Marry Into Wealth As A Chef

C33 Jang Orange Fish Soup

C33 Jang Orange Fish Soup

0It was Shen Wanyu's turn to rest this weekend.    


After Shen Wanyu finished packing, she went downstairs to see the two elders of the Yao family.    


Downstairs, Lin Yue told her to let Lin Lina go with her.    


Shen Wanyu knew that Lin Yue did not trust her at all. Lin Lina came over to monitor her.    


Lin Lina came down from upstairs. She was wearing an expensive coat and she wanted to show off in front of Shen Wanyu.    


She found that Shen Wanyu was also wearing a green coat. She was tall and looked more elegant when she wore it. She looked more like a rich young lady than she did.    


Lin Lina scoffed, "Shen Wanyu, don't think that you can pretend to be a rich young lady just because you are wearing a fake that is worth a few hundred yuan!"    


Shen Wanyu was amused by Lin Lina's words.    


She lightly smiled and said, "What counterfeit? This was bought for me by Mrs Ye. I heard that she spent a lot of money. Are you questioning Mrs Ye's judgment?"    


Lin Lina did not know about Ye Yuqiu buying clothes for her. The moment Shen Wanyu mentioned it, Lin Lina vaguely guessed that Ye Yuqiu bought it to please her in order to ask for her help.    


But not only did Shen Wanyu not help, she also implicated her mother to be scolded by her father. When Lin Lina thought of this, she got angry.    


"Shen Wanyu, you will not be pleased for long. Sooner or later, I will definitely step on you under my feet and crush you like an ant."    


Shen Wanyu did not mind and said, "Lin Lina, don't say ruthless words too early. Wait till that day before you say it again! "    


Lin Lina glared at her fiercely and went downstairs first.    


In the car, Lin Lina proudly said to Shen Wanyu, "Shen Wanyu, you probably did not think that father would forgive me so quickly. You can never think of replacing my position in father's heart."    


Shen Wanyu sneered, "I have never thought of replacing you."    


It was you who replaced me and took away everything that belonged to me. Now, I just want to get all of these back.    


The Yao family's villa was located in the region of the Yulan Lake, which was surrounded by mountains and rivers. It was the gathering place of the wealthy people in Yancheng.    


The European villa was connected to a huge lawn. In front of the villa was a lake. On the other side of the lake was a park. The scenery was especially beautiful all year round.    


Shen Wanyu once again saw this villa and her mind was filled with thoughts. In her previous life, she had come to the Yao family a few times, and every time, her experience was not very pleasant.    


In her previous life, the first time she came to the Yao family as a guest, it was because of a small matter that she offended Yao Zhibei. Yao Zhibei scolded her.    


She obediently admitted her mistake. In Yao Zhibei's eyes, she was a weak person. In the future, she would do whatever she could to bully her.    


In this life, she would never be as cowardly and bullied as in her previous life.    


This was the first time Lin Lina came to the Yao family. When she saw the manor that was twice the size of the Lin family, her eyes flashed with surprise and excitement. She wanted to marry into the Yao family even more firmly.    


The butler led the two into the house. The two elders of the Yao family waited for a long time before they finally saw Shen Wanyu. Grandma Yao smiled and shouted, "Wanyu, come over quickly!"    


Shen Wanyu smiled and walked over and obediently called out, "Grandpa Yao, Grandma Yao."    


The two elders of Yao family looked at her and revealed a loving smile. Grandma Yao held her hand and praised, "Wanyu, you have become beautiful again."    


old master nodded and agreed. The two of them were focused on Shen Wanyu. Lin Lina, on the other hand, was completely ignored.    


Lin Lina stood awkwardly for a while before Grandma Yao shifted her gaze to her.    


She did not have a good memory and pointed at Lin Lina, "Who is this?"    


Shen Wanyu smiled, "Grandma Yao, did you forget? This is my younger sister, Lin Lina."    


After she reminded, Grandma Yao barely remembered.    


