed my identity. I saw the Heavenly Palace Group press conference today."    



Gong Lingye's tone was calm. "So, I should call you uncle?"    


"Hahaha." Shangguan Ao laughed. He said, "I am indeed your uncle, so you know who helped you secretly when you went to J Country."    


Gong Lingye said faintly, "Then thank you, uncle. I don't know if uncle called to denounce or..."    


After all, the Laiyue's automotive industry was the Shangguan Family's business, and the Heavenly Palace Group had announced that they would enter the market for traditional automotive manufacturing. Obviously, they wanted to share a piece of the pie with the Laiyue.    


"There should always be competition in the market. As one of the three tycoons of the world's cars, the Laiyue naturally welcomes new brands." Shangguan Ao said, "Lingye, I didn't call you because of this. " Instead, I hope you can bring your wife to meet me. "    


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