99 Days' Love Contract

C54 He Had a Big Fight with His Rival in Love

C54 He Had a Big Fight with His Rival in Love

0Mu Qianhan raised her head and looked at Shen Zilee. Her eyes were filled with tears. "Thank you, senior. "    


"junior sister Mu, you are not a person who loves to cry. " Shen Zilee took out a napkin from the table and handed it to Mu Qianhan.    


The latter took it from his hand and broke into a smile.    


"You really don't want to be lonely! Did you treat my words as wind by the side of your ears?" A cold voice sounded from behind Mu Qianhan. Mu Qianhan turned around and saw Mooh Yifeng standing behind her with an ashen face.    


"Wind. . . "    


Mooh Yifeng ignored her and only took a step towards Shen Zilee. Shen Zilee looked at him, unwilling to be outdone.    


Mooh Yifeng suddenly raised his fist and punched at Shen Zilee's face.    


Shen Zilee wanted to dodge, but Mooh Yifeng's fist was fast, fierce, and accurate. It hit his right eye, and then a black mark appeared on his right cheek.    


"Ah. . . " Mu Qianhan screamed and pulled Mooh Yifeng, but was thrown away by Mooh Yifeng.    


Shen Zilee and Mooh Yifeng each had a fist, but it was obvious that Shen Zilee was much weaker than Mooh Yifeng. His handsome face was quickly beaten into a pig's head. Mooh Yifeng, on the other hand, had no other injuries other than his messy clothes.    


Screams came from inside the cafe, and then many customers were scared to the side.    


"Wind, stop hitting. Senior, hurry up and leave!" Mu Qianhan got up and used all her strength to block between Shen Zilee and Mooh Yifeng. Mooh Yifeng stared coldly at Mu Qianhan.    


Shen Zilee moved forward but was stopped by Mu Qianhan, "Senior, you go. " Shen Zilee looked at Mooh Yifeng and then looked at Mu Qianhan. Finally, he nodded and left.    


"Humph! Don't forget our agreement. " Mooh Yifeng threw down his fist, turned around and left.    


What did he mean by that? Mu Qianhan's eyes widened.    


"Wind!" Mu Qianhan took out some money from her bag and placed it on the table and chased after him.    


Mooh Yifeng just ignored her until Mu Qianhan chased after him. Mooh Yifeng's car had already left in a trail of dust.    


He looked at the disappearing car. Mu Qianhan's legs went soft and she sat on the ground.    


She didn't know how long she sat for before she got up and took a taxi back to Gaoming Mountain.    


The villa was quiet and the darkness was frightening. Mu Qianhan hugged her body and sat there. She had waited for two days and Mooh Yifeng did not come back.    


Mu Qianhan raised her blank eyes and buried her face deep into her legs.    


On Monday, Mu Qianhan went to work as usual. However, she walked in front of the elevator several times and wanted to find the CEO's office to explain. But every time she looked at the button, she withdrew her hand.    


He probably did not want to see her!    


Mu Qianhan's mouth was filled with a bitter smile. She held the noodles in her mouth and it was almost a mechanical action.    


Suddenly, the sound of a car entering the villa could be heard from outside. Mu Qianhan put down her chopsticks and did not even have time to put on her shoes before rushing out.    


It was Mooh Yifeng's car, but he was supported by Liu Yu to come in.    


"What happened?" As soon as he came in, Mu Qianhan smelled the alcohol all over her body.    


"young master Feng, drunk!" Liu Yu did not say that young master Feng did not even enter the office today. If he did not go over, young master Feng would probably be drunk to death in the suite.    


Hearing Liu Yu's words, Mu Qianhan immediately said, "Send him into the room first. " Then she brought Mooh Yifeng to the room on the second floor with Liu Yu, and Liu Yu left in a hurry. Mu Qianhan busily fetched water for Mooh Yifeng to wipe and then helped him change his clothes.    


After everything was done, she looked at the sleeping face.    


Her face was full of fatigue and her beard was full of stubble.    


Mu Qianhan got up and went back to the bathroom. When she came out again, there was a warm handkerchief in her hand, along with Mooh Yifeng's razor and razor water.    


After using a warm towel to wet his chin, she applied the shave water and carefully used the shave to shave Mooh Yifeng's beard. In order to prevent him from moving, Mu Qianhan even paid attention to Mooh Yifeng's situation without blinking.    


Until later, she seriously shaved her beard and completely forgot about it.    


She did not notice that Mooh Yifeng's tightly closed eyes were open and looking at her serious side profile.    


He had been making her drunk for the past two days. Because once he woke up, he would think of Mu Qianhan standing happily with Shen Zilee.    


Mu Qianhan shaved her beard and used the towel in her hand to wipe away the foam and beard on Mooh Yifeng's chin. When she turned around, she noticed that Mooh Yifeng was looking at her.    


The expression on her face froze, then she got up and took the things to the bathroom.    


After coming out of the bathroom and bringing Mooh Yifeng a cup of decanter tea, Mu Qianhan got up and prepared to leave. Mooh Yifeng pulled her up and was about to press her down, but Mu Qianhan pushed her away and poured her back into the bed.    


"I will go back to my room first. "Mu Qianhan was a little flustered and wanted to escape.    


She missed and made Mooh Yifeng a little unhappy, "Are you rejecting Master?" His eyes were dangerously half-closed as he watched Mu Qianhan open the door and leave. When the latter heard his words, her back stiffened and her movements also stopped.    


Even if she really wanted to leave, during the agreement period, she would still belong to him. "Come here!" He sat up from the bed and his gaze never left Mu Qianhan.    


Mu Qianhan hesitated by the door for a while, but in the end, she still moved her feet and came to the bed.    


The distance between the two was very close. Mooh Yifeng raised his hand and could touch Mu Qianhan's jaw. He used a guiding method to ask her to lower her head, and his lips slid across her cotton knot. He whispered into her ear, "During the agreement, serve me well. If I'm in a good mood. . . I definitely won't cause trouble for your brother again. " After saying that, Mooh Yifeng bit Mu Qianhan's earlobe with his teeth.    


Hearing Mooh Yifeng's words, Mu Qianhan's body trembled. "I will not cause trouble for your brother anymore. Her eyes widened in shock. You have not withdrawn. . . "    


"What do you think?" Mooh Yifeng lowered his head and looked at Mu Qianhan as if he was looking at a prey.    


"You bastard, this is too bad. Let go of me. . . " Mu Qianhan struggled and wanted to escape.    


Mooh Yifeng did not move. "My complaint was only delayed. If you refuse, then everything you did before. . . " Mooh Yifeng's threat clearly told Mu Qianhan. Mu Qianhan could only stop and stand there mechanically.    


Mooh Yifeng raised his eyebrows. "Have you decided to continue the agreement?"    


"Like what Mr. Mooh said, am I not a cargo?" Mu Qianhan smiled sadly. There was bitterness and pain in her smile, as if she was praising her own dignity at the end.    


Mooh Yifeng felt as if he had received a powerful blow. He closed his eyes and shook off the strange feeling in his heart.    



Then he coldly said, "It's good that you understand. . . " He turned around and pressed Mu Qianhan under his body.    


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