The Duke's Unwanted Wife

C24 Kinship

C24 Kinship

0“Your grace, if you don’t mind me asking, why do you wish to purchase a Hallmand Wolf cub? There are other less dangerous beasts up for sale”    


“As the Countess knows, her majesty’s birthday is coming up and I wish to present a befitting gift to her majesty”    


“But your grace, the parasites the wolf cub carries are dangerous”    


“The wolf cub picks up the parasite from being weaned by its mother and hunting. But if the wolf cub is torn from its mother from the moment it is born and properly taken care of and trained, then it can make a good pet”    


“Still, gifting a wild animal to her majesty is…..”    


“You didn’t feel this hesitant selling the Red Mountain Bald Eagle to the Empire’s crown prince, did you? It’s a crime to sell endangered species to the empire, Countess Quartz”    


The expression of the Countess changed for a brief moment. One wouldn’t notice it but Sebastian clearly saw it. The murderous intent the countess carried shocked him. But the fact that his sister knew about what the countess had been doing shocked him more.    


“I want to maintain a good relationship with the Countess so whatever the price, I will purchase the best quality wolf cub you have”    




“Let me handle this, Bastian. So, what do you say, Countess?”    


There was in fact, no room for arguments. If she so wished, she could report the Merchant Association to the King and they would have their license seized, the countess would be imprisoned, would have her properties seized and their branch would be cut from the main Association. It was her word against the Duchesses. She was also an Adamantine so the Countess would lose either way.    


“....follow me, your grace”    


The siblings rose and followed the Countess. She followed a different path down the stairs, taking them further from the reception down a path not visible from outside the building. The further in they went, the more intense the smell became. All of them covered their noses, and finally reached a large red iron door. The countess knocked rhythmically on the door and it was opened from the inside with a large sound, opening inward. The smell became more intense but they still followed the Countess in.    


“This is where we keep the beasts we capture from the forest of damnation. The smell is unavoidable so try to bear with it until we leave this place. We do, in fact have a Hallmand wolf cub that doesn’t have a mother and I will order for it to be brought now” the countess said, turning to the attendant that followed them in. He nodded, going deeper inside.    


“So, how much would you like to see it”    


“2 million gold”    


“Oi, that’s too much, even if she asked you to name any price”    


“If it’s sold in an auction, it can go for 15 million gold, my lord. The price I’m offering her grace is just the starting price”    


“Bastian, like I said, it’s alright. I’ll write an IOU so you can go to the Adamantine Mansion in the city and collect your payment when you deliver the package there. Is that okay?”    


“The duchess is purchasing this from her personal coffers?”    


“Of course. It’s a personal gift from me to her beloved majesty”    


“If we’re done here, can we leave now?” Sebastian grunted, the overpowering smell making his eyes water.    


“Of course, my lord. Right this way. Please watch your step”    


They began to walk out. As Natalia passed the cages, she stopped, sensing something familiar nearby. She stared into one of the cages, finding a peculiar creature sleeping on a pile of grass. She moved closer to the cage, and placed her hand on the bar, staring at the human looking creature curled up on the grass. It was so small, like a child and it has two transparent wings extending from its back.    


“You also….capture fairies?”    


“They sell for very high, especially in this part of the kingdom”    


Why wouldn’t they? Fairies were dragon bait. This fairy appeared to be a fully grown yet weakened fairy who could do nothing but sleep being so far from the source of its magic.    


“How much for the fairy?”    


“Is this also a gift for her majesty?”    


“No, this is a personal purchase”    


“Well, I regret to inform you that the fairy has already been purchased”    


“I’ll pay twice…no thrice the amount. Just sell it to me”    


“Fair enough, I will sell it to you for 150,000 gold”    


“Thank you, Countess”    


They concluded their transaction and handed over the IOU to the countess before they were finally on their way to the duke’s mansion. Natalia couldn’t get rid of the pain and uneasiness she felt, seeing the fairy like that. She could only guess it was because of her contract and the close bond between the fairies. To see a fairy being sold as dragon bait, she couldn’t just abandon it.    


“Natalia, is anything the matter?”    


“No, I’m fine. What would brother be giving to the Queen as a present?”    


“I purchased a pearl from the west harbor a few months ago. I think she’ll like the necklace made from it so I’m gifting that to her”    


“She’ll try to make you stay with Princess Francesca again”    


“I always have an excuse to not sit with that boring princess for tea. Why do I want to debate the capital fashion with her? I’d rather do that with you”    


“Father is definitely going to get you married soon”    


“He can try”    


“What do you think about Countess Quartz? She was the only child of the late Count Quartz and was granted the nobility position, raising her family’s prestige by joining the Merchant Association. She’s industious and beautiful. I think it’s a good match”    


“I don’t like the look in her eyes. A woman ambitious enough to show her bloodlust at the slightest provocation will not make a good wife”    


“Your standard is just too high, Bastian” Natalia chuckled.    


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