The Duke's Unwanted Wife

C18 The Beldania Memorial

C18 The Beldania Memorial

0The Duke’s carriage stopped in front of a giant arch. Fredrich helped the princess descend the carriage and they both stared at the Beldania Memorial. It was a mass grave with a single mausoleum that housed the deceased former duke and the other nobles who died during the invasion. It was properly maintained since it was a historical site but it didn’t take away the fact that it was a graveyard.    


“Welcome to the Beldania Memorial grounds, your highness, your grace. I am Urn, the keeper of the memorial” the young man who came to greet them bowed. He had short jet black hair and dull brown eyes, his entire countenance gloomy. Still, he seemed competent so the Duke talked to him.    


“I want to pay my respects to my father with her highness”    


“.......of course, your grace. Follow me”    


Alana was aware of why the young man hesitated. The news would have reached even a remote area that the Duke was married to the daughter of a marquis, not a princess. The Duke hasn’t come to the memorial with his legal wife yet he was there alone with a supposed princess. He wisely kept his mouth shut and led them both to the mausoleum.    


The doors of the mausoleum were locked with magic and with the twirl of his hand, the keeper unlocked the door. The Duke and the Princess stepped inside and could immediately see the grave of the former Grand Duke of Kristen. They walked up to the grave with a solemn expression. Once they were in front of it, they clasped their hands and closed their eyes, offering a prayer for the deceased heroes.    


Alana was the first to open her eyes. She stared up at the giant painting of the former Duke charging into battle. It was a striking painting, almost as if the former duke would run out of the painting and charge at the enemies behind her. She could feel the magic that surrounded them in the mausoleum, the remnants from a once powerful man.    


“You bear a striking resemblance to your father, your grace”    


“.......I know”    


It was something he heard a lot. There hasn’t been a year that had gone by since the death of his father that they hadn’t been compared once. He could still remember the former illustrious duke and his impact on the world around him. He could also remember the type of father he was. He was remembered to be benevolent and kind since he was a duke but the truth remained that he was just like the other dukes before him, a man with a pride that was mightier than the sun. Fredrich could vaguely guess the cause of his father’s death. There was no way he could’ve died from a simple invasion.    


“I’m not comparing you to your father, your grace. In some ways, you are a better man than he was”    


“.......You’ve changed, Alana”    


“It’s impossible not to. The world changes everyday, doesn’t it?”    


“Indeed it does. Was there anything you needed to do here?”    


“It’s a historical site so it wouldn’t be right not to visit since I’m on a tour of the kingdom. I like the craftsmanship here. The vivid art that portrays the solemnity and significance of this memorial makes coming here a worthwhile experience. I appreciate you bringing me here, your grace”    


“It’s no problem” he suddenly smiled, taking her hands. She smiled at him but her internal panic increased. The main reason she was there was…    


“Leilin, are you done?”    


{You can’t rush this things, Alana. I need to properly absorb this energy. Thank you for bringing me to a place so rich of remnant energy}    


“It isn’t easy finding an excuse to be here longer. Hurry up!”    


{Unless you can find a way to come back here within two days, then I can temporarily stop absorbing the energy}    


“We’ve already been here for a while now. It’s time for us to leave, your grace”    


“It’s only the two of us here yet you wouldn’t call me by my name”    


“It’s a matter of courtesy between a married man and an unmarried woman. I cannot disrespect the duchess simply because she isn’t here”    


“She’s not…..”    


“I would appreciate it if the topic isn’t brought up any longer. I do not care if you don’t love the Duchess. She is your wife now. She deserves to be respected, especially a woman of her station and I am unwilling to make an enemy of Marquis Adamantine”    


“I am more than able to protect you…..”    


“If you can protect my body, can you protect my heart? Can you say you’d always be beside me every second of the day? Duke Fredrich, you chose your family over me. Now, I will chose myself over whatever you think is between us. I am unwilling to become the tool you would use to control the duchess” Alana’s tone sounded increasingly furious. The man she loved, or used to love, kept treating her like a pawn even to the end, whether he intended to or not.    


“Unless you want to bury me here too, let us depart, your grace”    


The door of the mausoleum opened and the two walked out with a completely different atmosphere than they walked in. The princess didn’t wait for the Duke, preferring to go with the maids instead to the carriage. They would still ride the carriage together but it was her plain act of defiance.    


“Okay, what did you do this time?” Wilbur said, leaning in close. The duke looked confused himself, staring at her departing back.    


“I think I know but at the same time, I don’t”    


“Her position is a bit delicate right now. She’s the abandoned princess staying with the recently married Duke. The rumors that would come out from this situation would negatively affect her highness. This is why you should be more patient and understanding. Her highness has suffered so much already”    


“You don’t have to tell me. I’m trying my best. You know of our plans. If they go well, then I would be able to…..”    


“How would you rid her of that stigma? You already married Lady Natalia”    


“If anyone dares speak ill of Alana, I will pull out their tongues and crush their throat!”    


“Wow, how scary~! Would she appreciate that though?”    


Fredrich sighed, finally taking strides to the carriage. Wilbur threw a money pouch at the memorial keeper and kept walking with Fredrich.    


“Aren’t you supposed to be on duty right now? What are you doing here?”    


“Since my master is not around, Corren assigned me to watch you. It was rally needed because I’m sure you would botch things with her highness. Try taking her into the city, to a boutique. Women certainly love new shiny things”    


“She’s not a cat, Wilbur”    


“Cats, women, what’s the difference, your grace?”    


“’re right. Women are certainly complicated, that’s for sure”    


Seated in the carriage, Alana felt a strange chill come over her. Never in her life, could she imagine that such a sour day could get so much worse.    


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