99 Days' Love Contract

C83 It Was the First Time That Huangart Had Made Mu Qianhan Famous

C83 It Was the First Time That Huangart Had Made Mu Qianhan Famous

0With hurried footsteps, Mu Qianhan walked into the office. She and Mooh Yifeng had been too crazy last night. She only woke up at 8: 30 in the morning. After leaving a note beside Mooh Yifeng's pillow, she hurriedly washed up and picked up the clothes that were scattered all over the floor last night. After changing, she slipped down from upstairs.    


Mu Qianhan had just stepped into the office when she hurriedly walked towards her, "Qianhan, you are here? Hurry, it is going to be a monthly training session soon. This is being hosted by the director. . . "    


As she spoke, she pulled Mu Qianhan towards the meeting room.    


At this moment, the meeting room was already packed with people. Comfortable, she pulled Mu Qianhan to the second group's seat and sat down.    


Only at this time did he let out a sigh of relief. His face moved closer to Mu Qianhan's ear and whispered, "Qianhan, why are you late today?"    


"Uh. . . I slept late. " Mu Qianhan's hand trembled when she heard the comfortable words.    


Suddenly Comfortable pointed at the wrinkled suit on Mu Qianhan's body and softly called out, " No, Qianhan, your clothes are still the same as yesterday's. . . "    


"Uh. . . " Hearing An Xin's words, Mu Qianhan's face immediately turned red.    


Yesterday, she stayed in the suite on the top floor and did not even return to the villa. How could she change her clothes?    


"Huh? Qianhan, your house has a lot of mosquitoes sleeping at night? No, it's winter now. . . Then what's the matter with your neck. . . " Comfortable discovered that Mu Qianhan seemed to have been bitten very badly by the mosquitoes. "That. . . "    


Without waiting for An Xin to finish, Mu Qianhan immediately grabbed her neck and her face became even redder. She combed her coat and coat and slightly covered her neck. " It's alright, there are mosquitoes all year round. . . "    


"Oh, Qianhan, you have to use something to remove the insects. " After saying this peacefully and caringly, she returned to her seat.    


Mu Qianhan acknowledged and then took out a small mirror from her bag. When she looked at her neck, she realized that her neck was not full of red spots. This was the mark of Mooh Yifeng's bite and deep suck last night. There were still many more marks like this under her clothes. She combed her coat collar. However, it still could not completely cover up the marks on her neck. She could not help but curse in a low voice that Mooh Yifeng had brought her trouble.    


At this moment, a sharp voice was heard.    


"Who is Mu Qianhan?"    


Mu Qianhan looked up and saw a middle-aged woman standing at the front of the meeting room.    


She wore a water blue suit that was hot and straight, giving people a very serious feeling. There was no surface on her face. She looked just like Priestess Extermination.    


"I am. . . " Mu Qianhan stood up nervously.    


"Qianhan, she is the director of secretary department. Be careful and answer me. " An Xin pulled Mu Qianhan's sleeve and reminded her in a low voice.    


So she was the director of secretary department! Mu Qianhan nervously pinched the corner of her shirt.    


Huang Yi's eyes looked at Mu Qianhan's body. When she found out that the person who failed her serial plan was actually this weak girl, she was very surprised.    


After Tong Ya's departure last time, Huang Yi was like a frightened bird. Firstly, she was afraid that Tong Ya would bite her out and secondly, she wanted to take a look again. Did Mu Qianhan have any backers in the Fengxing Group?    


After such a long time of settling down, Huang Yi decided to start again.    


Huang Yi stared at Mu Qianhan and then opened the documents in her hands, "From the first day of work, in less than half a month, you are absent from work for a week, and then you are late for ten minutes today. . . "    


Following Huang Yi's words, the eyes of everyone in the meeting room fell on Mu Qianhan.    


The latter's head lowered more and more, because she understood that all of this was the truth. If it was not for the absence of work and Liu Yu helping her, she would probably have been kicked out of Fengxing Group a long time ago.    


"I'm sorry!" Mu Qianhan apologized in a low voice.    


Huang Yi saw Mu Qianhan splitting her hair and scolded, "Mu Qianhan, do you think that apologizing is useful? The company is owned by your family? You want to be late so you are late? You don't want to come?"    


