The Duke's Unwanted Wife

C41 His Property

C41 His Property

0“It’s easy to want to marry you off but even after satisfying your conditions, you still do not want to marry the ladies I have presented to you. Could it be you’re really a sister-loving pervert?”    


“........please don’t mindlessly say things like that”    


“I’m just joking. Could it be that….you’re afraid?”    


“I’m terrified”    


“I wasn’t serious”    


“I know but I won’t lie to you. I’ve observed the marriages of high society and I’m terrified. I know I have the privilege of a choice but one wrong move and I could fall into a chasm of corruption and hatred like your husband and father. Because you were born a woman, you didn’t have that choice and I, as your brother, actually felt like I was better than you until I understood just how terrible your situation is. No matter what your husband does, you have no other choice but to be patient. I’m terrified of being in that situation, the situation in which I am the villain”    


“You’re ruining my life by remaining unmarried though. The rumors that we’re actually having an incestuous relationship is unsettling”    


“I’m sorry”    


“I was joking too. It’s nothing to bother yourself with. However, I’m worried about you. The King is keeping the princesses unmarried because of you. If you delay for too long, he will force an engagement. If that happens, the situation you are so desperately trying to avoid will happen. So, what will you do?”    


“.....I’ll leave my choice in your hands. You can choose who is best for me and I will abide by your wishes”    


“You finally relented. I thought I might have to cry”    


“Don’t joke like that”    


“Okay, okay” she laughed.    


“I’ll hold a tea party and assess the potential candidates properly. You can trust your dearest sister to find you the finest woman to marry”    


“Do as you wish”    


The two finally came out of the room after a while. The party was drawing to an end and several nobles were returning to their rooms. The two intended to return together but their path was blocked by the Grand Duke.    


“I’ve been looking all over for you. Where have you been?”    


“Forgive me. I was briefly resting. Have I caused a problem?”    


The nobles around suddenly stopped walking and leaned in to listen. If they said anything wrong, gossip would spread in the palace before the next morning. One could wonder if its the reason Natalia did it.    


“No. I was simply worried about you” Fredrich replied without hesitation.    


“I must apologize again and thank your grace for your kindness” she smiled, extending her hand to take him. Sebastian almost refused to let her go but he did. There was almost nothing he could do to protect her. She wasn’t only his sister anymore. She was now someone’s wife.    


“I will honor my promise, Bastian. I’m sure her majesty won’t mind a brief tea party in the palace”    


“........Do as you like” he said, turning to walk away. Fredrich stoped dwadling and begun walking to their accommodations. Their walk back was quiet, the same as the other times they had spent time together. Natalia was sure he would throw her hand away but he held it till they reached their palace. Once they were close, she finally begun to panic. They were going to spend the night together and she hadn’t had the chance to burn an illusion candle.    


Her steps faltered, causing him to stop. Her whole body trembled involuntarily earning a quizzical look from the Duke.    


“Forgive me, it would seem I have caught a chill. I will excuse myself to go take a warm bath now” she said, trying to pull her hand. However, it was firmly caught in his hand and he didn’t look willing to let go. Natalia felt her blood run cold. His red eyes looked more menacing under the moonlight.    


“Everytime you speak to me, you always seem to have apologies or you are always excusing yourself. I hear all these things about you being the flower of the capital and the most eloquent lady there is but you don’t seem to be able to say a single word in my presence. May I inquire the reason?”    


“I do not dare to disrespect the Grand Duke”    


“Even though I am your husband?”    


“Such a reason is enough to make me respect you even more. I dare not disturb the duke in the midst of his duties with mindless chatter. I shall remain quietly by your side like a flower, just as is expected of me”    


“The eloquence part doesn’t seem to be a lie. You despise me”    


“How could I?”    


“I hate liars”    


“I am not lying, your grace”    


‘I do not despise you. I hate you and……I fear you’ she thought.    


“I am sorry if I have done anything offensive. I have tried my best to not be a hindrance to the dukedom. If there is anything more I should do, your grace should inform me and I would carry it out”    


His gaze darkened the more she spoke. She wisely decided to keep quiet and wait it out. The worse he could do was hit her. If he injured or killed her, she could use that chance to escape and blame him for murder. If the Grand Duke was imprisoned, he might not have the chance to overthrow the royal family.    


But even with that eventuality, things might still go wrong for Marquis Adamantine. Sebastian would be forced to marry Francesca to support the crown prince. The crown prince was not a suitable leader in the least. If he ascended the throne, there could be chaos.    


“I don’t like your eyes”    


“......then your grace should feel free to gouge them out or cut them with your sword. If you wish for me to not appear in front of you, then you shall not see a glimpse of my shadow again. If you wish to replace me as your Grand Duchess, then I shall not say a word of protest”    


“HA! HAHAHAHAHA! Shouldn’t the daughter of a Marquis have more dignity?”    


“I am no longer a daughter of the Marquis. I am now the property of the Grand Duke. If you wish to throw me away, then you can do so. If you wish to keep me, I cannot refuse you”    


“Then, you agree to help me ascend the throne?”    


“To the best of my ability, your grace”    


“HA! I wish to see the capabilities of the flower of the capital!”    


He finally let her hand go and stormed into the palace. She sighed, holding her bruised wrist. It would seem there was no need to burn a candle that night.    


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