Marry Into Wealth As A Chef

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Back home, Jiang Yunzhan excitedly picked Shen Wanyu up and walked around in circles. After walking around for a while, he noticed something and carefully put Shen Wanyu down.    


He raised his hand and gently caressed her stomach. He bent his body and put his head close to her abdomen. He listened carefully and said, "Wanyu, do you think you can feel the child moving now?"    


Shen Wanyu was amused by his appearance and said, "How is that possible? The child is only a month old, how could there be a fetus movement?"    


Jiang Yunzhan nodded and said. "That's true."    


He then told the auntie in the kitchen to cook according to Shen Wanyu's taste when they were cooking. Shen Wanyu could do whatever she liked.    


When the auntie found out that Shen Wanyu was pregnant, she was also very happy in her heart. She smiled and said, "Sir, don't worry."    


At night, the two of them sat on the sofa. Jiang Yunzhan said again, "Wanyu, what do you think the name of our child is better?"    


Shen Wanyu saw Jiang Yunzhan like this and knew that he must be too happy and could not stop at all.    


She smiled and said, "Name, think about it."    


Jiang Yunzhan was unable to extricate himself from the joy of being a father for the first time. He thought about a lot of names and felt that it was not appropriate. Finally, he decided and said, "If the boy is called Jiang Shen, how about the girl is called Jiang Shen Shen?"    


Although this name was very common and did not have any cultural content, it did not even conform to the name given by Jiang Yunzhan, a highly educated elite, but Shen Wanyu did not have any objections. Instead, she felt that this name was very good and included the surname of two people.    


Although Shen Wanyu was pregnant, her work did not delay at all. She still went to and fro daily to deal with a large number of company matters, but Jiang Yunzhan was not at ease with her.    


Not only did she hire bodyguards, but she also hired guards to accompany her throughout the whole process.    


Half a year later, Loongyu company passed the relevant committee's audit and went public overseas. On the day it went public, Shen Wanyu went overseas with her big belly and participated in the public listing ceremony.    


The moment she rang the bell, Shen Wanyu was really excited.    


The wish that her grandfather and mother did not have was realized by her. She felt proud.    


At that time, the child in her womb even kicked her a little. She gently stroked her stomach and a happy smile appeared on her face.    


Three months later, Shen Wanyu came to the hospital. Jiang Yunzhan sent her to the Jiang family's private hospital to give birth. At night, Shen Wanyu started to give birth. She was in good health and it was not difficult for her to give birth. She gave birth in less than two hours.    


When the assistant nurse came out with the child, she smiled and congratulated Jiang Yunzhan, "Mr. Jiang, mrs. Jiang gave birth to a son for you."    


Jiang Yunzhan only glanced at the child, then ran into the delivery room. He looked at Shen Wanyu, who was lying on the bed, and her whole body was drenched in sweat. His face was full of heartache. "Wife, thank you for your hard work."    


After saying that, he leaned over and kissed her on the head.    


Shen Wanyu held his hand and a smile bloomed on her pale lips. She said, "Yun Zhan, we have our own child."    


Jiang Yunzhan's eyes turned red and he nodded. His heart ached. "Yes."    


In the blink of an eye, two years had passed. Jiang Shen had grown up, becoming a two year old child.    


Jiang Shen looked at his mother's enlarged belly. He leaned against his mother's belly and said in a milking voice, "Is the one in my mother's belly my younger sister?"    


After two years, Shen Wanyu was pregnant again.    


Shen Wanyu raised her hand and touched Jiang Shen's head. There was a loving smile on her face. She said, "Yes, does Shen'er like younger sisters?"    


Jiang Shen raised his small head. On his chubby face, his two eyes were black and shiny like pearls. He said, "I like them. Little brother doesn't like them."    


Shen Wanyu was amused by her son's little appearance and smiled. "Why doesn't Little Brother Shen like it?"    


Jiang Shen said. "Brother Shu Shu already has a younger sister. I also want a younger sister."    


