The Duke's Unwanted Wife

C46 Natalia's Patience

C46 Natalia's Patience

0{In as much as Madaline and I are not direct enemies, you still have to be careful around her. It looks like she has contracted someone powerful}    


“I would try as much as possible to avoid a direct confrontation. There’s nothing I would benefit from that. The first thing to do is avoid contact with Adelie”    


{She is quite dangerous. Dealing with Angels is hard, even for fae like us}    


Alana couldn’t fantom just how Adelie got herself involved with angels. She did have fairy blood but that was enough for the angels to throw her away. Just how did she get the power of the angels? It didn’t make any sense.    


“Your highness, I have come to escort you to the gift-giving banquet”    


“......Lord Orland?”    


She opened the door, staring at the one person she never expected to be there. There was a part of her that expected it to be Fredrich but she was just as surprised to see the young lord standing outside her door. There wasn’t a single servant in the entire back palace so the impression he would’ve gotten was bad yet he still stood there with a smile on his face.    


“If anyone sent you to escort me, you may return. I don’t need anyone’s pity”    


“There’s nothing to be gained currying the favor of a princess hated by the Queen. Even if anyone pitied you, they wouldn’t come here. I’m here because I also didn’t have a partner for this banquet since his highness is escorting my sister. Will you do me the honor, your highness?”    


“Everything is suspicious about this, Lord Orland”    


“Please be willing to take that risk. Your highness wants to gain a foothold in high society, right? Let me help you with that”    


“And what will you gain in helping me?”    


“Perhaps a fair chance for your hand, your highness”    


“As if anyone else is in a competition with you”    


“There isn’t a soul alive who doesn’t notice the way the Grand Duke looks at you. If you’re with me, you could stave off unsavory rumors”    


“And start new ones. But…’s worth a shot. You may escort me”    


Alana dared to comment that the smile he gave her was beautiful. She couldn’t believe just how noticed she was when she walked up to present her gift to the Queen. It felt different, like she was finally taking something she owned. She wasn’t in the shadow of anyone else and it felt exhilarating.    


“You’ve been smiling a lot, your highness. Do you like it that much?”    


“It feels more pleasant than I expected. I finally feel seen”    


“And I as well. I feel like I’ve been ignored for way too long. Even though he hogged the spotlight this time as well, people are starting to look at us”    


“Do you have some grudge against Lord Adamantine?”    


“It’s not a grudge but something of a one-sided competition”    


“If it’s that, I understand what you mean. I will be cheering for you, my lord”    


“Do you care for a dance, your highness?”    


“I do”    


The two glided on the dance floor, lost in their own world. Ever since Lord Orland reached out to her, she felt something rekindle in her that was long thought to be dead. Maybe, she thought, she could finally fall in love properly. With the heir of the Marquis, she could have a good future. But there was a dark shadow on that future and it was all because of that man.    


“Lord Orland, may I ask a question?”    


“I will answer to the best of my ability so please, feel free”    


“What would happen……if someone in a high position were to plan treason with a high chance of success? What would you do?”    


“.......please do not speak of things like this carelessly”    


She knew he understood what she said. The Kristen Dukedom had more than enough power to take over the throne. If they had the support of the nobles, they were more than capable of doing so. Yet they hadn’t for a long time. It wasn’t that the royal family wasn’t vigilant but once Fredrich launched his attack, there was no stopping him. He was surely going to become king. Her fate was settled then. And the man that was involved with her, she didn’t know what would become of him. She was afraid of what would happen to him.    


“I know I promised to give you a fair chance but if something like that happens, you wouldn’t be standing on equal grounds anymore. I want my lord to take this into consideration and think of a way to protect yourself”    


The dance ended and Alana pulled away, leaving the stunned Lord Orland on the dance floor. She wandered to where the food was and didn’t realize that she was surrounded until she turned around.    