" I'm sorry about being late today. As for the fact that I skipped work earlier, I've already applied for leave from the Human Resources Department. "    


"You still want to talk back? You are a member of the secretary department. You directly passed the secretary department and applied for leave from the Human Resources Department? Mu Qianhan, are you trying to show that you are special?" Huang Yi heard Mu Qianhan's words and immediately grabbed onto her illness.    


Everyone looked at the situation and probably wanted to use Mu Qianhan as a warning to the others. They all withdrew their gazes at the same time.    


"No. . . " Mu Qianhan lowered her head. Her fingers that were twisted together were somewhat white.    


Seeing Mu Qianhan so easily lowering her head, Mu Qianhan lowered her head. Huang Yi could not say anything more. She raised her chin proudly and said, "Don't do it again!"    


"Yes!" Mu Qianhan lowered her head and stood at the back of the line.    


Then there was the same lecture every month, but no one dared to complain. Their fate was in the hands of others!    


After the lecture was over, everyone dispersed from the meeting room and began their day's work. An assistant was like a handyman. He had to do anything. There was no time to rest. When Mu Qianhan stopped, it was time to get off work.    


"Qianhan, let's get off work together!" Elegance jumped over.    


"Okay, okay. . . " Mu Qianhan had just gotten up when the phone in her bag rang.    


Mu Qianhan smiled apologetically at An Xin and picked up the phone, "Hello!"    


"I will get Liu Yu to pick you up!" Mooh Yifeng's voice came from the other side.    


"No, I will wait for you downstairs. . . "    


"I have to work overtime in the office tonight. " Mooh Yifeng patiently explained.    


"Alright then!" Mu Qianhan was stunned for a moment and then said.    


After she hung up the phone, she smiled apologetically to An Xin. "An Xin, I can't get off work with you. "    


An Xin waved her hand and said: "You want to accompany your boyfriend? Before An Xin could finish speaking, she suddenly saw Liu Yu standing at the office door.    


"Liu. . . "    


"That. . . This. . . ," Mu Qianhan did not know how to react for a moment.    


"Miss Mu, young master Feng is waiting for you in the office. " Liu Yu respectfully said to Mu Qianhan.    


When Liu Yu said this, not only was Mu Qianhan dumbfounded, but also the comfort.    


"Liu, you. . . " Mu Qianhan actually really wanted to ask Liu. Did you do this on purpose?    


"Qianhan, the young master Feng Liu was talking about. . . " Qianhan called her boyfriend Feng, and the only person who could make Liu call young master Feng was probably the president of Fengxing Group.    



An Xin felt that she was about to be shocked by this news, and her brain was almost unable to think clearly.    


"An Xin, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hide it from you. " Mu Qianhan's tone was filled with guilt.    


Liu Yu handed Mu Qianhan a special elevator card and said, "Miss Mu, just give it to me. You should quickly go to young master Feng's office. " If he waited too long, young master Feng would probably go crazy again.    


"Then. . . Okay. " Mu Qianhan looked at the peace and quiet. She picked up the bag on the desk, took the card from Liu Yu, and walked out of the office.    


"Hey. . . I don't want Liu to handle it. " An Xin had always thought that the most famous Liu in Fengxing was a piece of reinforced concrete. She did not want to face him! Qianhan, why did you give me to him just like that? After all, she is your good friend.    


"You are so afraid of me?" Liu Yu crossed his arms around his chest and looked at the woman in front of him who had a colorful expression on her face.    


"Who is afraid of you?" Hearing Liu Yu's words, An Xin immediately put her hands on her waist and puffed out her chest, showing an expression that she was not afraid of him.    


"Come, let's talk. . . " Liu Yu raised his right hand, grabbed An Xin's collar, and brought her into the office.    


"No, I was wrong. I will never say that you are a reinforced concrete man again. Ah. . . " The sound of comfortable screams echoed throughout the corridor of the third floor.    


Unfortunately, Mu Qianhan, who was the only one left in the Fengxing, had already entered Mooh Yifeng's office. She could not hear her cry for help at all.    


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