President Daddy’s Excessive Love

C820 Fate Is Not the Same

C820 Fate Is Not the Same

0Fate is different.    


Tang Youyou went out in Ji Xiaohan's car. Ever since the accident, Ji Xiaohan had paid attention to her trip and would never let her touch the car again. Although Tang Youyou was helpless about this, she did not dare to express her opinion.    


It was not a privilege for ordinary people to receive and receive a car.    


When they arrived at the restaurant Xia Weiwen booked, Tang Youyou entered the restaurant under the escort of two bodyguards dressed in black. Tang Youyou saw Xia Weiwen waving at her from afar. He did not book a room but sat at the window seat.    


Tang Youyou said a few words to the two bodyguards, then walked towards the dining table alone.    


"Dad, you arrived so early?" Tang Youyou said with a smile.    


"I came back this time to see you. Of course I want to come early!" Xia Weiwen looked at his daughter and found that her complexion was better. Only then did he feel at ease.    


"Dad, you don't need to come back to see me. You are so busy at work. Running back and forth is very tiring." Tang Youyou felt sorry for him.    


"I am not tired. As long as I can see you, I will not be tired!" Xia Weiwen was telling the truth. It was because he was too tired from work that he wanted to meet his precious daughter. He wanted to make up for the blank twenty years.    


Tang Youyou smiled happily. In the past, when she was in front of Tang Youkang, she was always careful when talking and doing things. She never dared to smile sincerely. In the past, she only thought that he might not like her. Now, she knew that only in front of her biological father, her daughter's smile was the purest.    


"Dad, where do you live now? Have you gone to see Aunt Lan?" Tang Youyou was concerned.    


"Yes, I did. I had lunch at her place. She said she wanted to move to your place. This is really a good start. You should take care of her for me in the future. " I'm still sorry for her. " Xia Weiwen said gently and emotionally.    


"Dad, don't worry. I will take care of and respect her as if she was my mother." Tang Youyou answered immediately with a serious expression.    


Xia Weiwen nodded with a smile and said with relief, "I knew you were a good child."    


"Dad, I didn't bring the children here. You wouldn't be angry, would you?" Tang Youyou asked apologetically.    


She knew that her dad would also want to see his grandson and granddaughter.    


"I'm not angry. I just feel a little shaken. After all, I can't come back often and I especially want to see them!" Xia Weiwen's words were bitter and sad.    


"Dad, I will ask the little fellow to call you often in the future to chat. Xiaonai is very good at chatting!" Tang Youyou immediately comforted him.    


"Yes, that little fellow is really interesting. Youyou, when you were young, you must also be so cute. When Dad saw Xiaonai, he thought of your child's appearance!" Xia Weiwen said, and his eyes turned red. He felt inexplicably sad and blamed himself.    


"Dad, let's not talk about the past. I am definitely not as cute as Xiaonai. I was very naughty when I was young. I was also very wild." Tang Youyou laughed.    


"Right, Youyou, there is one thing that I have thought about. You don't need to follow my surname. Just continue with your surname Tang. This way, you won't fall into other people's mouths. Besides, After all, you were raised by the Tang Family. Your surname is Tang! "Don't forget your origin!" Xia Weiwen said with a serious expression.    


Tang Youyou nodded obediently. "Alright. As long as dad feels good, it's fine. I won't change it."    


"Have you fully recovered from the injuries on your head? I've always been worried about you."    


Tang Youyou reached out and touched it. It was completely healed and only a scar was left. However, hiding it in her hair did not affect her image.    


"Dad, don't worry. It is already healed!" Tang Youyou said softly.    


The father and daughter had never chatted so casually like this. They chatted while eating. Tang Youyou had asked many questions about the past of the Xia Family. Xia Weiwen had been concerned about her life in the Tang Family.    


"By the way, Youyou, how did you know Ji Xiaohan? Did you two date each other five years ago?" Xia Weiwen suddenly asked, full of curiosity.    


Tang Youyou's hand that was holding the chopsticks froze for a moment, then she forced a smile and said, "Yes, we met five years ago. It can be considered that we've dated before. However, after I went abroad to study, we did not contact each other again. I also did not mention the matter of the child to him."    


Xia Weiwen heard that she didn't seem to want to talk about this matter too much, so he had no choice but to ask. He just felt his heart ache. "If only we could have known each other for a few years. You would not have led two children to live such a tough life overseas."    


"Dad, I don't feel the pain. The two children are very cute!" Tang Youyou immediately laughed.    


Xia Weiwen still felt sorry for her. "If you have any problems in the future, you must tell daddy not to be polite with daddy. Do you understand?"    


"Yes!" Tang Youyou nodded and did not let him worry.    


After the meal, Xia Weiwen took out a box from his bag. "I specially bought this for you. Take a look and see if you like it or not."    


"What is it?" Tang Youyou asked curiously.    


Xia Weiwen opened it and took the same bracelet. "Try it on and let daddy see!"    


Tang Youyou reached over and asked her daddy to put it on himself. Under the crystal lamp, it was very dazzling.    


"Dad, you have a good eye. This bracelet is so beautiful!" Tang Youyou praised sincerely.    


Xia Weiwen nodded. "Yes, it is."    


"Thank you, Dad. I won't be polite then." Tang Youyou said with a smile. She would not be polite to her father in the future. She was afraid that it would hurt her father's feelings.    


"Put it on. If Dad wants to see something fun in the future, I will buy it for you too!" Xia Weiwen was also very happy.    


The father and daughter chatted until they finished their meal. It was almost nine o'clock. Tang Youyou and her father left the restaurant together. When she found out that her father lived in a star hotel next door, she asked the driver to drive him for a while.    


When the father and daughter left the restaurant and got into the car, a person who followed closely behind the door of the restaurant revealed a proud smile.    


"I really didn't expect to be able to take pictures so quickly. This money is really easy to earn."    


After the man smiled complacently, he called Ji Yunning.    


"Miss Ji, I have taken all the pictures you asked me to take. I will pass them to you now. Remember to call me for the rest of the money!"    


Ji Yunning's expression changed. "Really? So quickly, indeed the heavens help me! "    


"It's true. They had dinner together. I even filmed Xia Weiwen wearing a bracelet for Tang Youyou. If they don't admit that they are father and daughter, you can publicize that they have an improper relationship with each other. Hahaha!"    


"Okay, don't disgust me. Hurry up and send the photo over. I want to check the goods!" Ji Yunning thought that her tone was noble and showed her impatience towards that man.    


That man did not dare to neglect her and quickly passed the photos in his hands over.    


Ji Yunning stared at the father and daughter duo's expressions in the picture and saw that it made her burn with jealousy.    


They were both foster daughters but Tang Youyou had a biological father who was so rich and spoiled her. What about her? But she was abandoned by her parents. She was really unwilling.    



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