President Daddy’s Excessive Love

C671 The Beautiful Dream Shatters

C671 The Beautiful Dream Shatters

0The dream broke.    


"I didn't know that he was playing such a trick!" Ji Yueze held the jade tightly in his hand and used it as an excuse for Bai Yiyan to see him again. There was a sneer on his handsome face.    


Just when Ji Yueze was seriously doubting Bai Yiyan's scheming, Bai Yiyan, who was packing her luggage, found out about this matter. She almost poured out all the things in the box. She placed them on the bed and rummaged through them one by one.    


"Impossible. I clearly remember that I put them in here. Where did they go?" Bai Yiyan cried until her eyes were red and swollen. At this moment, she realized that the relic that her father left for her was gone. She was so anxious that tears came out again.    


She turned it upside down and threw everything away. However, she still could not find it. Bai Yiyan's head twitched. Did she really lose it?    


Why was she so careless? That was the most precious thing that her father had left for her. Perhaps it was worthless in other people's eyes, but in her eyes, it was the only thing in the world that was worthy of her lifetime's collection.    


But now, she was too useless. She actually lost that watch and Bai Yiyan slapped herself twice on the spot.    


But crying alone was useless. She still had to find it back.    


Bai Yiyan forced herself to recall the place where this watch could be lost.    


She remembered that when she was at Ji Yueze's house, she took the watch out and cleaned it. She placed it on the bedside table.    


This time, she went to his house to pack up everything. Everything was packed in a hurry. She remembered that she had randomly stuffed the box into her handbag.    


"Yes, handbag!" Bai Yiyan was overjoyed. She turned around and poured out the bag again. She found that the box was empty and the watch was not in her bag.    


Her brain exploded again. Bai Yiyan sat on the bed paralyzed. When she thought about it again, she found that she seemed to have bent over to pick up something from Ji Yueze's house a few times. Could it be that the watch fell down from that time?    


No matter what, Bai Yiyan felt like calling Ji Yueze to ask him.    


Hence, Bai Yiyan did not care about her face and dignity and pulled out Ji Yueze's phone.    


Unfortunately, the other party did not answer the phone.    


"Do you hate me so much?" Bai Yiyan gave up. She felt that she and Ji Yueze were really done for.    


Tomorrow, she would go to his company to find him. No matter how cold he was or how contemptuous he was of her, she had to get her watch back first.    


Early morning!    


Ji Yueze woke up from his hangover. The first thing he did was to flip through his phone habitually.    


He found five missed calls and opened them. Sure enough, it was Bai Yiyan who called him.    


"Ha, this woman!" Ji Yueze was even more certain that Bai Yiyan deliberately used this watch as an excuse. This method was not bad. It was very similar to the bridgehead in the TV series. It seemed that she still had the talent to be an actress.    


Ji Yueze could not be bothered with her. His heart was filled with hatred. He hated that shameless aunt of hers. He hated Bai Yiyan's tricks even more. Since she purposely left the watch behind, he decided not to return it.    


After washing up, he chose a casual blue suit with a black shirt. He had a refreshing temperament and an air of nobility. Ji Yueze pulled on his jacket and put on his sunglasses. He took the elevator cooly and went straight to the VIP parking lot.    


A high-end silver sports car was parked in one of his garage. Ji Yueze pressed the keys to the car. The sports car was flashing with cool lights. Just as he was about to get into the car, a petite figure suddenly appeared. She reached out her hand and blocked the door of his garage.    


Ji Yueze narrowed his eyes and looked at the car lights. The woman looked like she could not open her eyes. His thin lips curled up.    


He pressed the horn impatiently, but the woman did not move at all. Ji Yueze had no choice but to push open the door and walk in front of him angrily. "Bai Yiyan, are you going to go back on your word?"    


Bai Yiyan saw that he had finally come out and immediately apologized, "Ji Yueze, I'm sorry. I did not mean to stop your car. I just wanted to look for something upstairs. Please, just a few minutes!"    


"What is it? Do you still have something in my house?" Ji Yueze raised his eyebrows and smirked.    


"Yes, I left too quickly yesterday. There might be something else that I didn't take away. Please. " That thing is very important to me. " Bai Yiyan did not want to be a scoundrel. She was still very polite and sincerely begged him.    


"Woman, playing this trick with me is useless!" Ji Yueze took her sincerity as a performance and coldly snorted.    


"I didn't play anything with you." Bai Yiyan's expression froze and she instantly turned white. "I really lost something in your house."    


"Did you not do it on purpose?" Ji Yueze's thin lips curled into a mocking smile.    


"I did it on purpose? "How could I have done it on purpose? " I don't want to leave it in your house. " However, she found that her explanation was very weak. She could not blame Ji Yueze for thinking like this. Even she felt that it was suspicious.    


Ji Yueze saw that her eyes were red from anxiety. This acting skill. He gave her a perfect score.    


"Did you start your real performance after I brought you to my house?" Ji Yueze's eyes were full of ridicule. After he finished speaking, he slightly lowered his tall body and bit his thin lips into Bai Yiyan's ear. His voice suddenly became deep and hoarse. "Are you going to take it off for me to see?"    


Bai Yiyan's beautiful eyes were wide. She looked at this handsome face that was right in front of her in disbelief. What was he talking about?    


"Isn't this your women's favorite game? The methods used in TV dramas are often used. Hmm, looks like you've learned well. You even know how to play. "Using this method to get close to me." Ji Yueze saw her stunned expression and thought that he had exposed her thoughts, which made her feel ashamed and embarrassed.    


Bai Yiyan bit her lip in embarrassment. She did not expect Ji Yueze to think so badly of her.    


"I'm sorry for disturbing you!" Although Bai Yiyan really wanted to find that watch, But she really did not have the courage to go on with the man's cold sarcasm.    


After saying that, Bai Yiyan turned around and left, but her steps were extremely stiff.    


She could not blame Ji Yueze. If she wanted to blame someone, she could only blame herself for being too careless. She had lost her father's beloved item.    


Ji Yueze originally thought that this woman would continue to pester him. He did not expect that she would turn around and leave just like that.    


She left just like that?    


Wasn't there still a wonderful performance to be performed next?    


He was actually looking forward to it for some reason.    


Bai Yiyan lowered her head sadly and walked towards the exit. Behind her, the silver sports car sped away from her like a gust of wind. It did not stop for even a moment.    


Bai Yiyan stared blankly at the disappearing car shadow. It was like a beautiful dream. It exploded and sent her back to the real world.    


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