They actually could not even recognize her!    


Lin Lina was angry, but she could not be rude. She greeted the two elders. However, the two old men had indifferent reactions and did not show the slightest bit of joy.    


Grandpa Yao's attention quickly returned to Shen Wanyu. "Wanyu, I read that article on the Internet. Just looking at the picture of the Red Sturgeon Rice makes me drool."    


old master Yao's thoughts were very clear. She said with a smile, "Grandpa Yao, tell me whatever you want to eat. I will make it for you to eat today."    


Shen Wanyu remembered Yao Detian saying seven or eight dishes in one breath.    


Grandma Yao spat on old master and said, "Wanyu just came and you chased her to the kitchen. You are sincerely not letting her talk to me, right?"    


old master immediately said, "You guys talk first."    


At this time, Yao Shuoyu and Yao Zhibei came down from upstairs.    


Shen Wanyu lightly greeted them.    


Shen Wanyu's attire made their eyes light up.    


Yao Zhibei lightly replied, thinking that she had changed her appearance quite quickly.    


Lin Lina warmly called out, "Yao Zhibei, Mr Shuoyu."    


She smiled gently at Yao Shuoyu. She wanted to let the whole world know that they were very familiar with each other.    


Yao Shuoyu responded to Lin Lina's smile, but his gaze was involuntarily attracted by Shen Wanyu.    


The tender green color matched her skin color. Her white skin was like the first snow in winter, making people feel that it was very beautiful.    


Yao Shuoyu was surprised for a moment in his heart. Why would he associate the word "beautiful" with Shen Wanyu? He quickly brushed away this strange thought.    


Yao Zhibei saw that her brother kept staring at Shen Wanyu and frowned. She remembered Mrs. Yao's instructions before she went out, "Don't let your brother talk to Shen Wanyu too much."    


Yao Zhibei pulled Yao Shuoyu's sleeve and said, "Big brother, let's play motion sensing game."    


motion sensing game was an electronic game that used the body to feel. People could use infrared to sense the changes in the body movements to control the characters in the game.    



It just so happened that Yao Shuoyu's company had nothing to do today, so he nodded in agreement.    


Lin Lina said happily, "Then I will join too."    


Yao Shuoyu saw that Shen Wanyu did not say anything, "Are you coming or not?"    


Shen Wanyu shook her head and refused, "You guys come. I do not know how to play this kind of game. I will talk to Grandma Yao. "    


Yao Shuoyu did not insist. The three of them went to the television in the living room.    


Shen Wanyu went to Grandma Yao's side and chatted with the two elders, making the two elders happy.    


It was almost time for dinner when Shen Wanyu came to the kitchen.    


The ingredients were all ready. Shen Wanyu took out the ingredients and prepared them.    


The two old men looked at Shen Wanyu who was busy behind the cooking table and then looked at Lin Lina who was playing cards with the two children from the Yao family.    


old madame Yao muttered, "That child from the Lin Family only knows how to play and cannot be compared to the filial and diligent Wanyu."    


old master nodded his head and a deep meaning flashed through his eyes.    


Yao Shuoyu and the rest played for two to three hours. The fragrance from the kitchen made them hungry.    


Yao Shuoyu was absent-minded. He heard a soft voice behind him. "It's time to eat."    


He immediately stepped to the side. On the screen, his character disappeared and he said: "I'm not playing anymore. Let's go eat"    


When they walked into the restaurant, there was a table full of dishes on the table.    


The two old men were already seated.    


Yao Shuoyu smelled the fragrance of the food and swallowed a few mouthfuls of saliva.    


He looked at Shen Wanyu again and saw that she was using a spoon to scoop the soup. The soup was golden and emitted a fresh and sweet fragrance. "What kind of soup is that?"    


Shen Wanyu did not expect Yao Shuoyu to be interested in this. She lifted her eyelids and said, "This is the Orange Ginger Fish Soup."    


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