The Duke's Unwanted Wife

C12 Alana's Thoughts (1)

C12 Alana's Thoughts (1)

0It was impossible to not have heard of the Castle on the Edge. Even for a forgotten princess, hearing the gossip of the Duke’s life in the Southeast was easy. All she had to do was listen in on the chatty maids doing laundry behind her palace. It was also how she heard he was getting married.    


Lady Natalia Adamantine. She was well known and loved in the capital by the common people. The nobles showed her courtesy in front of everyone but behind her backs, many malicious words were being said. Alana thought they were just alike. Everyone spat her for being the bastard born into the royal family even though she didn’t ask for it.    


Her days in the palace nowadays were quiet and long. In the past, she would be maltreated by mere servants but now, she was left to rot like a spiderweb in the corner. The reason for this was none other than Fredrich.    


It happened suddenly. One day, the abandoned palace got a visitor. The place buzzed to life, the servants hurriedly cleaning the place up for the arrival of the Grand Duke, Fredrich Kristen. She had heard a lot of stories of the man, many detailing his cruelty. He was the Duke of the cursed Southeast, after all, the overseer of the Forest of Damnation.    


“It’s a pleasure to meet her highness, Princess Alana Willow Ducroft” he bowed to the waist. It was the courteous way to greet royalty yet she had never been greeted like that. His eyes were sharp but his voice was gentle like he didn’t intend to scare her. Aside from that, he was very handsome.    


“Welcome to my humble palace, your grace” she curtseyed clumsily. His sharp eyes surved her as she led him anxiously to the greenhouse. It was the only salvageable building near her palace, somewhere she could go freely. The servants set up a table for tea with ornate tables, chairs, and tea sets she had never seen in her life. She was sure they were sent by the Queen.    


She sat, watching him sit after her. While she held the teacup anyhow she wanted, he lifted it with grace, extending his pinkie. She attempted to imitate him, almost spilling the tea on her only good dress.    


“Is there anything I can do for you, your grace?” she coughed to hide her embarrassment. He set the cup down and stared straight at her.    


“His Majesty sent me here. The debutante ball for ladies your age is coming up soon, your highness and he wishes for you to participate. I have been sent here to assist your highness”    




To send a whole Grand Duke to her, what did it mean? Did he mean to tell her he remembered her and considered her precious or did he just want to annoy the Grand Duke? Knowing her father, it was most likely the latter.    


“Yes. Unfortunately, I am unfamiliar with the process of preparing a lady for the Debutante ball so I would like your highness to cooperate with me”    


“Can you…..stop?”    


“Is there a problem, your highness?” His gaze was sharper like if she refused, he might just strike her down there. Her conjecture was proving to be true.    


“You keep calling me your highness but you know my position. I am ranked even lower than your grace. I feel weird so……Just call me Alana”    


“I can’t do that, your highness. You should be more aware of your position. You are the Third Princess of the Prosperous Kingdom of Ducroft. You should hold your head high and command those who despise you”    


Alana was caught off guard. He looked serious, picking up his teacup like he hadn’t just said something that would change her life forever.    


“Pfft-hahahahahaha! You’re an amusing man, your grace”    


“I am honored that you find me amusing, your highness”    


“I never thought I’d get a debutante ball but if your grace would help me, then I have nothing to be scared of. Thank you for your help in advance, your grace”    


“You’re welcome in advance, your highness”    


He did help her plan for her debutante ball in a grand fashion. He ordered the best dress from the influential La Borisque Boutique Deluxe collection, ordered custom-made jewelry for her, and shoes which he ensured were comfortable for the princess who had never worn expensive shoes in her life before. The more time they spent together, the more her heart stirred and she fell in love with the Grand Duke.    


He escorted her to the Debutante Ball, ensuring she made a stunning appearance in society. He stayed by her side basically the entire night, helping her ease into conversations and ensured she had fun at her debutante ball. It was scary, then fun eventually it ended in heartbreak.    


It was at the ball she got to know he had a Fiancee. She thought it would just be some lady but she was shocked when she got to know it was the beautiful and elegant Flower of the Capital, Lady Natalia Adamantine. An icon of beauty and elegance, she was the one best suited to the Grand Duke rather than a forgotten princess playing dress-up.    


She heard this from the First and Second Princess who said it close to her just to spite her. They giggled and walked to greet the lady while she reeled in shock. She couldn’t even look the lady in the eyes, feeling like an ant being stared at by a tiger.    


Once the night ended, she was escorted to her palace by the Duke. She couldn’t even meet his eyes the whole time, staring at anything but him. He surely noticed but didn’t say anything until they reached her palace.    


“I hope I made the night enjoyable and memorable for you, your highness”    


“Yes, I thank the Duke for his generosity. Well, it is late and I must retire to bed now…….”    


“Alana, look at me”    


He rarely ever called her name, forcing her to look at him. His eyes were soft and his hand was outstretched for hers.    


“What’s wrong? You haven’t met my gaze once”    


“You……are truly a cruel man, your grace. You could’ve told me you were betrothed. I thought……”    


“That doesn’t matter, your highness. My heart belongs only to you”    


“Will you break the engagement and marry me then, Fredrich?”    


“.......I’m sorry”    


It was the last time she saw him. News reached her in five months that he had gotten married. The Marquess had probably pressed the King since he was at the ball where the Third Princess was escorted by his daughter’s Fiance.    


But, it was only the beginning of their misery. The love she harbored for the duke made her do things she should’ve never done and in ten years, she could only realize the error of her ways when the news reached her that the infamous Iron Duchess was dead in prison.    


That was her past life.    


Now that she was summoned to the Duke’s Mansion in her new life, which didn’t happen last time, she would latch on to her only hope of survival.    


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