The Duke's Unwanted Wife

C55 The Extent of Her Influence

C55 The Extent of Her Influence

0“Her highness is getting engaged to the Crown Prince of Berinda?”    


“That’s odd. I thought she was definitely going to become Lord Orland’s fiance”    


“Didn’t you hear what Lord Orland said? Her highness probably couldn’t stand to be insulted like that. But isn’t Berinda……”    


“I don’t understand why his majesty would allow the engagement. Berinda’s citizens have elf-blood but their kingdom isn’t as powerful as ours. Wouldn’t her highness suffer if she were to go there?”    


“I heard there was a trade agreement. I don’t think her highness would suffer”    


The ladies buzzed excitedly at the tea party. There was a hint of worry mixed in their voices as everyone knew the Shadow princess could not stand if her sister wasn’t present. Natalia watched them, smiling.    


“What do you think, your grace?”    


“I think her highness made an excellent decision. I heard about the trade agreement and I too think it’s a good idea. It’s up to her highness to take charge of the project and prove herself as something other than the shadow princess. I’ve known her highness since we were children so I know that she is capable. When I get to the capital, I will wish her the best of luck”    


“You’re going to the capital, your grace?”    


“Yes. His grace has permitted I return to take care of my business there. I definitely feel favored that he is allowing me to do this”    


“The Grand Duke is really a good man. We’re so jealous you got to marry right, your grace. My husband insists that I stay home all day” the lady complained, other women protesting the same. She wondered if they would feel so jealous if they truly knew the kind of man the benevolent Grand Duke was. Now, the nobles had a favorable impression of him because she always spoke of him highly. She would continue to raise the standard till it was impossible for him to meet their expectations. From there, the facade would start to crack.    


“I’m going to stay in the Grand Duke’s mansion there so you ladies can definitely come over for a tea party if you’re in the capital”    


“We’re not sure we can blend properly with the ladies of the capital, your grace. Our culture is vastly different from theirs”    


“Don’t be so quick to judge, my lady. I have observed the culture of the southwest and even though it’s different, it’s still fundamentally the same. The ladies of the capital are accepting of change and I’m sure if you were to teach them a little about your culture, you can also learn from them. For example, the ways of the bedroom”    


The ladies squealed and the topic of the conversation immediately changed. As the ladies chatted excitedly with red faces, Natalia turned to one lady in particular that was just drinking her tea in silence, away from the other ladies. She was intentionally ostracized and wasn’t allowed to get close to the Grand Duchess in any way. She looked wronged and harmless but after meeting her a few times, Natalia could tell Countess Quartz wasn’t anything like that.    


Natalia said nothing, smiling and pitching in at intervals while she listened to the ladies. Although she hadn’t gotten the privilege of properly sharing a bedroom with a man, she did in her past life, especially when they were at war. It was a great way of relieving stress and making her sleep.    


Once the tea party reached its end, Natalia invited Countess Quartz to her office. It didn’t catch any attention since most of the ladies had left and Countess Quartz made sure she was the last one to leave. She followed Natalia quietly to her office, wondering why no one came to help the Grand Duchess. Once they were sat in Natalia’s office, Natalia locked the door with sound proof magic before she walked to her seat.    


“How’s working with Cage like?”    


“He was a brooding fool at first but now he flirts with every woman in sight. It’s really hard to keep him under control, even with your influence. But, everything is moving smoothly, just as you predicted”    


“Thank you for your hardwork. If it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t have been able to disrupt the underworld of Traisen so quickly”    


“You’re welcome, your grace. We await your next orders”    


“Don’t you worry, you’ll be rid of me soon enough as long as you have prepared what I asked for”    


“They’re all ready, your grace”    


“Excellent. We will act during the extermination campaign. I want nothing to go wrong”    


“Of course, you grace”    


After Countess Quartz left, Corren came to find her with someone in tow. It was a maid she had never seen before in the mansion. She had no expression on her face, standing behind Corren until she was summoned.    


“Your grace, this is your new maid, Anna. She will be replacing Wilbur from now on and she will be attending to your personal need”    


“I’m glad that the Grand Duke consented to my request so quickly. I look forward to working with you, Anna”    


“....and I as well, your grace”    


Corren left so it was just the two of them in the room. Natalia had never seen this Anna woman in either lives so she didn’t know whether she was a spy from the Grand Duke’s side, Corren’s personal spy or a spy from the capital. Either way, she couldn’t be trusted.    


“Have you gotten yourself familiar with your room?” Natalia asked.    


“Not yet, you grace”    


“Then you can go and do that. I like to be alone and I prefer not to be disturbed so you only need to come when I need you. If you need something to do, you can join the other maids to take care of the mansion”    


“Yes, your grace”    


Once she left, Natalia locked her room with magic. She picked out a cloak, went into the bathroom and activated her teleportation magic, landing in the alleys of Traisen. She made her way out, heading to the closest inn. The moment she entered, she spotted a loud Cage jostling drinks and women at a table. She walked up straight to the bar.    


“I want a lemon flavored beer” she said, relatively loudly. The entire place slowly became silent as they turned to her. She lowered her hood and looked straight at Cage.    


“What did I say about slacking off? You are going to get killed like this one day”    


“M-Master, I didn’t see you there”    


“Of course you didn’t. We have important things to discuss so, let’s go”    


While Natalia was in Traisen, there was also someone having a late night dinner in Traisen. The Grand Duke found himself as a guest in the house of one of his vassals, eating with the rest of them.    


“It’s a little regretful that her grace isn’t here with us tonight. She is an interesting person to talk to. My wife doesn’t stop talking about her”    


“Any time the grand duchess sends an invitation for a tea party, she’s immediately prepares to leave. I’m a little jealous” the count chuckled. The continuous favorability of the Grand Duchess annoyed Fredrich. They were supposed to be loyal to him but just after meeting her a few times, they all sang her praises.    


“I heard from my wife that her grace is returning to the capital to manage her business. I used to think you were a close minded person, your grace but now, I feel ashamed to think I assumed you were like that. My wife has been sad that I didn’t allow her to start a business so I would follow in your steps and support my wife as well”    


“If your grace can be this benevolent to your own house, then I’m sure we won’t have any regrets leaving you at the helm of this kingdom” Marquis Salam, the host, said, raising his glass. Fredrich’s eyes widened. The man who staunchly remained loyal to the royal family was giving his support. Was this really the extent of Natalia’s influence?    


“I will do my best not to disappoint you all” he replied, clenching his fist. The more he learnt, the more ashamed he felt. Things that he found hard to achieve for years were suddenly solved by the presence of his wife. The guilt lodged firmly in his throat, making the rest of the dinner uncomfortable for him. When he got out, he could finally breathe.    


“You want me to lure a monster rampage during the extermination campaign?! Do you know how dangerous that is?”    


“All I know is that you’re capable of it. This isn’t a request, Cage”    


“The consequences of your actions are going to be dire. Traisen would be overrun and it can give the Empire a chance to invade”    


“Do I look like someone who cares about that?” she asked, her voice as cold as ice. She put her hood back on and activated her teleportation magic.    


“Do as I say. If you disappoint me, well, you know what can happen. You can go back to enjoying your night, Cage. I’ll see you next time” she disappeared in a flash of green light, leaving the man distraught.    


Back in her room, Natalia heard a knock at her door. Thinking it was her maid, she walked up to send her off but instead found the Grand Duke there.    



“We need to talk, Natalia”    


It was the first time he had ever called her name.    


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