The Duke's Unwanted Wife

C50 Careless Compassion

C50 Careless Compassion

0The mansion definitely looked different from the last time she was there. It was clear that it had a feminine touch, an elegant one at that. It looked a lot more homey and less depressing. The darkness was limited to the outside as the inside was warm and inviting. She didn’t talk about it but it was clear that the Duchess was proud of what she had done.    


“The butler would direct your servants to the room you would be staying but for now, you can join us for lunch. Everyone here is excited to receive our dear princesses. The dining room is this way” she gestured, leading the way. All three women were surprised that the Grand Duke was still following them. While the second princess thought it was because of the good relationship between the Grand Duke and his wife, the Grand Duchess and the third princess knew better.    


“I would have to apologize in advance as I won’t be joining you for lunch today. I still have a pile of paperwork waiting for me back in the office but I will be joining you for dinner. Please enjoy” she curtseyed, returning to her office before any of the princesses could protest. Ariella was actually nervous being around the Grand Duke and her step-sister, preferring Natalia’s presence since she was the one she was most familiar with.    


Since the Grand Duchess had made her escape, The Grand Duke couldn’t weasel his way out of dining with the princesses. They settled awkwardly in the dining room and watched as the food was served. One could tell it’s quality just from one look, not looking different from what would be served in the royal palace. But it was strange that even though the Duchess leaving was an impromptu action, three plates of food were served.    


Ariella and Fredrich ate non-challantly but it endlessly worried Alana. She couldn’t be aware that the one she was worried about was freely eating a snack as she worked. She was the only one in the office, sorting out through piles of paperwork she had to finish that day. A summoned Madaline soon sat by her side, willingly helping her out.    


“During the Extermination Campaign, they would definitely try to kill some fairies or try to even hunt you down. What would you do?”    


{The home of the fairies is well hidden. Even if I’m not there, neither the dragon king nor the humans would be able to find our home. Even the fae can’t find their way back home. It’s fine}    


“If you say so”    


There was suddenly a knock on the door. It was opened and Princess Ariella stepped into the office. She was accompanied by a maid of the house. Natalia rarely sighted them around since they stopped helping her. They couldn’t continue with that attitude with two princesses. Natalia charged her to bring tea for the princess while she sat.    


“Is there anything I can help your highness with?”    


“I….need your help. I…..dislike the title of shadow princess. Following in my sister’s shadow has made me realize something, especially seeing my siblings so unhappy. I….don’t want to end up like them”    


“And what makes your highness think I can help you?”    


“You’ve…..changed, Natalia. I used to think you hated both I and my sister but you called me by my name. I thought if you had a little bit of affection for me, then maybe……”    


“My, aren’t you quite naive, your highness?”    




“You should’ve stayed under your sister’s shadow. If you go out into the world with such a mindset, you would be used and torn apart by people before you realize. Since when we were young, you’ve always hid behind your sister. Why did you feel the need to change?”    


“I….just got the feeling that if I continued to follow her, I would die with regrets. Somehow, I don’t want to live like that”    


Natalia smiled. In the past, when Fredrich took over the throne, he killed the entire royal family. The second princess was the most innocent of all of them but because of Alana, all of them died without exception. Natalia wasn’t exactly in a position to help Ariella but there was something she could do.    


“Have you thought about marriage, your highness?”    


“My……siblings said it would be better to be engaged to Lord Orland but……”    


“Why don’t you consider getting engaged to the Crown Prince of Berinda?”    


“But Berinda is so far away and……”    


“Your gut feeling is good, your highness. You asked for my help and I have offered the only type I can give. If you wish to take my advice, then make sure to take a huge dowry and settle a trade agreement with Berinda. Also, write out a divorce settlement for your future if you do not wish to stay too long in Berinda. What does your highness think?”    


“Is that better than being a Temple Maiden?”    


“A Temple Maiden? Who……told you about that position?”    


“I called the saintess candidate for a prophecy and she asked me to become the Temple Maiden. I was considering it but I really don’t know what to…..”    


“DON’T……Don’t even think about it. You can’t become a Temple Maiden, your highness. Please don’t foster any relationship with the church”    


“Why? Why do you sound so alarmed, Natalia?”    


“........the rituals the saintess and the temple maiden engage in are of the intimate sort, that’s why the temple maiden is always a man. These rituals are performed daily by the temple maiden which drains them of their energy and they die in a few years. If they live longer, their lives are elongated with magic. It’s an extremely dangerous position to consider”    


“But if it’s something like that, why would the saintess candidate offer it to me? Is she trying to commit treason?”    


A feeling of disgust overwhelmed Natalia. In her past life, it was the same. Although the temple maidens were usually male, the saintess insisted on making them female, the symbol of purity for the church. The devout didn’t know the nature of these rituals and never saw the temple maiden’s faces so they couldn’t tell they were being replaced every few years.    


Adelie wasn’t stupid. She wouldn’t offer the position to the second princess if she didn’t know the royal family’s fall wasn’t too far away. If she knew about that despite being the saintess candidate so soon, then she also fully recalled her past life. The second princess was in a desperate situation and Adelie Grayson was going to take full advantage of that.    


“It isn’t treason. You may not believe it but she’s trying to save you, although it’s for her own satisfaction”    


“Using a princess for her own satisfaction is still a little…..”    


“My option is good but her option might be better. Either way, you would be forced to make a decision especially since the sun might fall soon”    


“W-What?! That’s impossible! It’s……”    


“You’re right, Ariella. I have changed. Of all the members of the royal family, I have the most pity for you. There is no escape, your highness. You must choose your future. Even if you tell the king, it won’t change anything. You must know the kind of power ‘he’ possess”    


“But I can’t……”    


“It’s up to you to decide what you’ll do now. I kept my own family safe. Did you think marrying my brother to a foreign princess was to piss your sister off? My brother is the most important person to me in this world. If you have someone important to protect as well, then do your best, your highness”    


The distressed Second Princess left the room. Madaline, who was there the whole time, came out of camouflage.    


{Why did you tell her that? Won’t it cause a disturbance in your plans?}    


“The future has already been greatly altered. A lot of things have changed and a lot will change. I may have let go of some grudges but that doesn’t mean I haven’t incurred new ones. No one can stop him from taking the throne but that doesn’t mean I can put some barriers there for him”    


{But to think he’s a semi-transcendental at his age, it’s a little amazing}    


In the future, he would become more powerful but the chains weighing him down would increase. His fate was just as complicated as the rest of them.    


“How long do you think it’s going to take him to ascend to godhood?”    


{At the terrifying rate he’s going, a few years}    


“That is terrifying. Let’s hope he forgets about me when he becomes a god”    


{Agreed. Why don’t you aspire for godhood yourself? You have the potential}    


“There’s something inside me telling me that if I were to do that, I would regret it for as long as I live. There’s nothing amazing about becoming a god. Even a god has its restrictions and conditions for living. What’s the difference between a god and a human? In the end, each has to figure out how to live their life”    


{That is incredibly profound. I sense the presence of dragons. I’ll be leaving}    


“Dragons? What are you talking about?”    



Just as Madaline disappeared, the office door opened and the Grand Duke strolled inside.    


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