Young Master's Reborn Wonder Wife

C13 One Person Half

C13 One Person Half

0Jian Qin rested for a while and just as her eyes became slightly more comfortable, she heard a few knocks on the door.    


She covered her ears with a pillow and turned over.    


She originally thought that the person who came would consciously leave when he saw that he did not open the door. Who knew that after nearly five minutes, the knocking on the door became louder and louder, and she could hear it clearly even through the pillow.    


Jian Qin was very irritated.    


She rolled over and got off the bed, and directly walked to the side of the door.    


Shen Qu knocked on the door for a long time. When he saw that Jian Qin did not open the door, he threw himself at the door. Who knew that the door would suddenly open as soon as his fist landed.    


He stopped.    


When he saw the girl inside the door, he was completely stunned.    


Perhaps she had just woken up, but she was only wearing simple pajamas, revealing her white and exquisite collarbone. Her skin was so fair that it seemed as if water could be squeezed out of it. Her short black hair was a little messy, but it seemed to have a different kind of beauty.    


For some reason, Shen Qu's face felt a little hot.    


"What is it?"    


Jian Qin suppressed her anger and asked him.    


She was not afraid of people looking for trouble, but she hated trouble.    


"When did you go to sleep?"    


Shen Qu came back to his senses and looked away with a guilty conscience. He sneered.    


However, for some reason, his heart started to beat faster.    


He couldn't be blamed.    


Jian Qin looked very obedient now. She looked completely different from the one who broke his fingers downstairs.    


He originally wanted to make fun of her, but now he could not bear to.    


"What does it have to do with you when I sleep?" Jian Qin frowned.    


Shen Qu was speechless."    


Shen Qu was choked to death by her words.    


His face turned red for a moment. He felt that Jian Qin was a little annoying again.    


Shen Qu silently said, "This girl is a bad person. He adjusted his mood and smiled at her. It's like this. I'm sorry about what happened just now. I went to Fu Jin's account to buy some snacks to apologize to you."    


As he spoke, Shen Qu took out the desserts that he had hidden behind his back and handed them to her.    


"Hibiscus snacks are the most popular ones sold in Night City. I queued for a long time before I bought a box. I specially bought it for you! You definitely like them! "    


"Thanks, I don't like it."    


Jian Qin raised her hand and was about to close the door when Shen Qu saw her. He used his feet to firmly press against the door. "You haven't eaten yet. Why do you say you don't like it? If you don't eat it, it means you won't forgive me. If my parents find out later that I bullied you, I'm sure you'll hit me. "    


"What does that have to do with me?"    


Jian Qin was not moved at all.    


What did the people and matters of Shen family have to do with her?    


She continued to close the door. Shen Qu did not want a little girl like her to have such strength.    


But this snack was carefully prepared by him. He could not let it fall into his hands. In a moment of desperation, Shen Qu used the same trick he used on Shen Sese and blurted out, "Sister!!"    


Jian Qin was stunned for a moment.    


Shen Qu saw this and took the opportunity to squeeze into her room through the crack of the door.    


"Forgive me. I came sincerely to ask for peace. This snack is really very delicious! Try it!"    


As he spoke, Shen Qu picked up a piece of the fort and put it into her mouth. Jian Qin subconsciously took a step back and took the snack from his hand.    


"I will do it myself."    




Shen Qu's eyes lit up.    


Seeing Jian Qin eat the snack, Shen Qu secretly laughed in his heart. He also stuffed the rest of the snack into her hands. "These are all for you."    


After saying that, Shen Qu ran away. But just as he walked to the door, Jian Qin said, "Wait a minute."    


Shen Qu's back stiffened. He thought that she had discovered something.    


"I'm not angry with you." Jian Qin walked over and handed half a box of snacks to him. "We'll each take half."    


She knew that it would not be easy for Shen Qu to buy the plaque Fu Jin Ji.    


After saying that, Jian Qin closed the door and went back to sleep.    


Shen Qu stood at the door and froze like a block of wood.    


Half each.    


He lowered his head and suddenly felt the snack in his hand become heavy and hot.    


He sprinkled some laxative on the snack in order to deal with her.    


But she actually gave him half... This feeling was really a bit...    


For some reason, Shen Qu felt a little guilty and guilty.    


He even had an impulse to apologize to her.    


But it was true that she hated him when he tried to break her fingers. Furthermore, she came to the Shen family. It was said that she started to bully Mrs Chen yesterday and even humiliated her parents. If he did not teach her a lesson, he was worried that Jian Qin would bully him in the future.    


