My Husband, Warm The Bed

C114 A Special Ring

C114 A Special Ring

0"Do you like it?" Jian Ran looked at Qin Yue and asked eagerly.    


She did not know if he liked her or asked if he liked the scenery here.    


"I like it." Qin Yue's answer was still two short words.    


Whether it was her or the scenery, he liked it.    


Jian Ran was extremely happy when she heard the satisfactory answer. She grabbed Qin Yue's hand and said, "Mr. Qin, I will take you to dig for treasures."    


"Dig for treasures?" No matter how Qin Yue heard it, he felt that this was a game only children would play. However, he did not refuse and followed her footsteps.    


Jian Ran held his hand and introduced as she walked, "Actually this place was discovered by mother. Later on, she brought me here. Later on, she was not willing to come, so I was the only one who came..."    


When mentioning her deceased mother, Jian Ran felt a moment of sadness but very quickly, she raised her bright smile again.    


She would live a good life, and live a better life than before. Only then would she be worthy of her mother who used her life to protect her.    


"In the future, I'll accompany you" Qin Yue slightly increased the strength of his grip on her and said softly.    


In the future, I will accompany you.    


These five short words were Qin Yue's usual way of speaking.    


Each word was loud and clear, each word lightly knocking on Jian Ran's heart.    


In the past, Jian Ran had also heard people say that a man who only knew how to use flowery words to make a girl happy might not be reliable.    


Actually, those men who never said nice words but used actions to express them were definitely reliable.    


As for her Qin Yue!    


Yes, her Qin Yue, that's right! Such a reliable man.    


Thinking of all the things Qin Yue had done to her these days, Jane's smile became even more brilliant and charming.    


She then said, "Mom even gave this ice lake a name. Guess what mom's name is?"    


"Ranran?" With the love Mother Jian had for Jian Ran, this was the name Qin Yue could think of.    




These two words softly came out of Qin Yue's mouth. It was low, magnetic, and pleasant to listen to. It had a different charm to it.    


When her milk name was said by Qin Yue like this, Jian Ran's heart sped up, and her face turned red again, as if she had failed to live up to her expectations.    


When her mother called her Ranran, she always had pampering, as if she was her mother's entire world.    


When Ling Feiyu called her Ranran, it was close to ten years of friendship and no one could break it apart.    


But Qin Yue had never called her that. Perhaps their relationship had not reached such an extent. Or perhaps it was because of his personality that he was not used to calling her this nickname.    


But compared to the name "Ranran," she still preferred him to call her "Mrs. Qin.    


Mr. Qin and Mrs. Qin, this was a kind of affirmation of each other's identities.    


She rubbed her hot face. "No. Guess again."    


Qin Yue thought about it seriously. Without romantic cells, he really could not imagine what kind of name Mother Jian would give this lake.    


"Guess again. I'll give you five chances." Jian Ran said again.    


It was not easy for her to pull him out for a stroll, but he kept quiet and did not speak. It was just that it would be a waste of time for her to speak alone.    


Qin Yue thought for a while and said again, "Jian Ran?"    


Jian Ran rolled her eyes at him. "Mr. Qin, can we think in a more romantic direction?"    


Qin Yue thought about it seriously again and finally shook his head.    


"Big idiot!" Jian Ran looked at him with disgust and said, "Mom named Ice Lake Emotion Sea."    


Her mother named Ice Lake the Sea of Love, not love, but all emotions, familial love, and friendship.    


No matter if it was love, family, or friendship, each type of relationship should be the purest and most beautiful.    


When mother named Ice Lake, it should have been this meaning.    


However, in their family, their husband didn't look like a husband, their father didn't look like a father, and their sister didn't look like a sister either. The familial love that was supposed to be thicker than water had long been erased by them.    


"Mm." Qin Yue snorted lightly again, indicating that he understood.    




Just this one answer?    


Did he not ask why she had chosen this name?    


She really wanted to bite him hard.    


"What's wrong?" Seeing Jian Ran's angry look, Qin Yue still did not realize what was wrong with him.    


"Qin Yue, why don't you ask me why I gave you this name?"    




Jian Ran glared at him and shook his hand off. She walked forward.    


Now, she felt that the reason Qin Yue did not get married before was because he often made girls run away in anger, which was why she met him in the end.    


Thinking that he probably did not get married because of these reasons, Jian Ran's heart began to feel sweet again.    



It was because his EQ was not high enough that he did not marry another woman before meeting her.    


Jian Ran turned back to walk towards him and hugged his arm. "Don't be depressed, I will not despise you."    


Qin Yue was speechless.    


The two of them held their fingers tightly and walked slowly along the lakeside. After walking for a long time, they arrived under a big tree.    


Jian Ran found two branches and passed one to Qin Yue. She found the location in her memory and picked up the branch to dig the soil. "Mr. Qin, come with me to dig for treasure."    


Qin Yue had never played with this kind of childish act of digging for treasures when he was very young. Now he was 28 years old, but his wife pulled him here to play.    


However, he did not find it boring. On the contrary, he had a complicated feeling in his heart that he could not put into words.    


Whether one did something boring or not did not depend on one's ability. It depended on who one did it with.    


After digging for a while, a copper box appeared in front of them. Jian Ran laughed, "I finally dug you out."    


"What?" Seeing Jian Ran's excited look, Qin Yue could not help but be curious.    


"It's a treasure." Jian Ran carefully opened the box. There was also a small wooden box in the box.    


After opening layers and layers of packaging, Jian Ran took out a ring. "Look, this is the treasure that I brought you here today."    


Qin Yue sighed silently. It turned out that Jian Ran's childhood was still the same as many children. She loved to play, play, and play, and even learned to hide things.    


"Give me your hand." Jian Ran said.    


Qin Yue gave her his hand. She grabbed his hand and put the ring on his ring finger. "I gave this to you. Just wear it. Don't take it off in the future."    


She did not tell him that this ring was buried with her mother in the past.    


At that time, her mother rubbed her head and said to her, "Ranran, when you meet a man who treats you sincerely in the future, if you want to live with him for the rest of your life, dig it out and give it to him."    


Back then, she did not know why, but she did not think of digging it out and giving it to Gu Nanjing. It was only when she met Qin Yue that she had this thought.    


That was why she gave this ring to Qin Yue. In fact, it was to express her feelings. She wanted to spend the rest of her life with this man.    


Qin Yue, I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Did you hear that?    


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