The Duke's Unwanted Wife

C49 Wary Guests

C49 Wary Guests

0The journey back home was more peaceful than Natalia expected. She fully braced for his attacks but they didn’t even ride the same carriage. He disappeared, just like their wedding, leaving her time for herself. Since she had fully resolved the cases, Corren handed over the household duties to her. Since it was something that she had done in her last life, it didn’t take time for her to get accustomed to it.    


Aside that, she sent a message to Amaika to accompany Sebastian to Polivia and a letter to Sebastian to allow Amaika to come along. In both lives, the two really never got along so she hoped they would be civil on this very important trip. They were following the princess back so they would hopefully be civil. The letters were sent in a safe manner that couldn’t be intercepted by anyone, burning them with magic.    


The Adamantine family had several ways of sending secret messages. Some of them were old, simple and complex while the rest were recently devised to make up for the mistakes of the older ones so they were suitable for the times. Burning with magic was a simple, recent method that was used not only by the Adamantine family but most high noble families in the kingdom. It was something her father decided to share, making it look like it was the only way to send secret letters with magic.    


Depending on the family, the magic they had was different. There was Arcane magic, enchantment magic, summoning magic, holy magic, world magic, demonic magic and pure magic. While the royal family and the Kristen family used Arcane magic, the Adamantine family used enchantment magic. The church used holy magic, gods used world magic, magical beings used pure magic and last she heard, the Empire of Illumine specialized in summoning magic and demonic magic.    


Enchantment magic made it easy to take pure mana and enchant things. While others preferred to use objects as the conduit for the mana, the members of the Adamantine family used their bodies. While they were young, their bodies were cut with an Adamantine dagger with a magic circle, chanelling pure mana into their bodies. The process was as painful as it sounded and it went on for many years until they could use magic as easily as breathing.    


This process made them mostly immune to diseases and poisons which was why a poison like the basilisk’s breath was required to weaken her body to give that death-like appearance.    


“Your grace, there is another letter here for you”    


Since the celebration, letters of request have been coming in from all the nobles in the capital and the southwest. They either wanted to visit the famed Castle on the Edge or they wanted to invite her to tea. She had yet to organize a tea party in her matrimonial home so if she delayed it any longer, it could cause unsavory rumors to start flying.    


“Butler Wilbur, how realistic is it to host a tea party in the Mansion?”    


“If you wish to host a tea party, you have to ask the Grand Duke”    


Natalia felt a headache brewing. She somehow had to convince the anti-social Grand Duke that the tea party would be good for his reputation. She could offer to invite the third princess but the recent acquaintance of the third princess might make it a huge problem. Rather than agonize over it, she decided to just go and ask him for permission.    


“Your grace” she curtseyed. He ignored her, continuing to work on his documents. His office was the same as she remembered, his habits extending to when he took the throne. She didn’t like being there either so she spoke up.    


“I wish to host a tea party in the Mansion, your grace”    


He finally stopped writing and raised his eyes to glare at her. She honestly expected his reaction but she wouldn’t let it stop her.    


“If I do not host one here, it would start a rumor and would cause the people to distrust you. If your grace wishes to establish good relations with the people, we must show that we have a good relationship and……”    


“Approved. Have Corren help you. Keep in mind that I mustn’t be disturbed”    


“......thank you, your grace” she curtseyed, turning to leave the room.    




“Yes, your grace?”    


“I heard your brother has departed for Polivia. I thought you both agreed to assist me in my endeavors”    


“I shall do it in his place, your grace. He has appointed someone to take over for him temporarily and that person is Count Umel. You should’ve received a letter from him by now, your grace”    


“I did receive a secret message from a Count Umel. You are lucky I didn’t discard it since the seal of your house was there”    


“I thank your grace for your understanding” she curtseyed and walked out of the room, sighing in relief. Planning a tea party in the mansion was something that was completely new to her. She didn’t have the opportunity to do it the last time but this time, she was given permission and Corren was even going to assist her. After finishing up her duties, she started planning the tea party with Butler Corren. The process was smooth and seamless, impressing the aged Butler who had seen a lot of tea party in his days.    


The day of the tea party drew near. The mansion was brightened up significantly but she had racked up a grudge with the beastmen, fae and dragons that occupied the castle because she asked that they be absent for one day. They couldn’t disobey the order of their master so they directed their glares to the mistress of the house. Natalia counted her days in the mansion while she watched them leave.    


The first guests to arrive from far away were the two princesses she invited, the second princess and the third princess. They were staying in the mansion until the day of the tea party. This time, she wasn’t alone outside to welcome them; her husband joining her after hearing the love of his life was on her way.    


The royal carriage stopped in front of them, the two princesses alighting. Natalia could understand just how awkward the ride had been for the both of them as the second princess was a silent person without her sister around. The two stopped in front of the couple, hiding their pale expressions.    


“I thank your highnesses for honoring my invitation. I welcome you to the Grand Duke’s mansion and I hope you have a wonderful stay here” she curtseyed. The two princesses eyed her with caution, greeting her with a simple nod. Alana and Fredrich locked eyes, Alana diverting her gaze first.    


“Please, follow me” Natalia said with a smile, leading the way into the mansion.    


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