Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C164 Life and Death Passing by

C164 Life and Death Passing by

0The driver had already pushed the accelerator to its maximum. Behind him, Chu Mingyao's men also quickly got into the car.    


A few cars started to chase after them.    


The people who were originally fighting at the entrance of the villa... Someone shouted: "Young Master is in that car just now!"    


Thus, they all stopped fighting with Aa Mian's subordinates and got into the car together.    


They knew who they were chasing! Only Soong Ziheng was the target!    


Because the night was too deep, the electricity around them had not recovered yet. Therefore, on the quiet and wide road in the villa district, a large scale chase took place.    


Chu Mingyao's men were obviously full of energy. They recognized that the person Aa Mian had just rescued was Soong Ziheng.    


Although the young man's face was covered, That figure should be Soong Ziheng!    


Little did he know that Soong Yiren deliberately wore a pair of shoes that increased her height. She was much taller than usual. Coupled with her neutral attire, her figure looked tall and thin. She really did resemble a little boy.    


Beside her, Aa Mian was bleeding the wound. Soong Yiren wanted to help, but Aa Mian directly refused.    


He skillfully opened the gauze and quickly wrapped it around the back of his hand. As for the wound on his back, he directly ignored it.    


"That's enough." He said to the driver, "There is an intersection in front of us. We will move here."    


Soong Yiren did not understand what they meant at all. She could only see that there were several cars chasing closely behind.    


"Okay." As the driver finished speaking, he suddenly pressed the switch on the trunk of the car.    


The trunk slowly opened. At the same time, Aa Mian leaned on the back of the chair. With a leap, he jumped from the back seat to the SUV's trunk. Then, he opened a big trunk in the trunk and poured out the contents of the trunk.    


With the help of the weak light in the car, Soong Yiren saw that it seemed to be full of sharp metal. It made a sound when it fell to the ground, but it was drowned by the roar of the off-road vehicle's engine.    


The trunk slowly closed, and the driver stepped on the throttle to the bottom. Then, he turned off the car light and turned the steering wheel, speeding towards the fork in the road ahead.    


Less than ten seconds after Soong Yiren and the others entered the fork in the road, a sharp curse suddenly sounded from the first car that followed behind them. "F * ck! This is him... What the f * ck is this?!"    


Then, the second, the third...    


After crushing the sharp metal, the five cars had no choice but to slow down.    


There was only one car. Even though all the tires were leaking air, they were still speeding up.    


However, there was a fork in the road in front of them. The driver asked the man behind him, "Boss, where are we going?"    


The man's eyes darkened. The left side was the closest direction to the airport.    


He ordered, "The right side!"    


On the right fork, the driver said to Aa Mian, "Someone seems to be chasing after us."    


"They are modified cars." Aa Mian narrowed his eyes. "Use your fastest speed. We only need to drag them for a minute!"    


The driver responded and increased his speed again.    


Soong Yiren had never thought that one day, there would be a life and death situation in the place where she had lived for more than twenty years.    


The car behind her let out a huge engine roar. Soong Yiren could see the sparks from the friction between the tires and ground through the rear window of the car.    


The car behind them seemed to be on fire at any time. It was pulled for a long minute.    


Until something was thrown out of the car one after another. Then, the car once again accelerated at an incredible speed.    


In the car, the man's eyes were red. "Hit it!"    


Their car had been modified. Even if there was a collision, it would not be a big deal.    


Although the car in front of them was one of the best off-road vehicles, it was not a modified car. After a collision, there would be a reaction and it would be forced to stop.    


Soong Ziheng, who was in the car, should be injured, but he would not die.    


That young man only needed to ensure his life. When he was 18 years old, everything in the Soong Family belonged to Chu Mingyao!    


After the driver heard the order, he immediately activated the last set of high concentration fuel and charged forward!    


Although Aa Mian's car had accelerated to its fastest speed, it could not change the fate of it getting closer and closer.    


Seeing that the distance was getting closer and closer, Aa Mian picked Soong Yiren up and locked her between him and the front passenger seat.    


The countdown in his heart was almost ringing.    


9, 8, 7...    


At this moment, a car suddenly appeared on the bend. The car was extremely fast. Because it was facing each other, it felt as if it had arrived in front of him in an instant.    


Soong Yiren was imprisoned and could not see anything. She could only hear Aa Mian saying in a low voice, "Prince's car!"    


Then, there was the sound of a sharp tire rubbing against each other. Then, the car on the other side brushed past Aa Mian's car.    


The countdown in Soong Yiren's mind had reached zero, but the collision she had imagined did not happen.    


Her brain had only just reacted. Aa Mian had just said that Gong Lingye had come?    


Just as she had this thought in mind, Soong Yiren heard a violent explosion behind her. The explosion caused the car she was in to drift. On the wide parking road, there was an arc of tires rubbing against each other.    


The car finally stopped and the world seemed to have frozen. It stopped abruptly and drew a burning termination talisman.    


The moment Aa Mian let Soong Yiren go, she immediately opened the car door and rushed down.    


Because the car was too fast, she was already more than 50 meters away from the explosion. In her line of sight, there was only darkness and the burning car.    


Soong Yiren only felt that her heart was instantly at a loss as to what to do. Without thinking, she quickly ran over there.    



Just now, Aa Mian said that Gong Lingye was here. Did he drive his car and crash into Gong Lingye's car? Then, how was he?    


She had never run so fast, so much so that the injured Aa Mian wanted to stop her but failed.    


"The car in front might explode!" Aa Mian shouted at Soong Yiren.    


However, the girl did not stop at all.    


Aa Mian looked at the burning flames in front of him and suddenly felt that what Gong Lingye did was not so meaningless.    


Soong Yiren ran too fast. There were pieces of debris on the ground after the explosion. Just as she was about to get close, she suddenly twisted her ankle and fell to the ground.    


Her hand was scratched by something and there was a burning pain. Just as Soong Yiren was about to get up, she heard a strange sound from the car beside her.    


It seemed like it would explode for the second time!    


She was shocked. When she got up, she opened her eyes wide to see if Gong Lingye was there. However, other than the light of the fire, she could not see anything clearly.    


The strange sound in her ears suddenly became quiet. Soong Yiren knew that it was the prelude to the explosion. She heard a familiar male voice with unusual anxiety, "Run!"    


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