The Duke's Unwanted Wife

C91 Heat

C91 Heat

0Marvis stared emptily into the air. He had been stuck in a corner of the huge palace for the past few weeks because Crown Prince Reagan refused to leave. He of course liked Natalia’s company but he missed walking out in the open air. He was a social person who especially enjoyed the company of his kind.    


"Why do you look like you were kicked out in the rain?" Amaika asked, bringing in a tray of food. Marvis glanced at it but didn't stand up to eat it. He sighed, laying back on the bed.    


"I feel like a circus animal."    


"A circus animal performs. You're just wasting air and food."    


"It's not my fault I'm stuck here! Lia ordered me not to go out of this room until he leaves!" He yelled, exasperated.    


"I think it's tragic that we have to tuck our tails and hide when someone like you has the potential to become more than you are. If you continue hiding, you won't be able to unlock that potential. I feel sorry for you."    


"Ugh, if you want to say something, say it! Stop sounding like a wisecracking old man!"    


"I am old, older than you think. I can help you obtain the power you need. I can put you on equal grounds with him and her."    


"What do you mean? I thought she was your master. Whose side are you on?"    


"This isn't a matter of sides. This is something that concerns the survival of my kind and my master as well. I will do what I think is best for those I care about. You can take your time to think about it."    


They bowed and left the room. Marvis was left feeling more depressed than he was when he was alone in the room. When Natalia returned, she found the food untouched and Marvis curled up on the bed in his human form. It hurt her heart.    


"What's wrong?" She asked, threading her fingers through his hair.    


"Nothing. It's just…..a little boring in here and I feel like my life is meaningless and I'm just wasting time by sitting in here doing nothing. My people are enslaved and suffering while I'm here, eating well and taking up space."    


"Did Amika get to you again? They're always such a bully to everyone else. I'll give them a good talking to. My appointment is tomorrow and the crown prince is finally leaving today. You can move out freely, especially once we get to the north…."    


"But the North is so far away from the Empire! I can't really do anything….."    


"I can teleport. A teleportation circle for a large distance wouldn't be hard to construct if I put my mind to it. If you need anything, I can provide it. Once I become Duke of Graviscera and we expand the trade routes to the Empire, we can start saving your people and bringing them to Polivia. Polivia needs the workforce and your kind can protect us from outside threats. Isn't it the perfect plan?"    


Marvis looked up in her eyes and saw they were clear. She cared about his feelings. She wasn't trying to take advantage of him. She wanted to help him. But why?    


"Why would you do that for me?"    


"Well, if you leave me, I'll lose my companion and the soft pillow I have every night. I can't easily let that go, now can I?"    


"I feel like I'm being used."    


She laughed and he joined her. When it was just two of them in the room, it felt very peaceful. It was like they were in a world of their own and nothing could take that happiness away from them. There was an unfamiliar feeling welling up in Marvis's chest and he started to feel an overwhelming urge to touch her lips with his. When the thought crossed his mind, he immediately put some distance between them.    


"What's wrong?" She asked, confused. His gaze strayed to her lips and her exposed bosom from the cut in her top. It was like some form of veil was pull over his eyes and she started to look more and more attractive.    


"Nothing, I…..I have to use the bathroom!" He said, running inside. He locked the door and slid on the floor. His heart began beating faster and he smelt the faint scent of something sugary sweet. Dread made the color drain from his face.    


"What's wrong?! What happened?!" Sebastian demanded, rushing into the room after Natalia hurriedly called for him and Amaika.    


"He's locked himself in there for a long time. I'm worried. Can you check on him for me?"    


"It's the bathroom, Natalia. Maybe he's just taking a dump," Sebastian said, rolling his eyes. He got his emotions under control and he sat on the couch in the room.    


"For the past four hours?! Last I checked, faeces don't smell like flowers."    


"Wait, did you just say you smelt flowers?" Amaika interjected.    


"Yes. I started smelling it a bit after he entered the room. Do you know what's wrong with Marvis?"    


"I have to confirm first. Lord Sebastian, can you perceive the scent of flowers coming from the bathroom?"    


"No, I can't. Why would the bathroom smell like flowers? It just smells normal."    


"It's just as I suspected. He's in heat."    


"......what does that mean?"    


"Since he's part wolf, he has the tendency to go into a state where he craves strong intimacy which might translate to desire. Which means, he wants to mate with someone. Normally, only other werewolves can perceive this scent but because you're a transcendental, you can feel the disturbance in order around you. If you want him to get better and not turn into a raving lust monster for the next week, you need to get him someone to mate with."    


The news came as a shock to Natalia. There wasn't a lot she knew about Werewolves but to think something as barbaric as that was what they had happen to them seemed very unfair.    


"Does it…..have to be a female werewolf?"    


"It doesn't really matter. Werewolves often take partners for themselves this time of year and go into hibernation. They mostly take werewolf partners because other races can't deal with having to constantly be intimate for an entire week. Humans can't survive it."    


For some reason, Natalia wasn't open to the idea of letting someone else come into her room and mate with Marvis like an animal. She could always vacate the room but she didn't want to leave Marvis. She felt very conflicted and couldn't seem to get a word out. Sebastian stepped in.    


"Is there a way we can calm his symptoms? He sounds like he's suffering."    


"Well, I can temporarily make him go to sleep but that would last only about 16 hours. You need to make a decision before them because werewolves are strong and can become naturally resistant to magic. They however, cannot fight their nature."    


Natalia still couldn't say anything as Amaika entered the bathroom and locked the door behind them. Sebastian stood beside Natalia and watched with her as Amaika brought out Marvis's prone body, covered in scratches. Marvis sported a few himself, mostly on his hands and face. Luckily, they were already healing.    


"Can you…..leave us for a moment? Oh, ask the servants to bring us tea."    


".....fine," Amaika settled, leaving the room. Once they were gone, Sebastian turned to look at Natalia.    


"I never thought the day I would say this would come. You actually fell for a commoner!"    


"He's not a commoner! He's just a knight who lost his honor," she argued.    


"So you agree that you love this man?"    


"I…..I don't know. I'm not sure if this feeling I have is love. I want to lock him up so no one else can look upon him or take him away from me. I wish he never leaves my side. I want to make marks on that pretty skin and…..oh my, maybe I do love him."    


"I'm glad you're finally realizing it. I thought I would never see the day you two would admit your perverse desire for one another. I'm surprised he's not already seen your entire body seeing as you live inside the same room!"    


"Why does it sound like you're upset? I was married once. I'm not that foolish."    


"You were married against my will. Now that you can choose for yourself, you choose a man who cannot even fight his nature? Honestly, I'm appalled at your taste in men."    


"......shut up," She mumbled.    



"Well, what are you waiting for? Undress him already! I know you've been daydreaming about the size of his tool and I'm sure he won't mind being a digger….."    


"Get out!" She screamed, locking the loudly laughing Sebastian out of the room. Once the door was locked, she came back towards the bed and her hands began trembling. The idea of intimacy still scared her. Still, the idea of letting someone else have him scared her more. Slowly, she took off her clothes and placed them to the side. Then she snapped her fingers and the magic spell on Marvis broke.    


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