President Daddy’s Excessive Love

C339 The Love That Cannot be Redeemed

C339 The Love That Cannot be Redeemed

0So, after circling the entire city, he still stopped at the entrance of Pei Anxin's residential area.    


He got out of the car and registered. He took the elevator to her floor and knocked on the door.    


The door opened and Pei Anxin was wearing pajamas. When she saw that it was him, her expression was somewhat indifferent. "It's so late. Why are you here?"    


"I want to see my daughter!" Mu Shiye looked tired.    


"Chengcheng is asleep."    


"Let me see her!" Mu Shiye pleaded.    


Pei Anxin took a step back. Mu Shiye walked in and went straight to the children's room.    


On the pink bed, Chengcheng was sleeping soundly with a doll in her arms.    


Her small mouth was pouting and her long eyelashes were clearly visible. They cast shadows on her pink little face.    


Pei Anxin stood by the door with her arms crossed in front of her chest. She looked at the man's hands on the side of the bed and his eyes were quietly looking at her daughter. She felt something rolling in her heart and a strong sadness.    


"Don't you want to work for a few days at most? Or do you want to give her to the nanny to take care of?" Mu Shiye turned around and looked at Pei Anxin.    


Pei Anxin quickly hid the sadness in her eyes and said indifferently, "Yes, I work during the day and can only let the nanny take care of me."    


"How can you be at ease? What if the nanny mistreats her? " She's still so young and can't even speak. She won't tell you even if it hurts. "    


"You must have watched too much TV news, right? This nanny auntie I hired is very nice. I'm very assured!" Pei Anxin pretended to be cold and said. After she finished, she added, "I installed a surveillance camera at home. It is 360 degrees surveillance without any blind spots. I do not believe that the nanny would dare to do anything to Chengcheng."    


Then what if... "    


"Mu Shiye, you saw your daughter too. Shouldn't you go? " I still need to sleep. I have to get up early and go to work tomorrow. Don't disturb me, okay? " Pei Anxin very rudely chased him away.    


Mu Shiye straightened his body and looked at his precious daughter with reluctance in his eyes. The sadness in his heart could not be quenched no matter what.    


"Anxin, I went to question my mother today. She admitted that she said some very difficult things to you three years ago. I'm sorry. If I had known earlier, we wouldn't have become so cold today." Mu Shiye looked at the woman leaning against the door. Perhaps it was because she was too tired to take care of the child. She was a little skinnier than before, but she was more lovable and lovely.    


Pei Anxin listened to him and her eyes became dim. "Why are you bringing this up? There is no point. We are already done!"    


"I want to start anew with you. I want to pursue you again. Anxin, I don't care how long you want to be cold with me, I won't give up. This time, I won't let go." Mu Shiye put his hand on the woman's side and pushed her against the door.    


Pei Anxin heard his deep and persistent words. Although her heart was shaken, her face was still indifferent. With a sneer, she looked up at the man's eyes. "Mu Shiye, do you think I, Pei Anxin, can only marry you in this life? I admit that I was too stupid in the past and thought of you as the only man in the world. But now, I have many suitors. As long as I agree..."    


"I do not allow you to agree!" Mu Shiye heard her slightly indulgent words and felt a storm in his heart. His voice was domineering as he said, "I want you to be my woman!"    


Pei Anxin's heart trembled slightly. Three years ago, she wanted to hear him say this.    


If it was three years ago, she would have jumped into his arms and nodded happily.    


But now, she was no longer naive and her heart was not pure enough. She had to consider too many factors.    


"If you don't want me to find another man, I have to find one. To be honest, for my daughter's sake, I never tried to find someone to date. I almost forgot how wonderful that feeling was. Mu Shiye, I'm sorry. If you want to queue up, you might have to wait a long time." Pei Anxin deliberately wanted to anger him because she still had resentment in her heart.    


"Then I will cut the queue until I am in front of you. I will not let any man touch you!" Mu Shiye seemed to have gone mad at this moment. His words were domineering and unreasonable.    


Pei Anxin looked at the man's red eyes and instantly felt the atmosphere was rising.    


Mu Shiye looked at her red lips that were not red but were not red. His thin lips could not help but want to approach her.    


"Go away..." Pei Anxin saw that he was about to kiss her and instinctively reached out to push her away.    


But at this moment, Mu Shiye had lost his mind. He reached out and gently closed his daughter's door. In the next second, he did not hesitate and directly kissed the woman's delicate lips.    


"Mu Shiye, are you crazy?" Pei Anxin did not expect him to be so bold.    


"I am. I just want to know if you still have feelings for me." Mu Shiye hugged her petite body, his thin lips crazily and greedily kissing the woman's lips.    


Tears fell from the corner of Pei Anxin's eyes. Her familiar lips almost broke her heart.    


How could she not feel it?    


However, she did not want him to know what she was thinking.    


She bit him hard. Mu Shiye cried out in pain and took a step back.    


Looking at the woman's bloody lips, Mu Shiye could only feel the pain on his lips. He opened his eyes wide in shock. "You bit me?"    


Pei Anxin raised her chin slightly and sneered. "If you dare to act recklessly again in the future, this is the outcome."    


Mu Shiye reached out and wiped the blood on his lips, feeling very powerless.    


"Anxin, let's meet again in another way." After Mu Shiye finished speaking, he turned around and left quickly. He was in a sorry state.    


Pei Anxin looked at his back in a daze. Did he say that they would meet in another way? What did he mean?    


In the blink of an eye, it was time for the press conference.    


In the two days before the press conference, Tang Youyou was very busy.    


The entire Wishful Thinking design company was very busy.    


"The models have been invited. They are in the process of testing the clothes. Assistant Tang, do you want to go to the venue personally to take a look?" The assistant came over to ask.    


Tang Youyou put down the pen in her hand and stood up. "Yes, I want to go over and take a look."    


Under the stage of the main venue, Liu Xi was sitting on the stage with a few department managers and seriously watching the audition.    


Tang Youyou walked in. In the moving music, models walked out slowly from the side door.    


"Youyou, the effect of the stage is not bad and the lights this time are very special. It looks like you invited the right person." Liu Xi did not hesitate to praise her.    


Tang Youyou smiled bitterly. In front of everyone, she shouted, "CEO Liu, to be able to satisfy you, I feel that these days of hard work did not go to waste."    



Some of the managers beside her also said good things to her.    


Tang Youyou looked around the main venue. Her expression was also a little excited. This was definitely a challenge to her work.    


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