Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C63 I'll Go Take a Shower First

C63 I'll Go Take a Shower First

0Soong Yiren instantly understood. Gong Lingye had seen Gong Mochen, so he wanted one too!    


She did not know if this was a man's possessive desire or self-esteem. She looked up. "I'm very busy. You know, I want to participate in the competition, so I don't have time."    


On the opposite side, Gong Lingye suddenly seemed to be very easy to talk to. "It's okay. As long as you have a little time, do something. I'll wait."    


Soong Yiren lowered her eyes.    


That day, they parted on bad terms. She felt that he would never take the initiative to look for her again. But now...    


She did not understand what Gong Lingye meant. His current behavior was as if the unhappiness on that day had never happened before.    


Gong Lingye saw that she was silent, so he said, "October 25th is my birthday, give it to me that day."    


Soong Yiren thought of something and asked him, "Are you 30 years old?"    


He nodded.    


Soong Yiren calculated in her heart. It turned out that he was older than her by three years. When she thought of Gong Lingye, who was 32 years old, for some reason, she thought of a robot.    


The entire robot was valiant, domineering, and unreasonable. Well, it was a bit like a villain. One of its arms was carved with 30 marks, and its other arm was inscribed with the countdown '2', which was particularly eye-catching.    


She wanted to laugh when she thought of Gong Lingye and the countdown timer.    


She could not hold it in for a moment and the corner of Soong Yiren's lips curled up and she laughed.    


It was Gong Lingye's first time seeing her smile these two days, and he couldn't help but be stunned.    


Immediately, he realized that she was smiling in front of him. An indescribable feeling of joy arose in his heart. It was even happier than signing a big contract.    


He stood up, walked two steps to Soong Yiren's seat, and suddenly bent over.    


Soong Yiren's smile had not yet disappeared. Looking at it from such a close distance, the corners of her eyes and eyebrows were all bright.    


He grabbed the back of her head and planted a kiss on it.    


She did not dodge in time and was directly kissed by him. Just as she was about to push him away, Gong Lingye had already left her lips. It was clopping.    


His Adam's apple rolled slightly, and his deep eyes locked onto her. "I just stamped it, and the agreement took effect. I'll be waiting for your gift."    


Soong Yiren was dumbfounded by his actions. But thinking about it, he had helped her tonight and the medicine he gave her before... Then, she would give him a robot.    


However, in order to avoid any unnecessary misunderstandings between them, she looked up at him and said coldly: "Okay, I'll give you one as a reward for helping me"    


How could Gong Lingye not see that Soong Yiren had deliberately cut ties with him? He did not care. He straightened his body and returned to his seat. He started to eat the supper elegantly.    


Soong Yiren also ate a little. When Gong Lingye finished eating, she took the initiative to speak. "I need to go back to my room."    


He nodded. "Yes, I want to go back too."    


When she heard this, she felt that there was nothing good about it. As expected, after Gong Lingye entered the elevator, he did not press his floor at all.    


She turned her head. " You don't live here at all, right?"    


He took out his room card from his pocket and looked at her with a smile that was not a smile.    


Soong Yiren ignored him and went to her own floor and directly walked out.    


Just as she walked to the door of her room, suddenly, her line of sight was completely dark.    


A power outage?    


She chose a five-star hotel because she felt that the security of a star-star hotel was better. Furthermore, a hotel like this normally wouldn't have a power outage just because it was a power outage.    


Because her eyes weren't used to the sudden darkness, she wasn't able to adjust them in a short period of time. His surroundings were very quiet, and there didn't seem to be a single person in the corridor.    


When Soong Yiren went down the elevator just now, she saw that Gong Lingye did not follow her down. So...    


She took out her phone from her pocket and was about to use the flashlight of her phone when she realized that her phone was out of battery and turned off.    


She had no choice but to search for the room card in her bag. Fortunately, although the lock was electronic, it could be opened with a card because of the built-in battery.    


Just as she took out the room card, there was movement behind her. A light appeared in her line of sight.    


The sudden light shocked Soong Yiren. She hurriedly moved her body to the indentation of the door frame and clenched her bag tightly.    


But in the next second, a familiar voice sounded, "Nuan? Nuan?" It was Gong Lingye's voice.    


He seemed to be running over. His movements were as fast as the wind.    


Soong Yiren was startled and opened her mouth to speak. "I am here."    


Gong Lingye immediately ran over and pulled her. "I just got out of the elevator and the power stopped. I came from the emergency channel."    


Soong Yiren's breath paused, and then she said, "I don't know why there is a blackout here."    


Actually, her first reaction was Chu Mingyao.    


The matter of meeting Chu Mingyao today had always been in her heart. Soong Yiren thought of the person in the video yesterday and immediately felt a chill run down her spine.    


When she saw the light just now, she instinctively thought that Chu Mingyao had come. At that moment, many thoughts flashed through her mind and she even planned to die together with him.    


In front of her, Gong Lingye held Soong Yiren's hand. Seeing that her palm was cold, he tightened it a little and laughed softly, "Afraid of the darkness?"    


After saying that, he took the room card from her hand and went to open the door.    


The two of them went in together. Gong Lingye said, "There is no electricity in the entire area. It is probably a problem with the route."    


Soong Yiren nodded. In the entire room, only Gong Lingye's phone was lit, like a small light source.    


Her room was just an ordinary large bed room. There was a sofa in the room. Soong Yiren was about to ask him to leave when Gong Lingye said, "Go take a shower. I will give you the phone."    



"It's fine. I'll probably call in a while." Soong Yiren thought for a while and got up to give Gong Lingye a bottle of mineral water.    


In the darkness, time seemed to pass very slowly.    


Soong Yiren waited for a long time but the electricity did not come. She was a little vexed, but she had been outside all day. In addition to meeting Chu Mingyao, it made her both physically and mentally exhausted.    


Therefore, she stood up and said, "I'll go take a shower."    


Gong Lingye gave her the phone. "Take it in. Don't slip."    


Soong Yiren took it. "Thank you."    


Although the hotel had stored hot water before, Soong Yiren was still afraid that there would be no hot water in the middle of bathing, so she simply took a shower and wiped her body dry.    


Her hair was still a little wet. She wore pajamas and walked out while wiping her hair.    


At that moment, Gong Lingye's phone rang.    


She quickly picked it up and walked out. "Your phone -"    


However, just as she walked to the bathroom door, her phone suddenly went off. There was a gap at the door. Soong Yiren did not pay attention and stepped on it -    


"Ah!" She unconsciously exclaimed and fell on the carpet outside. The phone in her hand, which had been extinguished due to the lack of electricity, flew far away.    


Although Gong Lingye had come over when he heard her call him, he was still a step too late.    


He quickly bent over and picked her up. "Nuan, did you fall?"    


"Your phone..." Soong Yiren only felt a slight pain in her knees. It should be that she did not crack it. After all, the carpet was quite thick.    


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