The Duke's Unwanted Wife

C105 Good Influence

C105 Good Influence

0As the conference neared, people started making their way to the North Pawal Island. The Island was a neutral zone that was in the control of the indiginous Pawal people who weren’t generally welcoming to strangers. They maintained the same type of situation as Polivia but people tended to leave them alone because of the treaty.    


The delegation from the Empire were the first to arrive, taking up a considerable portion of the island. They struggled with the kingdom of Ducroft to share that portion and Polivia arrived third. The Kingdom of Berinda and the smaller nations began to arrive in droves until all the leaders were present. Eventually, everyone got a place to stay and the meeting was set to begin the next day. Polivia got the furthest end of the island away from the other bigger nations.    


“It’s a wonderful day to have tea, is it not, your Majesty?”    


“Only you would think of having tea in this kind of situation. It’s quite unnerving to have a meeting like this that’s the first of its kind in a very long time. I’m never comfortable in a setting like this.”    


“Yes, I can understand what you mean but tea is supposed to help you calm your mind and be at ease, your majesty. If you are continuously stressed about the unknown, you will never enjoy the present. I was taught this very important lesson by her majesty during a tea ceremony.”    


“You seem to have had very reliable elders.”    


“They were good people with their own flaws but I am grateful for them regardless. We don’t have to do much. We will not participate too wholeheartedly and just have to make sure this decision does not affect us too much in the long run.”    


“You cannot say that when you are one of those people who has placed the continent into the mess it is right now.”    


“Saying that I’m such a person makes me feel honored. If there is any fuss generated from my presence, I will handle it properly. I have always fulfilled my promises, haven’t I, your majesty?”    


The Queen of Polivia couldn’t put a finger on it but she could ascertain that Natalia was a threat but not only because of her magic. She had been playing with the minds of people for a long time which made her a strong ally and a dangerous enemy.    


“I happened to hear a nifty little rumor going around in the kingdom.”    


“It must’ve been a rumor so interesting, it would reach the Queen’s ears.”    


“Indeed. I heard that the werewolf you arrived with has become the master of your house.”    


“Oh, that. Yes, it is an interesting rumor. It’s a joke I said that got misunderstood. I didn’t know people here didn’t have a sense of humor.”    


“I didn't know you were in the habit of making jokes, Duchess Natalia.”    


“You’re right, I don’t make jokes that often. It was only partially a joke. The situation we have found ourselves in is too complicated to be called a courtship or have simple labels of love placed on it. We are still figuring whatever it is out and I was under the impression that it was acceptable to do so in Polivia.”    


“It is fine. We won’t force anyone to do what they don’t want to do. You can tell that freedom of choice exists, especially with Duchess Everon.”    


“It happens to be one of the various things that I love about Polivia. Don’t worry, your majesty, everything will go smoother than expected.”    


As they were having tea, a royal steward came in to tell them they had a guest, one specifically requesting to see Natalia. The Queen had a peculiar look on her face but Natalia was still calm, standing up to go see her guest. She was pleasantly surprised to see it was the second princess.    


“Well, well, I never thought I would see you again. What a pleasant surprise, your highness.”    


“And I thought you would either be the new Queen of Ducroft or dead. It’s nice to see I was mistaken. I hear you’re a Duchess of Polivia now and you became that without having to get married. You just manage to gain my respect every single time I see you.”    


“Respect? One would’ve thought you resented me. A lot has changed about you, particularly…” Natalia’s gaze traveled lower to her swollen belly. Princess Ariella laughed and rubbed her belly. She looked a lot happier compared to the last few months they saw each other. Natalia was confused as to why she was there for the meeting and Pregnant despite the situation surrounding her family and her marriage.    


"You didn't separate from your fiancé?"    


"I didn't have to. The church continued to show support for Berinda as well as the crown. There is now a strong cooperation with Berinda and Ducroft and I do not have to forgo my title as a Princess of Ducroft."    


"I…see. How lucky then."    


"Yes, I am truly lucky to have a loving husband and family. Everything isn't perfect but I love it just the way it is."    


"I'm glad that you're happy. You shouldn't walk around carelessly in this kind of condition. I don't think I have tea that's safe for a pregnant woman so I will be uncourteous and send you back with a gift."    


"I understand whatever reason you have for not wanting me to be here. But I'm truly glad you are safe and alive. I've had the time to think and you were the one who saved my life. I loved my family very much but I understand they were not good people at times. My mother was innocent and just wanted to protect her children. My brother and sister were the type to go to any extreme to get what they wanted and they hurt so many people in the process. I know I got to live because I didn't do anything like that but I also deserve death. I'm glad you decided that I was worth sparing and my life was worth living."    


"But I'm not the reason for your happiness."    


"You might as well be. I want to wish you that same happiness. I really would've loved to see you as the Queen of Ducroft because heaven knows you deserve it but I can see you would flourish in any kind of situation so my mind is at ease. We will meet again, Duchess Natalia."    


Princess Ariella waddled away, leaving Natalia with heavy mixed feeling. Natalia stood staring at the Princess, even after she was no longer there. It was like that Marvis found her.    


"What's wrong, Lia?" He asked with a soft and gentle voice. She finally took her attention away and cradled her stomach. It was flat and she had obviously no experience of child bearing in her present life. Yet seeing a pregnant woman brought all the thoughts of the children she could've had back to her. The thought was maddening. If she had just stayed with Fredrich and let life play out the same way, she would have her children but the happiness she had right now, she wouldn't have any of it. She traded her children for her happiness. She just couldn't tell…if it was a fair trade.    


"Nothing. I just wondered what it would be like to be a mother."    


"Do you wish for it dearly?"    


"Not…exactly. If I had let my husband have his way with me like a normal wife, I would've become a mother. I feel like I've traded my motherhood for happiness."    


"Just because you would've doesn't mean you should've. You hated living like that so much that you faked your own death. It's obvious that situation wasn't the one for you and I'm glad for you that you freed yourself from those shackles and have become a person you would be proud of today. Right now, you know what's best for yourself. You could always become a mother if you wish. There are thousands of men who would do anything just to become the father of your children."    


"What about you? You don't want to become the father of my children?"    


Just like a fire being ignited, his face turned a brilliant shade of red. She smiled, putting her hands around his neck. He lowered his gaze while she brushed the sides of his head.    


"If you don't want to talk about it, we won't talk about it. I'm not even sure what this is but we don't have to be so mindful of each other. I won't force you and you won't force me either. We can just be patient and go at our own pace, right?"    


He nodded, his pulse quickening. Their faces were so close, they could feel the breath on the others lips. They stood like that, waiting for something to happen, for one of them to be brave enough to make the first move. None of them were brave enough to. Natalia removed her hand from his neck and kept some space between them.    


"I hear the fish you can catch here taste phenomenal when roasted. Do you want to try some?"    


Swallowing, he nodded.    


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