Flash Marriage: Her Tycoon Husband

C433 Feng Xingyan's Phone

C433 Feng Xingyan's Phone

0When the two of them went to the bedroom to see Lin Zixi, they found that he had already woken up.    


He was playing with his fingers with a pair of black eyes.    


He heard the sound of the door opening and was stunned. He then tried to raise his head to look at the door. However, he had just woken up and did not have much strength, so he fell back.    


Su Ziyue walked closer and saw his pair of eyes rolling around. There were two lumps of red on the baby's fat face and the small lump looked soft and cute.    


Su Ziyue looked at Lin Zixi's cute little appearance and her heart that had calmed down was like a bottle of five flavors that had been knocked over. The five flavors were mixed together.    


Su Ziyue lowered her body to sit by the bed and reached out to touch his face, "You are awake?"    


Lin Zixi blinked her eyes and said softly, "Aunt. "    


Su Ziyue's movements paused. She knew that Lin Zixi was thinking of Lin Enxue.    


Although she felt a little sad in her heart, to Lin Zixi, Lin Enxue was the person he was most familiar with and closest to.    


"We will go and see her tomorrow. She is very tired today and needs to rest. " Su Ziyue did not lie. Lin Enxue's current condition was not very good and needed to rest and check. She also could not care about Lin Zixi.    


Even if Lin Zixi did not cry or make a fuss, it would still make Lin Enxue tired of it.    


Lin Zixi quietly looked at her for a few seconds and as if she understood, she turned her head and started to play with her fingers.    


Su Ziyue carried him up, "Let's go and eat something first, okay?"    


At noon, Lin Zixi did not eat much and Su Ziyue had not brought a child before so it was normal for her to not know how much the child's appetite was. She planned to let him eat some fruits or something.    


Lin Zixi did not know if she understood and obediently hugged Su Ziyue's neck. She looked curiously at Qin Muchen who was standing not far away.    


. . .    


Su Ziyue personally went to the kitchen to wash the fruits, peel the skin, and even specially cut a very small piece.    


When she came out, she saw Lin Zixi sitting on the sofa and playing with Niurous.    


Su Ziyue smiled. She remembered that last time, Lin Zixi loved playing with Niurous.    


At this time, Qin Muchen was sitting opposite Lin Zixi. He held his phone and did not know what he was doing. From time to time, he would look at Lin Zixi.    


Obviously, Qin Muchen did not know how to get along with children.    


Su Ziyue was actually the same.    


She missed Lin Zixi's childhood. When she saw Lin Zixi, he already knew how to walk, eat, and speak some simple words.    


Su Ziyue paused for a moment before carrying the fruit over. "Zixi, let's eat the fruit!"    


Lin Zixi turned her head to look at Su Ziyue. When she saw the red, red, yellow, and yellow fruit in her hand, her eyes immediately lit up and said something.    


But because his words were not clear, Su Ziyue did not understand.    


But looking at his expression, it should be the meaning of wanting to eat.    


She took a piece of watermelon and fed it to Lin Zixi. Lin Zixi opened her mouth and bit into it.    


Seeing that he liked it very much, Su Ziyue beamed with joy.    


Qin Muchen looked up from the phone and saw Su Ziyue attentively feeding Lin Zixi fruits.    


While Lin Zixi played with Niurous, she opened her mouth to eat fruits with a satisfied expression.    


Qin Muchen frowned slightly. He had never seen Su Ziyue being so attentive to him.    


. . .    


Su Ziyue spent the whole afternoon with Lin Zixi.    


Qin Muchen, on the other hand, spent the whole day as a background board.    


Although he also doted on this hard-earned son in his heart, he still felt somewhat unhappy when he saw all of Su Ziyue's attention was on Lin Zixi.    


After playing with Su Ziyue for the entire afternoon, Lin Zixi started to talk more.    


Although most of Su Ziyue did not understand, she was very happy in her heart.    


However, when it was night time, Lin Zixi suddenly started to make noise.    


"Aunt. . . Aunt. . . "    


Lin Zixi kept crying but she was unwilling to sleep.    


Su Ziyue had no experience in taking care of children and after coaxing him for a while, he started to make a fuss again and also did not want to sleep.    


Su Ziyue saw him cry and her heart ached very much, "Why don't we take him to find Lin Enxue?"    


Qin Muchen had just finished bathing and came out. He looked at Lin Zixi who was crying non-stop in her arms and hesitated for a moment before saying, "I will carry him out for a walk. Maybe it will be fine. You go and take a bath first. "    


After that, he took Lin Zixi over and carried him out of the room.    


Su Ziyue came out after her bath and went downstairs to look for them. Qin Muchen had already returned with Lin Zixi in his arms.    


The little guy was sleeping soundly on Qin Muchen's shoulder.    


Qin Muchen was wearing pajamas and looked less cold and more gentle. The way he carried the child looked a little strange, but when Su Ziyue saw this scene, she suddenly felt at ease.    


The scene that would only appear in her imagination finally appeared in reality. Su Ziyue felt that this beautiful scene was not realistic at all.    


Qin Muchen had unknowingly walked closer and whispered, "Go back and sleep. "    


Su Ziyue came back to her senses and tilted her head to look at Lin Zixi before saying, "You fell asleep so quickly?"    



"There is wind outside and it is cool now. He may not like the cold air in the room. " Qin Muchen spoke as he slowly walked upstairs.    


When they returned to the room, the two of them turned off the lights and laid down on the bed. They placed the child between the two of them.    


In the silence, Qin Muchen could hear Lin Zixi's extremely subtle snoring. It was so soft that if he did not hear it carefully, he would not be able to hear it at all.    


His heart skipped a beat. He couldn't help but reach out and touch his head.    


In the darkness, Su Ziyue suddenly said, "Do you want to change Zixi's name?"    


Qin Muchen only asked her back, "What name do you want to change?"    


Su Ziyue was afraid of disturbing Lin Zixi and her voice was very soft. "I think there is no need to change it. Just change the surname. No matter what Feng Xingyan's initial goal was, at least he saved our child. This name was probably also given by him. "    


"En. "    


Qin Muchen only responded faintly and did not move.    


. . .    


The next morning, Su Ziyue was woken up by the ringtone of her phone.    


She didn't know if it was because she was too excited or for some other reason, but she fell asleep very late last night. When she woke up now, she found that her surroundings were already empty.    


Not only Qin Muchen, even Lin Zixi wasn't there.    


She looked at the number on the caller ID and suddenly sat up.    


It was Feng Xingyan.    


It could also be said that it was Lin Enyang.    


Anyway, his identity could almost be confirmed.    


Su Ziyue took note of the time. It was already past nine o'clock. There was no sign of Qin Muchen in the room, probably because he had already woken up.    


She only hesitated for a moment before picking up the phone.    


"Ziyue, I heard that you did not go to the company for many days. Is it because you are not feeling well?"    


Feng Xingyan spoke slowly, which made his tone exceptionally gentle, but his simple words made Su Ziyue's scalp tingle.    


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