“Your highness, I was unaware of your excellent dancing skills. I feel it’s a pity we haven’t been able to see much of it since you don’t associate with us”    


The first time Alana danced in her life in front of others was her coming of age banquet and she was a mess for someone who had just started learning to dance a few months prior. Her mistakes were covered graciously by Fredrich and her confidence in her dancing skills dipped. In the latter part of her life, she ingrained the skills into her bones, finally gaining the form of a proper aristocrat. No doubt it would surprise them.    


“Pardon me but I haven’t received a lot of invitations so I haven’t had the opportunity to show off my skills yet”    


“If that’s the case, then we will send your highness invitations to our next tea parties. We usually gather at a famous salon in the capital so I’m sure you would be pleased with the location, your highness. We are very curious as to how you and Lord Orland got together”    


That was actually their aim, she could tell. However, to her surprise, an unlikely hero stepped in.    


“If all the ladies in the hall flocked around to gossip, it would paint a bad picture of high society. You should look for partners to dance with, ladies”    


“Y-Your grace!” they bowed, all finding an excuse to run away. Natalia stood behind her with an empty plate, slowly filling it up without saying a word. Alana wanted to thank her but couldn’t find a way to bring out any words.    


“I thought you were a careful person, your highness. Was I wrong in my evaluation?”    


“I am unsure of what you are referring to, your grace”    


“Lord Orland is a good choice but his sister is engaged to his highness. Doesn’t that tie risk both your lives?”    


Alana’s stomach sinked. So she knew. She spoke of it nonchalantly but the effect it had on her was much worse than the effect it had on everyone else yet she spoke so freely. It wasn’t like Fredrich favored her. In fact, the only reason she was spared was because of her son. She wasn’t pregnant but she still retained her title as the Flower of the Capital.    


“W-Why are you telling me this?”    


“I can see Lord Orland holds some favorability in your eyes. That could potentially cause some problems for many of us. I’m not going to force your hand but this decision could have consequences you cannot deal with. I’m curious as to how you would resolve them with his shadow looming over you”    


“But I don’t want anything to do with him anymore! I’m sick of this!”    


“If it was that easy, do you think I’d still be stuck?”    


“Why are you doing this? What do you want?”    


“I was just curious to see if you understood and to see if you had truly changed. Just know that the peace and stability you crave comes at a cost, a cost of blood. If you wish to involve yourself in this battle, you must be prepared to shed a pound of flesh”    


“Is that a threat?”    



“No, it’s a warning. We are not allies yet we are not enemies. A wrong move could make you into my enemy and I do not wish to be your ally at all. I haven’t forgotten what you’ve done to me and I haven’t forgiven you. But my forgiveness is not what your highness wants, right?”    


It was confirmed. Natalia could tell that she too, had knowledge of the future. Too many things had changed so the future they were headed into was uncertain but it seemed to Alana that the future was a little more dangerous than the one she was used to. Everything Natalia said was true.    


“Stay on his side. If possible, bring Lord Orland on his side as well. He is not someone you wish to make an enemy out of, your highness. We both know he would get his retribution in due time. I have chosen patience”    


Patience? Now it was all clear. The reason why Sebastian Adamantine came to get her from the palace and the reason why everything was going smoothly for her and everyone else. She didn’t want revenge or to change anything. She was going to wait it out and take her chance to disappear. It was scary to see that it was working well for her. Everything was within her control.    


“What would you do about Adelie? She’s after your head”    


“It doesn’t take a genius to see that. Although she’s done something as foolish as involve herself with angels, perhaps that confidence would be her undoing”    


“Heaven has no eyes. She plans to succeed at any cost”    


“I am more than ready to risk it all if it means I get my wish at the end. Something like this is nothing more than a slight inconvenience”    


To Alana, Natalia was like a mountain that remained unbothered even in the midst of fierce winds chipping away at her. She was finally satisfied with what she had picked on her plate and sat down nearby to eat.    


“Come join me, your highness. It’s truly delicious” she smiled.    


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