A Mistaken Marriage with Mr. CEO

C50 Shen Qi Finished Her Mission

C50 Shen Qi Finished Her Mission

0Shen Qi completed the mission.    


"So, this relationship is not so much mine. Rather, it's Boss He's." Mr. Mo continued, "What Boss He has been doing outside all these years, Hee family is very dissatisfied. However, the only thing that Big Brother He did right was to give birth to Yining. The successor of the Hee family."    


Shen Qi did not know what to say for a moment.    


If Yining takes a shortcut through me, I think I will be taught a lesson by Boss He. Because back then, he patted his chest and swore that he would never care about the Hee family." Mr. Mo continued.    


Yining must be hiding it from his family. If the family finds out, Yining will be punished by the family law." Mr. Mo continued, "In fact, we are not in a hurry to develop that piece of land. As long as Yining is patient, he will be able to open up other connections and succeed."    


Shen Qi did not know why, but she suddenly felt that the reason Hee Yining came to Mr. Mo for help was not for the development of that piece of land.    


It was because of... Hee Yining's father.    


No matter what, whether the Hee family liked this son or not, he was still a member of the Hee family!    


Moreover, he was Hee Yining's biological father!    


Hee Yining definitely did not do this for no reason.    


"Even so, I know that my request is too much. However, please consider it." Shen Qi held the teacup and said softly, "When I was still very young, my father died. Actually, I really miss my father. I think that he is the same."    


"I did think of a lot of excuses to convince you. But after listening to you, "Wang Yao said. " I know those words are unnecessary. " Shen Qi calmly said," Right now, I only want to help a man who wants to see his father. I will do everything I can to help him. See his father. Even if I want him to be closer to his father."    


I really like to see the stars. Because I remember very clearly that there was a little brother who told me that... When a man dies he becomes a star in the sky. So I keep thinking, which star will represent my father? He saw me grow up. Will he see me when he sees that I am sensible? Will he be very pleased? " Shen Qi looked at the starry sky outside and said leisurely," I really want to tell father. I've really grown up and become more sensible. I've grown into what he wants to see the most."    


"I'm sorry. As I said that, I thought of my dad. I didn't exaggerate my tragic background to seek your sympathy. " Besides, Hee Yining's father is still alive. His situation is completely different from mine. " Shen Qi came back to her senses and said, "The decision is in your hands. I can only suggest it."    


Mr. Mo suddenly changed the topic. "What do you think of Yining?"    


Shen Qi did not understand why he would suddenly ask this question, but she still answered honestly, "He looks like a cold prince charming. In fact, his heart is not bad."    


"Good heart?" It was Mr. Mo's turn to be surprised. "You think so?"    


Shen Qi's expression was strange as she thought about it. Although he was indeed very bad at times and always teased her whenever he had nothing to do. But he really did not do anything heinous to her!    


She broke his clothes and it was natural for her to lose money.    


When he saw that she was short of money, he even gave her a portion of the money first.    


This person was indeed not bad.    


Mr. Mo finally smiled meaningfully. "His treatment of you is indeed different..."    


Shen Qi scratched her head in confusion, completely not understanding the meaning of this sentence.    


This time, their conversation ended miraculously.    


When Shen Qi returned to the room, she still did not quite understand.    


Hee Yining opened a bottle of red wine in the room. When he saw Shen Qi return, his eyes were full of smiles.    


"Come, let's celebrate your success." Hee Yining passed a glass of wine to Shen Qi.    


Shen Qi looked confused. "I did not succeed."    


Hee Yining did not say anything. He clinked glasses with Shen Qi and said, "Cheers."    


Shen Qi suddenly opened her eyes wide. "Did I really succeed?"    


Hee Yining drank all the wine in his cup.    


Shen Qi suddenly looked happy as if she was about to fly up.    


Yayaya, she actually succeeded so easily?    


That's great!    


After the 500,000 debt relief, she only had less than a million left!    


She could still sleep in Hee Yining's bed tonight!    


Ahahaha, she was so happy!    


"Does the big bed really belong to me?" Shen Qi could not hold it in for a moment and asked with a smile.    


"Yes..." Hee Yining smiled slyly.    


Shen Qi happily rushed into the bedroom and then laid on the big bed. She rolled back and forth twice.    


Ah, it was really comfortable. It was even more comfortable than she had imagined!    


Hee Yining really knew how to enjoy!    


"Ah, I'll go take a bath first. I can finally enjoy it tonight!" Shen Qi quickly got up from the bed and carried her toiletries. She happily rushed into the bathroom and happily took a bath.    


Shen Qi's speed this time was very fast.    


Looks like the big bed was very attractive to her.    


She only took 20 minutes to finish everything.    


When she happily rolled on the bed in her pajamas shaped like furry medicinal Rabbits, she lifted her head and saw Hee Yining actually enter the room as well.    


En? What did he come in for?    


Did he want to take the blanket and pillow?    


Ah, right, right.    


She won. Of course, tonight it would be his turn to sleep on the floor.    



Shen Qi picked up a pillow and was about to hand it to Hee Yining, but she did not expect Hee Yining to unbutton his shirt in front of her.    


He was... unbutton?    


Didn't he say that as long as she succeeded, the bed would belong to her tonight?    


Could it be that he was going back on his word?    


Hee Yining did not miss Shen Qi's body stiffen, nor did he miss her suddenly widened eyes in disbelief.    


Hee Yining moved very quickly and opened all the buttons of his pajamas. He lifted the blanket and was about to go to bed.    


Wait a moment!    


Shen Qi immediately held the pillow in her arms and stuttered, "Director Hee, you said that. As long as I can succeed, I will sleep tonight!"    


You are a big CEO, yet your words do not count. Do you have any shame?    


Is it easy for me to sleep in this big bed?    


His phoenix eyes slightly lifted. The corner of his eyes swept over Shen Qi and he replied nonchalantly. "That's right."    


Ha! Looks like you still admit it! Then why did you come up!    


Shen Qi immediately said angrily, "This bed already belongs to me."    


Hee Yining could not suppress his smile. "I just said that you can sleep on the bed tonight. I did not say that I will sleep on the floor tonight."    


Shen Qi's eyes instantly widened. "Ah?"    


How could he be like this!    


As a big CEO, he actually played word games with a little stylist!    


He let her sleep on the bed, but he did not leave!    


He wanted to sleep on the same bed with her tonight?    




She is his sister-in-law!    


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