The Brother Shu that Jiang Shen was talking about was the son of Hsu Yunheng and Jiang Mi. His nickname was Shu Shu, and his younger sister was already one year old. His grandmother was very beautiful. Every time Jiang Shen went to the Xu family, brother Shu would show off his younger sister to him, so Jiang Shen also hoped to have a younger sister.    


Shen Wanyu laughed and said, "Okay, since Shen Er likes younger sisters, then mother will give birth to a younger sister for you."    


Four months later, jiang Shen's younger sister was born.    


Jiang Yunzhan's name was Shen Muyun.    


He followed Shen Wanyu's surname.    


Shen Wanyu had no objections.    


After Shen Muyun was born, he was exceptionally beautiful. His face was like a little doll, making people like him very much. When he was three years old, he would occasionally pinch his sister's face and then put his mouth close to his sister's face and kiss her.    


In his eyes, his little sister was simply the cutest one in the world.    


A few more years later, jiang Shen and Shen Muyun grew up. When Shen Muyun went to kindergarten, jiang Shen was already in primary school.    


When Jiang Shen was in primary school, he was only five years old, but his intelligence was different from ordinary people. He was smarter than his peers. He ranked first in every subject and was very good-looking. He was very liked by his classmates and teachers.    


However, jiang Shen was a little arrogant. Most people would ignore him. Only when he was facing his cute little sister would he reveal a warm smile.    


On this day, jiang Shen sat in the car and went to the kindergarten to pick up his little sister after class. From the car, he saw a male student blocking his little sister's way.    


Jiang Shen frowned. He got out of the car and walked towards the school. He walked behind the boy and heard him say, "Don't be afraid. I'm not here to bully you. I just want to be friends with you. As long as you promise me, I'm willing to give you all my candy."    


After saying that, he took out a bag of candy from his pocket.    


Unexpectedly, shen Muyun only glanced at him and pouted her red lips. "I don't care about your candy. I won't eat it."    


When the boy saw that she did not agree, he suddenly became tough. He said fiercely: "But I insisted on giving it to you. If you don't agree, I won't let you go today "    


Just as he finished speaking, a cold voice of a child came from behind him: "Little Radish Ding, you dare to bully my sister!"    


The little Radish Ding who spoke turned around and saw the little boy who was about the same height as him. He immediately became angry and glared at Jiang Shen: "Who are you calling Little Radish Ding? You are the one! You are not much taller than me!"    


When Shen Muyun heard his brother's voice, he quickly ran forward and hid behind his brother. He grabbed his brother's sleeve and said, "Brother, he bullied me!"    


Jiang Shen's face darkened. Although he was young, when his face darkened, the little radish opposite him felt a little afraid. His face flushed red. "I didn't bully her. I just want to be friends with her."    



Jiang Shen glanced at him contemptuously and said: "My sister already said that she doesn't want to be friends with you. Don't keep pestering her. Next time I see her, she won't be polite to you."    


After saying that, she pulled Shen Muyun and left.    


Xiao Ying dejectedly walked to the school's entrance and saw that Shen Muyun had already disappeared without a trace. His father, Xiao Chenshi, came over to pick him up. When he saw his listless appearance, he raised his hand to touch his head and said, "Son, what's wrong with you?"    


Xiao Ying told Xiao Chenshi about what happened just now. After Xiao Chenshi heard it, he gave his son a meaningful look and said, "Son. Do you like that daughter of Jiang family?"    


Xiao Ying nodded his head. Shen Muyun was pink and tender. She was beautiful and cute. Who wouldn't like her?    


Xiao Chenshi chuckled lightly. Seeing his son pursing his lips unhappily, he smiled and said, "Don't be discouraged. It's not that easy to chase after a girl. You have to be patient. As long as you persist, she will one day be yours."    


He did not persist at that time, which was why he missed that woman.    


Now, he could not let his son walk his old path.    


He could not marry Shen Wanyu, so he also wanted his son to marry Shen Muyun to make up for his past regret.    


Xiao Ying nodded heavily and said, "Alright, I will do it, father!"    


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