The Duke's Unwanted Wife

C138 The Elven Saintess Denitra

C138 The Elven Saintess Denitra

0In an abandoned and broken temple, there was a dead magic circle with strange symbols surrounded by nine candles. A woman dressed like a nun knelt beside the candles, her hands clasped in prayer while her lips moved furiously. One by one, the candles began to go out and she cried out in pain and sorrow. The last candle went out and she sobbed quietly, holding it to her chest.    


Behind her, a small group of men and women, eight of them, hung their head solemnly, as if they were mourning the loss of people.    


"This was the most powerful group we have sent out yet not one of them returned alive. Even the ones that have returned died in just a few days. She's a monster," a woman's voice rang out. They nodded in agreement.    


"For her to defeat several semi-transcendentals, just how powerful is she? It terrifies me to think about. How could we possibly defeat her?" This time, a man spoke.    


"We cannot give up. The fate of the world rests on our shoulders. According to her prophecy, if she succeeds at bringing the old gods back to life, we will enter an age of darkness like the old days. She cannot be allowed to succeed. However, leader, she has foiled every single plan of ours until now. What shall we do?"    


The nun on the ground stopped sobbing and rose. The dark cave lit up with several torches lining the caves igniting at once. Unlike what her silhouette gave, the nun wasn't human. She had long tipped ears, sharp canines, long limbs that ended in sharp claws, thin slit horizontal pupils and long silver hair.    


"As he said, we cannot give up. We will keep trying until we are successful. Since we have successfully made several semi-transcendentals, we can make much more enough to fill an army. With that army, we can slowly take over the continent and spread the good word of our god and reclaim the land of our ancestors. With our army, we will claim her head and parade it as a trophy and a warning to everyone who wishes to defy us, the natural rulers of the world and descendants of the god Uriel, the elves!"    


They cheered, also sporting elfish features. Elves were supposed to be extinct after an ancient war that almost destroyed the world, leaving only descended of Elves in the kingdom of Berinda with only a fraction of the initial power. However, a few years ago, a pure blooded elf child was born into the Berinda royal family. Unlike the half elves, she grew fast, reaching adulthood in only a matter of years. Her mana also swelled and she was born with the knowledge of the ancient elves or rather, reborn.    


The kingdom of Berinda hid her existence and began worshipping her secretly. She became the Saintess of the church of Uriel, who appeared to them a few times, blessing them through her. This elf was named Denitra. She also happened to be the nun that was the leader of the organisation trying to kill Natalia.    


"I will continue to give my blood for our people and we will reclaim our lost glory. Commense the preparations! Glory awaits!"    




As the day of the auction drew near, many influential people started to travel from far and near to Polivia. Since the auction was open to selling and buying things, many were coming with hopes to exchange treasures from their kingdoms for the ones they needed. They also came prepared to be outbid by bigger kingdoms. The one in charge of handling this headache, was of course, Natalia. But this time, she finally had help.    


"Thank you for helping me sort through this, Alana. I didn't expect this many treasures being exchanged this time. Is it just good advertising or are we getting ripped off?"    


"I guess it's your reputation. There hasn't been an event like this before so many people are hopeful. This is really huge. You could've asked for help earlier."    


"Truthfully, I don't need it. I was just tired of repeating the same old boring procedures. Nothing fun happens until the auction starts."    


"Well, now that we're done, should we head over to the salon? I've heard so much about it and I can't wait to go!"    


"If you're that interested, I will call Duchess Everon to take us there."    


"My, my, where are you both going without me?" A sharp feminine voice interrupted behind them. A veiled woman walked into the warehouse, spreading her arms as if expecting a hug. Alana immediately ran into her arms, giggling like a child.    


"Adelie! What are you doing here?"    


"How could I miss the auction my sister was organizing? That's simply blasphemy!"    


"Well, you certainly have become cheeky, that's for sure," Natalia jokedz joining the hug. She couldn't believe how close they had all gotten through the years but she would have it no other way.    


"Let's go back to the mansion to have a bath and change before going to the salon. It needs a dress code if you want to be accepted by the other ladies."    


"Accepted? They should be lucky we even graced them with our presence," Alana said, confused.    


"The ladies of Polivia are much different from the ladies of Ducroft. Since the women here have more power than the men, they are more intelligent and resourceful. They are doing a great job of keeping their culture and kingdom alive. They also have an intact and impeccable library more extensive than the royal library. Do you still think you do not need to be accepted into such a sacred place?"    


"More extensive than the royal library? That's incredible. If you say so, then I will follow their rules."    


"Excellent. Let us prepare," Natalia said, locking the heavy gates with magic and several formations to keep it safe and hidden. When the other two looked back, they couldn't see it anymore. They could only be amazed at how good she was with her magic.    


"Adelie, is the church looking to purchase religious relics or they are looking for treasure? I can give you the catalogue before others. Special privilege only for my sister," Natalia winked.    


"A little bit of both? We're just here to be the king's spy to be honest. Aren't I right, Alana?"    


"Oh, yes. I heard my stepmother talking about proposing an engagement to Lady Hazel between you and my brother. I hard Lady Hazel declined so they are probably looking for ways to trap you into that engagement. Why don't you make your relationship with Marvis official?"    


"It isn't time yet," Natalia replied, smiling.    


"You keep saying that but it makes no sense to me. You are already of age and if you don't declare an official engagement, you are most likely going to be tricked into an engagement."    


"I have my reasons, the same way the both of you still don't have engagements yet. Now, this is a happy time and we don't have time to be talking about depressing things. Let's just enjoy ourselves before the auction starts."    


"What's all this talk about engagements?" Sebastian appeared out of nowhere, lifting Adelie up. Her veil fluttered and he could see her glaring at him underneath. He grinned back at her.    


"Put me down, you brute! I am no longer a child!"    


"Really? I couldn't tell the difference. You are really at an age men can start looking at you like rare game. It breaks my heart as your brother."    


"Natalia, help me!"    


Natalia looked away, glad that someone else was finally at the receiving end of her brother's affection. Alana laughed heartily, unaware of the danger she was in. She was lifted off the ground as well, facing Fredrich's grinning face.    


"Well, well, well, this looks like fun, no?"    


"Put me down this instant!"    


"No can do, princess. An elegant princess like you deserves a noble steed," he replied, charging off with her. Her scream echoed in the distance. Natalia felt Richard sneaking up to her and she sent a strong magic pulse through his body to ward him off. Finally, they all made it into the mansion. Duchess Everon looked at them with an amused expression, not bothering to ask what happened.    


"The ladies want to visit the salon with me. Let them know the dress code so we can all go together."    


"I certainly know the dress code but I don't think I want to go to the salon."    


"Why? Are you avoiding a certain Lady Lorelei?" Natalia leaned in and whispered. A look of surprise crossed Vera's face. She wondered just how Natalia knew but the latter just gave a cryptic smile. Vera sighed in defeat and began telling them the dress code. She also reluctantly went up to change. They all came down the stairs, all changed into academia themed clothes. In their dresses, they looked very elegant but wearing these kinds of clothes made them look very intelligent and noble.    


"Who wouldn't know our dear princess could look so intelligent?" Fredrich joked. He got a shoe to the face as a response, making everyone laugh.    


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