President Daddy’s Excessive Love

C156 Improperly Small Bulb

C156 Improperly Small Bulb

0"How private is the party?" Tang Youyou really wanted to refuse, but since the agreement had been signed, she could not reject it.    


Ji Xiaohan smiled. "I want to introduce a few friends to you. Don't worry, I will not let your identity be revealed immediately."    


"Can I not go?" Tang Youyou frowned and pleaded.    


She was not suitable for such a lively occasion. The reason she did not want to go was because she was afraid of losing his face. Of course, she would lose all her face.    


"No, you must go!" Ji Xiaohan was determined. He wanted to say, The gathering tonight was for you. If you, female lead, did not go, how could you continue?    


"Ji Xiaohan, are you sure you are not deliberately making things difficult for me?" Tang Youyou always felt that this man's goal was not simple.    


Although she could not guess what he was thinking, she always felt it. He was abducting her, wanting to bring her into an unknown world.    


Ji Xiaohan said lightly, "Even if you don't go tonight, you still have to attend this kind of event in the future. Don't forget that you signed the agreement. You are not a child anymore. You should pay some responsibility for your actions. "    


Tang Youyou stared at him for a long time. She nodded. "Okay, I will go with you. Do you want to bring the children with you?"    


"No, just me and you!" Ji Xiaohan finally made up his mind. He wanted to leave the children at home.    


Tang Youyou laughed lightly. "Aren't you afraid your daughter will not be happy?"    


"Little fellow will learn to be independent sooner or later. I believe that daughter will understand our letting go of her." Someone who pampered his daughter like her life, He had started to favor his daughter. He had never seen him let go before. Now, he was speaking righteously.    


"As long as you can convince the child, I will go with you." Tang Youyou threw the problem to him and walked around him to the bedroom.    


Ji Xiaohan's thin lips curled slightly. It seemed that this woman did not hate him anymore.    


At four in the afternoon, Tang Xiaonai woke up. When she woke up, she wanted her daddy to hug her. She was a little lazy. She laid on her daddy's shoulder and slept for a while. Finally, she woke up from the fragrance of the toast. She climbed down from her daddy's arms and ran to get fresh baked bread to eat.    


Tang Xiaorui also woke up. He was young but very independent. He did not make any noise or make any noise. He started to move his toys on the bed.    


Ji Xiaohan looked at the time. He should not have left. He had already set a time with his two friends.    


Furthermore, before they left, he had to take Tang Youyou to a place.    


So, he had to leave an hour early.    


"Xiaonai, tonight my mommy and I have something very important to do. Can you play with big brother at home?"    


Tang Xiaonai chewed on the bread. When her big eyes heard that Daddy and Mommy were going to abandon her and Brother, her actions of eating the bread became slower and slower. Her beautiful big eyes were filled with tears. "Where are Daddy and Mommy going? Can you bring Xiaonai with you? Xiaonai does not want to stay at home with Big Brother."    


"Uncle Yuan is also at home. Ask him to make more delicious food for you. You are going out with us, okay?" Ji Xiaohan really could not do anything about this little thing. When he saw her big eyes that were about to cry, he immediately felt like crying. He felt instantly that he was a heartless father.    


Tang Youyou stood at the side and looked at Ji Xiaohan's helpless expression when he held his daughter. For some reason, she wanted to laugh.    


It turned out that there was something that this man could not handle. She was very confident in her daughter's crying skills. As long as she cried, she could definitely cry for an hour or two without stopping.    


Of course, Ji Xiaohan had experienced it before. She had bitten her classmate at school and cried for more than an hour. When he rushed over, the little fellow's two big eyes were swollen from crying. He looked very distressed.    


"Daddy, just take me with you. I will be very obedient. I promise to listen to you." Tang Xiaonai really wanted to go with her daddy and mommy. She had never left her mommy since she was young. This dependence was definitely not something that could be changed in a short period of time.    


If she went to school during the day and her mommy went to work, she would at least be together at night when she went home.    


"Xiaonai, obediently wait for Daddy at home. Daddy will buy you a lot of fun things, okay?" Ji Xiaohan, who had never had much patience, was very patient with his daughter now.    


Tang Youyou gradually felt Ji Xiaohan's deep love for her daughter from the initial attitude of watching a good show. Her mood also changed slightly.    


She squatted down and touched her daughter's hair. She advised gently, "Xiaonai, Mommy promised that she will be back soon. Can you stop messing around?"    


"Daddy wants to take Mommy out to play but not Xiaonai. It's so sad." Tang Xiaonai pouted her small mouth and had a wronged expression.    


"We're not going to play, we're going to do something." Tang Youyou immediately said.    


When he heard the word "do something," the expression of the man beside him instantly brightened. The scene of him doing something immediately appeared in his mind...    


En, it really made one's mind go blank.    


At this moment, Tang Xiaorui came downstairs with his electric toy. He blinked his big eyes and asked, "Are you guys going out?"    


Seeing his son come down, Ji Xiaohan immediately went over and patted his head. "Help daddy persuade your sister. I'm going out with your mommy. You can play with your sister at home."    


Tang Xiaorui immediately narrowed his big black eyes. "You guys want to go out together? What are you going to do?"    


Tang Youyou immediately felt guilty when she saw her son's suspicious look. She coughed. "I'm just going to see a few people! I will be back soon."    


"Don't come back so quickly. It's not easy for Daddy to take Mommy out to play, so we should play longer." Tang Xiaorui's mind was much more mature than his sister's. He instantly smelled something good and immediately said with a narrow-minded look.    


Tang Xiaonai stared at her brother. "Brother, don't you want to play together? Daddy and mommy are going to leave us."    


"Silly Xiaonai, don't go. If you go, you will be a light bulb. Big brother will play with you. Let's go find Whitey and Xiaohei." Tang Xiaorui was indeed a good assistant to his daddy. At this moment, he immediately held his sister's little hand. "Let's go, let's go."    


But... "Tang Xiaonai was still very unwilling to be left behind by Daddy's mommy just like that.    


"But what? Your Whitey is about to starve to death. It must also miss you. Let's go." Tang Xiaorui pulled his sister away with great strength.    


Seeing the two little figures disappear into the garden path, Ji Xiaohan and Tang Youyou's expressions were a little stunned.    


"Did you say something to your son?" Tang Youyou looked at her son's understanding expression and became suspicious.    


Ji Xiaohan felt a little guilty, but his handsome face was calm. "I didn't say anything. What are you suspecting?"    


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