"Shen Qu, why are you standing here?"    


Just as he was struggling with his conscience, a voice suddenly sounded. Shen Qu guiltily hid the snacks behind him. When he saw that it was Shen Juan, he suddenly came back to his senses and said with a somewhat weak voice, "It's nothing."    


Then he turned around and went downstairs.    


Shen Juan looked at his back, which was full of worries, and could not help but laugh.    


Shen Qu's room was downstairs. This floor only had his and Jian Qin's rooms.    


According to his understanding of Shen Qu, if Shen Qu didn't come to find him, he would definitely come to find Jian Qin to cause trouble. In the end, he got a nose full of dust.    


He had already felt that Jian Qin wasn't easy to get along with. Now, even Shen Qu, who was invincible in the Shen family, was defeated. It seemed that Jian Qin really wasn't as simple as he had imagined.    


However, he didn't care about that.    


What he was more worried about was another matter.    


With this thought, Shen Juan knocked on Jian Qin's door.    


In a moment, the door was opened.    


Jian Qin was dressed in pajamas, her clean face was calm and indifferent. She seemed to be in a good mood compared to before.    


Although she was irritated when she was disturbed, the snacks that Shen Qu gave her made her mood a little better for no reason. She even spoke a little lightheartedly, "What is it?"    


She did not have a bad impression of Shen Juan.    


Outside the airport, he even helped her carry her luggage.    


From her tone of voice, it was different from her usual cold tone. At this moment, she seemed to have more feelings.    


Shen Juan suddenly remembered the smiling look in her eyes when she saw Fu Jingshen. He was also stunned for a moment.    


She rarely smiled, but Shen Juan felt that she looked good when she smiled.    


He recovered his senses very quickly. Shen Juan raised the corner of his lips and asked gently, "Do you have time? I want to talk to you."    


As he spoke, he glanced at the room behind her. The snacks on the table looked familiar.    


It was somewhat similar to the box Shen Qu had just taken away.    


Jian Qin noticed his gaze and said, "Wait a moment." Then she closed the door. When she went out again, she had already changed into a T-shirt and trousers.    


"Come in."    


Jian Qin opened the door.    


After getting permission, Shen Juan entered her room.    


Jian Qin's room was very simple. It was completely black and white. Even the luggage in the room was black. The curtains were tightly shut, making the room seem a little gloomy. It was completely different from Shen Sese's pink heart that filled the room.    


Shen Juan had previously heard of psychological lessons and rebellious girls liked this kind of tune.    


But he felt that Jian Qin was still young and as her elder brother, he could save her.    


Thinking about this, Shen Juan felt the sense of duty as his elder brother.    


"Jian Qin, I didn't really understand you before, so I might have overlooked you. I am Shen Juan, and I am your big brother at home. What's wrong with my mood in the future? If you need anything, you can tell me. " Shen Juan said as he strode to the curtain and casually pulled it open.    


Blinding light instantly struck. Jian Qin subconsciously covered her eyes, but her vision still turned white.    


The floor and walls reflected light, and everywhere she looked was a vast expanse of white.    


"Don't always stay in the room by yourself. If you stay there for too long, there will definitely be problems with boredom. Usually, you have to let the sunlight shine in. Life is like this. Psychological as well. I've been a psychological counselor at school before. If you're in a bad mood or..."    


"Are you done?"    


Before Shen Juan could finish, Jian Qin interrupted him coldly.    


This brother was muttering like a monk. Normally, she could still tolerate it, but now her eyes were so painful that she could not even suppress her temper.    


"Uh..." Shen Juan felt awkward for a moment.    


Jian Qin went forward and closed the curtains. It took her a long time to recover from the pain.    


Shen Juan noticed the abnormality in her eyes. "What happened to your eyes?"    


He had just finished speaking when he reacted.    


After staying in a dark place for a long time, it seemed like the sun would pierce his eyes if he saw it again.    


He didn't notice this problem when he was drawing the curtains.    


"Sorry, I forgot, but it's better to see the sun more often."    


"I don't like the sun."    


Jian Qin said lightly.    


Shen Juan was speechless."    


She always opposed him. She was indeed a rebellious girl.    



Forget it.    


There was still a long way to go.    


He would use himself to warm her up, to be the little sun in her life.    


"Do you have anything else to do?"    


Jian Qin was a little impatient.    


Only then did Shen Juan remember his purpose of coming here. He asked her, "Jian Qin, have you and Fu Jingshen known each other for a long time?"    


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