The Duke's Unwanted Wife

C144 Journey to the Hollow

C144 Journey to the Hollow

0Before she could go to Berinda, she was called back to the Hazel estate by her grandmother. Since the message was tagged as urgent, she left right away with a portal. When she arrived, she was led to her grandmother’s office.    


“With how quickly you answer my summons, you give me a sort of anxiety and unrealistic expectations.”    


“I will try to delay my journey next time, grandmother.”    


“No, I know you don’t like to waste your time so I’ll get straight to the point. Crown Prince Reagan sent another letter to ask if we will be attending the ball. He was vague but it’s obvious he wants you there. This choice is entirely yours if you want to attend but if you want to proceed to Berinda, then…”    


“Grandmother, giving me a choice whether to attend can be seen as favoritism by the other members of the family. I appreciate the intent but I don’t want grandmother’s heart to be broken if the family is divided. However, the Crown Prince didn’t specify that I had to show up, did he?”    


“No, he did not.”    


“Then you can give the chance to another one of your grandchildren to attend. I will not be attending.”    


“You never fail to remind me about that sharp tongue you got from your mother. Very well, I will tell his imperial highness you could not make it. However, why are you so intent on going to Berinda? Their anti-magic barrier makes it a very uncomfortable destination and with the situation surrounding the continuous attacks on your life, isn’t it simply throwing your life away?”    


“There is something important there that I need. I know everyone is concerned for me but you have already given me the secret guards I requested. I will come back safely, grandmother.”    


“Normally, we don’t send children out of the house like this. But I know I can trust you and I won’t be so myopic as to put a limit on you. Just promise me you will come back to us.”    


“I like how you didn’t include ‘safely’. I promise you that I will return without a scratch.”    


“That arrogance has to be my favorite thing about you. I give you my blessings.”    


Coming out from the office, she sees Edna Hazel. She gives her a nod of acknowledgment and tries to leave but is stopped by Edna’s magic. Walking past the invisible wall was easy enough but she was curious as to why the family heir stopped her.    


“Your arrogance really knows no bounds. You think you can just walk in and out of this house?”    


“Edna Hazel, I assume I have given you enough respect. If you want disrespect…” Natalia said, appearing beside Edna, a dagger to her neck.    


“…I can give it to you just as easily. You know who our grandmother prefers out of the both of us. I never wanted to say this out loud so I wouldn’t hurt your feelings but I am better than you, Edna Hazel. It’s good for you to know your place,” she whispered in her ears.    




Natalia was gone and there was no trace of the dagger she had just placed on her neck close enough to draw blood. It was like it never happened. Even the head butler looked at her like she was mad when she stood there staring even though he told her she could come in.    


Natalia appeared beside the carriage and saw Sebastian waiting on it. He almost never came home so it was obvious he was there for her.    


“Are you going to block the way and protest until I give up on going alone?”    


“…I’m not going to do that. I wanted to see you leave with my own eyes. I know I can’t do anything but I worry for you, Natalia. You’re my little sister, my blood and my first love.”    


“If you say that again, I will stab you.”    


Sebastian laughed heartily, hugging her. The rumors of him being a sister lover only increased over the years because of the way he chose to act around his sisters. Even though it wasn’t biological, he extended the suffocating love to Adelie, who stayed in the church sometimes just to avoid him.    


“You broke Marvis’s heart and I think I heard him crying last night.”    


“Sebastian, that wasn’t him crying.”    


“You…why?! Why did you have to tell me?!”    


“You’re my brother. Who else would I harass like this? Okay, I have to go. I promised grandmother that I will come back without a scratch so I’ll be keeping my promise.”    


“I’ll hold you to that.”    


He released her and she entered the carriage, going through the portal. Once she was gone, he entered another carriage, going through the portal but instead of coming out in Berinda, he came out in Traisen. There, they were waiting for him. They boarded the carriage, going straight into the forest.    


“So, you’re sure we’ll be able to see this god you speak of?”    


“Yes, Alana. She’s always there when I get home…your highness.”    


“It’s fine, you can keep calling me by my name, Marvis. We’re friends, aren’t we?”    


“Yes, we are friends.”    


The carriage was silent save for that. They were nervous about the outcome, especially since it was the first time any one of them would be seeing a god, except the one who grew up with one.    


“So, how did you come to grow up with a god? Was it something that happened before you were born?” Adelie asked, curiously.    


“One day, we were running from the imperial soldiers for unlawful occupation by a sub-human race, the next we were in a magical forest being guided by the great spirit of wind, Sylph. Our elders were curious as to why the gods finally decided to intervene in the lives of mortals and the fairy god mother said we had a particular mortal to thank. You can guess who that is?”    


“She also did that?!”    


“She did. My people worship her like a god for saving us. Still, my parents wouldn’t agree to our union. That’s why I was more willing to leave home.”    


“Wait, if she saved your people, how did you come to fall in love with her?”    


“I just did. How could you not? She’s an amazingly beautiful woman who makes a man’s body go wild when he sees her. She brings out the beast in me,” he replied bashfully.    


“Stop! Please just stop it! I can’t bear to hear any more!” Sebastian cried out, blocking his ears. Fredrich soon realized and laughed out loud. Alana and Adelie realized and cringed, shaking their heads. Surprisingly enough, only Sebastian was a virgin among them.    


“Oh, here! We continue on foot from here. Or if you aren’t opposed to riding on a huge wolf, I could take you there.”    


“I’ve always wondered what it meant to ride another animal that’s not a horse. I’m all for it,” Adelie said, excitement in her voice. They couldn’t see her face but they could tell she was excited.    




The huge wolf trapaised through the forest, the people on his back holding on for dear life. Because of his size and speed, none of the predators could come close. He finally made it through the basilisk’s forest and went through the alternate entrance Madaline placed for the werecreatures. However, as they were about to make it into Aldie’s hollow, a beam of light fired at Marvis, causing him to jump out of the way.    


A holy presence descended from above, encapsulating them in light. Marvis, familiar with that presence, brought them down from his back and transformed back, wearing his clothes behind a tree as fast as he could.    


“I’m home, mother.”    


“Marvis, so you’ve decided to come back home. Your parents are always complaining that you’ve forgotten about them and they keep asking me where you are. I kept my promise but you’re going to have to face them yourself.”    


“Yes, I know,” he rubbed the back of his head, looking away.    


“Why are you all here?” Madaline looked at the crowd, scanning their faces.    


“We need your help. Natalia is traveling to an anti-magic zone but we can’t do anything to help her. We were hoping either you or Amaika could help us.”    



“I know about that. She specifically instructed me not to help.”    


“Even you? Is she planning to die?”    


“She isn’t capable of death,” Madaline answered like it was a fact. She knew it was a fact, most of them didn’t.    


“If you simply want to see your family or the hollow, then I will grant you access. However, he isn’t allowed into the hollow,” she pointed at Fredrich.    


“Did I…do something wrong?”    


“Your ancestors have offended me and have been afflicted with a curse. They are also banned from ever visiting the fairy’s forest. Even if you tried to force your was in here, your soul will be forcefully dissipated.”    


“I…see. I will wait outside for you.”    


“We won’t be long,” Marvis promised.    


“Very well then, those without the Kristen bloodline may proceed. Welcome to Aldie’s Hollow.”    


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