Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C75 His Girlfriend Was with His Uncle!

C75 His Girlfriend Was with His Uncle!

0Le Haisheng smiled and explained, "This is Miss Yu. I am inviting her to drink the fruit wine I brought!"    


"I see..." Gong Lingye raised the corner of his lips. "Do you mind if I have one more?"    


"It would be even better if you could come, uncle! "Yes. "I haven't seen you in years!" Le Haisheng said very familiarly.    


Gong Lingye nodded and saw that Soong Yiren did not move. So he said, "Miss Yu, together?"    


Soong Yiren did not know what he was up to, but she still got up and went with them.    


The four of them sat down in front of a carved square table. It was unknown if it was a coincidence or not, but when Le Haisheng pulled Soong Yiren over, Le Haisheng happened to be facing Gong Mochen face to face, while Soong Yiren was facing Gong Lingye face to face.    


"Miss Yu, this is your first time tasting it. Let me introduce you. This is made by a teacher outside of our country in our own manor. It tastes sour and sweet, and the taste is not strong."    


Soong Yiren nodded and picked up the cup to taste it. "It is indeed very fragrant. It feels like there is also the taste of Hundred Fragrance Fruit inside?"    


"Yes. Mr Mochen usually doesn't eat the Hundred Fragrance Fruit, but he likes this taste very much." Le Haisheng finished speaking and raised her cup to Gong Mochen.    


Gong Mochen looked at Soong Yiren in front of him. He wanted to see the slightest bit of frustration or embarrassment on her face, but he failed.    


As expected, she clung to him and forced him to admit that she was his girlfriend. It was not because she liked him, but because there were other reasons!    


An inexplicable sense of displeasure arose in his heart. Gong Mochen hated the feeling of being used like this. At this moment, he only wanted to make Soong Yiren lose face!    


So, he picked up the wine glass and raised it to Le Haisheng with a smile. It was rare for him to open his mouth and say, "Yes, I like this taste very much."    


The surrounding people were all smart people. With his attitude, naturally everyone would understand. In his heart, who was there?    


However, before he put down his wine glass, Gong Lingye had already raised his wine glass and said to Soong Yiren, "Miss Yu, let me toast you."    


Soong Yiren was surprised and looked at Gong Lingye's eyes that were as deep as the night. She raised her wine glass and clinked it with his.    


Unlike Soong Yiren's natural reaction, the surrounding people were completely shocked when they saw this scene.    


Because Gong Lingye never liked this kind of boring occasion, not to mention taking the initiative to clink a glass with a girl.    


This time, he actually took the initiative to toast Yu Ruonuan. Looking at it this way, Gong Family's attitude seemed to be somewhat unpredictable.    


After all, Gong Lingye was the actual ruler of the Heavenly Palace Group. He had more shares than Gong Mochen and Yue Wenqing, so he had the absolute right to speak.    


Was he trying to imply something by expressing his goodwill to Yu Ruonuan?    


Everyone's thoughts turned back and forth, while Gong Mochen frowned slightly. He wanted to make Soong Yiren lose face, but he did not expect that he, uncle, would mess things up.    


Gong Lingye had already done so. If he still ignored Soong Yiren, people would think that he and Gong Lingye didn't get along. Then, the weight of his words in the group would be weighed down again.    


He squeezed the cup slightly with his hand and said to Soong Yiren, "Ruonuan, let's have a drink."    


Soong Yiren had just raised the cup when Gong Lingye suddenly stood up from the opposite side before she even touched Gong Mochen's cup.    


Because the table was carried from the villa to the manor, and not fixed on the ground. So when he moved, the wine in Soong Yiren's hand spilled out. The light green liquid fell on her light yellow skirt, which was a little obvious.    


"Sorry." As he spoke, he thought for a few seconds and then said to Soong Yiren, "There is a washroom over there and there is a changing room inside. Miss Yu can go and take care of it. Later I will arrange for someone to send you a set of clothes over."    


Soong Yiren originally wanted to say that it was nothing, but when she saw Gong Lingye's gaze, she realized that she actually understood the unquestionable decisiveness in his eyes, so she nodded, "Okay, thank you Mr. Gong."    


She stood up and walked to the bathroom.    


Gong Lingye picked up his phone and made a call.    


Soong Yiren washed the fruit wine on her skirt with water in the washroom and washed the color off. She then took a tissue to wipe it. She heard the door handle of the washroom turn and Gong Lingye walked in.    


He did not go to the male washroom. Instead, he walked behind her and reached out his hand to wrap around her waist.    


Soong Yiren's body stiffened and she lowered her voice. "This is the manor of your Gong Family."    


"En, so?" Gong Lingye turned around and kissed Soong Yiren's earlobe.    


The tip of his tongue held her earlobe as it twisted and turned. Hot air sprayed on her ears. "Nuan, I helped you get back at me just now. How are you going to thank me?"    


Soong Yiren's whole body went soft because of him and even her voice softened a little. "Why did you help me? Didn't you want to see Gong Mochen treat me like that?"    


"I don't want you to be bullied. But you, little thing, have never been grateful. " Gong Lingye's throat was hoarse as he tightened his arms. Hence, Soong Yiren completely fell into his arms.    


He gritted his teeth so hard that they itched to bite her. "Seeing that he doesn't take you seriously makes me unhappy. I only feel that my Nuan is not any worse than other women. " But seeing that he is really going to have a drink with you, I am even more unhappy! " You little thing, you must be sent by the heavens to go against me! "    


The mirror reflected the scene of them hugging each other. The man had sharp facial features and was handsome and tall. The girl had a lovely face and a slender and tall figure in the man's arms, making him appear very lovable.    


"Thank you, then." Soong Yiren said stiffly.    


Gong Lingye narrowed his eyes. "Why? Are you unhappy that Gong Mochen is with another woman?"    


Soong Yiren did not say anything, as if she tacitly agreed.    


A dangerous light appeared in Gong Lingye's eyes. "Don't forget our agreement, Nuan. It has only been four months."    


When Soong Yiren heard the countdown, a sense of urgency welled up in her heart. She asked seriously, "If I did not break up with him after four months, what would you do?"    


Gong Lingye looked at Soong Yiren's serious face and his eyes also became serious. "Then I will make him never be hard because of you! Furthermore, I will tell everyone that you and I have been together since four months ago."    


"You..." Soong Yiren did not know what to say for a moment.    


If Gong Mochen could not be tough because of her, then she would be his deep-rooted enemy.    


If Gong Lingye made such an announcement, it would undoubtedly be like sprinkling salt on Gong Mochen's wound, because Gong Mochen didn't have any male abilities. Therefore, even his girlfriend slept with his uncle!    


One could imagine what the consequences would be...    


"So, Nuan, let's not try this result. Hmm?" Gong Lingye pulled Soong Yiren over and lowered his head to kiss her again.    


Because of his words, Soong Yiren's lips... She felt a little cold, but she kept thinking in her mind. If four months were up, she would not be able to completely solve Yu Chengzhi's problem. Then...    



Thinking of this, she tilted her head to avoid Gong Lingye's lips and looked at him. "Then tell me, if I break up with Gong Mochen as planned, what are your plans?"    


She wanted to know his plans for her, or their future plans.    


She began to consider the possibility of replacing Gong Mochen with him for the first time.    


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