President Daddy’s Excessive Love

C709 A Good Candidate for Best Man

C709 A Good Candidate for Best Man

0The best man.    


Luo Hening's words "I won't eat even if I starve to death" finally made Mu Lin happy. She looked at her brother with some pride and raised her eyebrows. "How is it? Is your skin itchy? You actually dare to ruin your sister's relationship."    


Mu Shiye shivered when he was stared at by his sister's resentful gaze. He immediately waved his hand and said, "Sister, you misunderstood. I just used a metaphor. What's there to be serious about? Luo Hening dared to mess around with other women. I am the first one who will not let him go. "    


Luo Hening noticed that everyone was looking at him. He thought to himself, "Who did he offend? He sat quietly at the side as the audience. He even got himself burned. He looked innocent.    


"Shiye, don't worry. If there is a problem between Mu Lin and me," Mu Lin said. That's definitely not on my side." Luo Hening immediately became loyal to his true feelings. He would not let his good friend doubt him.    


Mu Shiye laughed. "I like what you said. You have to keep a close eye on my sister. There are many men around her."    


Mu Lin was betrayed by her brother and immediately glared at him. "Can you say less? You are making a fool of yourself."    


Ji Xiaohan and Tang Youyou, who were sitting beside them, watched their interesting conversation with a smile all the way. Thinking about it, they really were like a family. Although they were funny and scolded, they did not lose their warmth.    


Only then did Mu Shiye feel at ease. Luo Hening's handsome face turned red and he quietly lowered his head to eat.    


"Xiaohan, when are you guys getting married? Have you thought about it?" After eating quietly for a few minutes, Luo Hening suddenly thought of another topic.    


Ji Xiaohan and Tang Youyou looked at each other and smiled. Finally, Ji Xiaohan answered. "After dealing with my company's trouble, we will get married. When the time comes, everyone must come on time."    


"Of course. If you marry before us, the two of us will definitely be your best men!" Mu Shiye immediately felt happy for them. They finally had a lover. Oh, no, it was already over.    


Ji Xiaohan patted his good brother's shoulder. "Don't worry. You two are the best men I have decided on. You can't miss any of them. Unless you two get married earlier than us."    


When Luo Hening heard the word "get married," his deep eyes looked at the charming woman beside him with some resentment.    


After that, he sighed and said, "I want to!"    


Mu Lin was slightly stunned when she heard his words. Clearly, he meant it for her to hear.    


"I don't want to!" Mu Lin's words. Mu Lin's words once again interrupted Luo Hening's delusions. Luo Hening had no choice but to continue eating quietly.    


Sigh, falling in love with a woman who was more outstanding and wilder than him, wanting to tame her was really not an easy thing.    


Luo Hening had already decided to fight a protracted battle.    


Mu Shiye looked at Luo Hening with sympathy. Then, he sighed. "I may not be that fast. Although Anxin is living with me now, she only lives with me. Her heart is not completely with me. It's my fault. I hurt her too badly."    


"Anxin lacks a sense of security now. Don't force her. Take it slow." Mu Lin was afraid that her brother would force her too much and scare her away again. She could only advise him.    


Mu Shiye laughed at himself. "How would I dare force her to marry now? I am satisfied that the two of them can live together. Isn't it just missing that book? I don't care. "    


Ji Xiaohan and Tang Youyou looked at each other again. In the end, their situation was roughly the same. They were just short of a book. They had enjoyed everything else ahead of time. Even the child had come down.    


After a meal, everyone was very relaxed and happy. The day they chatted was no longer dull work, but the fun of home. Everyone got up with interest and went back to their busy work.    


After Ji Xiaohan and Tang Youyou left the restaurant, they drove out and sat in the back seat. Tang Youyou lazily leaned against the man's side. Her long hair fell onto the man's chest and she closed her eyes to rest.    


The man's big palm gently touched her palm. Seeing her eyes closed, he did not disturb her. Perhaps her body had not recovered, so it was normal for her to be tired.    


"Ji Xiaohan, I want to go to my aunt's house. I haven't visited her for a long time." Tang Youyou suddenly opened her eyes and said softly.    


"Okay. In a while, I will ask the driver to take you there. Before you go, buy something." Ji Xiaohan also had a good impression of Tang Youyou's aunt. She was a very warm-hearted and kind middle-aged woman. Even if she knew about Tang Youyou's relationship with him, she had never asked him for help. Ji Xiaohan felt that Tang Youyou should be filial to her.    


Tang Youyou nodded and looked at him gratefully.    


"Buy more!" Ji Xiaohan pinched her palm and added.    


Tang Youyou laughed this time. "I will go to the mall later. I want to buy clothes for my aunt."    


"Okay, I will ask the bodyguards to follow you."    




Ji Xiaohan got out of the car when he arrived at the entrance of Emperor International Building. He ordered the driver and bodyguards to follow Tang Youyou to go shopping.    


Tang Youyou had the card Ji Xiaohan gave her in her bag, so she did not need to take any more money.    


After walking around the mall, Tang Youyou bought two sets of clothes for Eldest Aunt and a lot of nutritional products. Then, she went straight to Cheng Wanlian's house.    


Cheng Wanlian opened the door and saw that it was her. She was also very happy and surprised.    


When Tang Youyou brought the things in, Cheng Wanlian immediately stared at her, "Youyou, how many times have I told you not to bring large and small bags to my house every time you come. I am very happy that you can come and see me."    


"Aunt, I am here to show respect to you. Don't reject these things." Tang Youyou still had a childishness in front of Aunt.    


Cheng Wanlian knew that Tang Youyou was a sensible and considerate child from a young age. She was extremely comforted.    


"Eldest Aunt, I came to tell you something. Previously, I told you that my parents were no longer alive. Actually, that's not the case. I found my father and he is still alive and well." Tang Youyou sat down and told her about her matter. Because Aunt had always been concerned about this matter and she did not want to hide it from her.    


Cheng Wanlian's face was full of surprise. "Really? That's great. Youyou, how did you find your father?"    


"It was because of a jade pendant my mother left behind." Tang Youyou suddenly hesitated. It was better not to tell her aunt about the feud between the Xia family and the Ji Family lest she worry again.    


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