The Duke's Unwanted Wife

C81 Helping Hands

C81 Helping Hands

0Time flowed past like a river. The royal wedding slowly approached and so did the Leader’s Convention. As Natalia wrapped up the preparations for the wedding, she presented her idea to the Queen during Afternoon Tea. Natalia soon discovered she and the Queen were very similar. They were practical people who knew how to systematically plan things to work in their favor.    


“You wish to construct a building like a salon where people can view and discuss theater?”    


“Yes, your majesty. I assessed the problems and found this to be the most practical solution,” she replied. The documents she prepared with the help of Temara, Sebastian, Amaika and Marvis were in the hands of the Queen. She went through them critically, looking at the rough draft of the architectural design of the building.    


“So this is your plan to separate the noble class from the commoners? The design is not all bad. I’ve seen your brother’s work so I know I can count on you. When is this project slated to start?”    


“It has already begun. We just needed your seal of approval and your presence on the day it launches. I mean no disrespect to you, your majesty but as you know, we are pressed for time.”    


“It does feel a little insulting but I’m not an unreasonable person. Where do I give my seal?”    


Leaving the garden, Natalia headed straight for the Princess’s Palace where she was doing the last fitting of her wedding dress. Amaika was handling the reception and Marvis was with Sebastian for his own fitting.    


“It looks really good on you, your highness. Are there any inconveniences?”    


“No, it’s fine. Is there anything you need me to do?”    


“I came to tell you her majesty has approved the project. It would be done a few days after the wedding, just as we planned.”    


“That’s fine. Um, Lady Natalia, have you even gotten the time to rest at all? Your eyes….”    


“It’s fine. It’s not my wedding so I can rest when I want.”    


“.....still, I’m worried. Oh, sir Jane, you’re here! Please tell Lady Natalia she has to rest. Her behavior is quite worrisome. I know you made the wedding easier for me but I cannot rest easy seeing you like this.”    


“Lord Sebastian asked me to give you this, your highness,” Marvis said, handing her a piece of paper. She asked a servant to fetch her seal and approved it before she went back to the dress fitting. Marvis and Natalia excused themselves from the room.    


“I see you have taken to acting like an aide well. You know you don’t have to do this, right?”    


“It’s not like I have anything else to do. I’d feel useless if I was just lunging around. Besides, this is basically my job description. Working for your brother is much better than working for his highness. Going weeks without killing a single person lessens the burdens on my soul.”    


“His imperial highness must’ve had a lot of enemies.”    


“He made a lot of them, that’s for sure. He would get rid of anything he thought to be annoying. I never thought he would one day turn that dagger at me. I don’t even know why I believed so much in someone who would kill someone at the drop of a hat,” Marvis said derisively.    


“I know how it feels to be trapped in a nightmare. You don’t have to return to that life anymore.”    


“But I can't continue to ignore the fact that my kind are being tortured and turned into some kind of weapon for his highness and it’s all my fault.”    


“Do you…..want me to help you?”    


“Lia, the days where you have to scheme on end are practically over. You don’t have to go out of your way to do this for me. I’ll find some way to save them.”    


“You can’t save them based on mere thought and wishes. You’re a honest person so I doubt you would be any good at making such grand plans. Don’t worry, my specialty is killing and destroying others without lifting a finger. Let me help you, Marvis.”    


“I’m not sure my kind would take well to being helped by a human again.”    


“It’s not like you have any choice, is it?”    


“Well, what do you want in return?”    


“Hmm…..I want you… transform and become my pillow again.”    




“Ever since I laid on you, I have been unable to sleep well. The fluffiness of your fur is a sensation my body is frankly addicted to. That’s all I want.”    


“D-Do you even know what that means?”    


“I don’t. Is it too much to ask? Okay. I’ll ask for something else then.”    


“N-NO! I’ll do it. But please, don’t ask any other werewolf to do that for you.”    


“Why would I ask a stranger to transform and let me lie on them?”    


“Y-Yes, that makes sense,” he muttered. His ears perked and the tips were a light shade of red. Natalia saw it and knew there was something he wasn’t telling her. If he didn’t talk, Amaika would. Since he was going back to Sebastian’s office, she followed him.    


Unlike the princess, Sebastian looked tired. The siblings shared the same dark circles around their eyes, looking like the dead with their deadpan expressions. It was a little funny but Marvis fought the urge to laugh. Amaika just straight up commented on it.    


“Are you two fighting with the god of sleep?”    


“Your snide comments are the last thing I need with this pile of documents on my table, Amaika,” Sebastian retorted, stabbing his quill in the inkwell.    


“You’re the one who decided to send Count Umel back to Ducroft. You deserve everything happening to you,” Amaika said, shrugging. Sebastian decided ignoring them was the best option, turning to his documents.    


“The Queen approved the documents with her seal so we can start letting the word out. Amaika, did you manage to find all of the traveling theater troupes?”    


“I delivered the letter as requested, master.”    


“Thank you. Now, what does it mean when someone asks a werewolf to transform so you can lay on them?”    


“LIA!” Marvis exclaimed in embarrassment. The quill in Sebastian’s hand broke. The overpowering glare he gave to Marvis was enough to bury him six feet under if looks could kill.    


“Well, master, wolves lay on each other to increase intimacy so when one werewolf asks the other if they can lie together, it means…..”    


“Stop! Stop right there!” Natalia said, finally feeling embarrassed.    


“It doesn’t have a dirty meaning. It just means you want to court the werewolf. It’s a harmless gesture so you don’t have to feel bad for it. Pups lay on their mothers for comfort. I know the fur of a werewolf can feel comfortable, especially since they groom themselves as compared to wild wolves.”    


“That……makes a lot more sense actually. Thank you, Amaika.”    


Between the preparation for the royal wedding and the Leader’s Convention, the other kingdoms finally received news from Ducroft. They responded to the request for a convention….and they sent a delegate to Polivia for the royal wedding. There was also a delegate coming from the Empire of Illumine to attend the wedding.    


“Ever since I met you, there hasn’t been a single dull day, Lady Natalia.”    


“It feels like you’re mocking me, Duchess Everon.”    


“Mock you? No, I respect you quite a lot actually. You made the harsh decision to escape your fate and come here and the noble ladies won't stop talking about you, especially after that showdown with Lady Lorelei. I don't actually look her in the eyes because I'm afraid I'd turn to stone," she joked, raising her tea cup.    


"Why did you run here to inform me of the delegation coming from Ducroft and the Empire? It's a royal wedding so it's not like they can't come."    



"Don't you know who's coming as the head of the delegation from Ducroft? I hear he's a dashing young man that once opposed the current king in his pursuit of the current royal consort."    


"Lord Orland?"    


"Now the Marquis Orland, heir to the ducal family of Orland. And Guess who's coming as the delegation head from the Empire?"    


"It couldn't possibly be someone from the royal family, that much I know. They disregard Polivia so they won't send……"    


"It's his Imperial highness, the Crown Prince. I hear they are even coming together. This is about to become quite the hotbed. So, what would you do when the delegates arrive, Lady Natalia?"    


"I'm not the one getting married so I don't have to greet them. You know, the traditional clothing of Polivia is great for hiding one's face and body. Using that, no one would know what I look like and it'll be fine. I know exactly how to avoid attracting attention from all kinds of people when I want to."    


"How long are you going to keep hiding like this?"    


"Until one day, I don't have to."    


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