The Legend of the Kyubi

Extra 20: C.A.O.S. (10)

Extra 20: C.A.O.S. (10)

0Two weeks later, the Uzumaki clan was doing the usual.     

Tayuya had finished his last treatment to recover from the corrosion, and the process had caused Orochimaru to manage to get out of her mind, getting a Yokai body that was under the direct supervision of Anko, who could only smile when she heard this.     

Orochimaru wasn't too happy about this, but it wasn't like he could do anything about it.     

"Today is a quiet day ~" - Kushina said happily.     


"Yes, very quiet ~" - Kushina repeated as she ignored the shouting of the residents of the town.     

"You can't ignore that noise, Kushina-san!" - Wiz exclaimed as she looked at the red-haired woman.     

"I can, and I am," replied Kushina as she looked at the dark brown-haired woman, "I'm not going to get into this, not when it's obvious that it's more women who will join the family."     

"Kushina-san, you can't be such a bad person" - Wiz said with a frown.     

"I'm not being a bad person, it's just that I have the urge to get in the way when Kuro-chan is going to solve the situation, besides, if I were a bad person, I wouldn't be treating you girls so normally" - Kushina replied as she put on some sunglasses and stripped off her clothes, showing that underneath these she had a red bikini. She quickly placed a towel on top of a beach chair and laid out on it to take enjoy a sunbath.     

Wiz shook her head before walking over to where she had heard the impact.     

The brown-haired woman looked around the impact zone, discovering that she was the first to arrive, which was a surprise because Kurama could teleport.     

"Ugh, that hurt like hell..." - A female voice said.     

"Amen sister, amen" - said another female voice, only to hear a collective groan of pain.     

"Please don't say holy words, you know that causes us headache, Gabriel-san" - said a third female voice.     

"Sorry, Venelana-san" - replied the second female voice.     

The dust produced by the impact began to disappear, revealing a strangely large group.     

"Where are we?" - asked a young woman of about 18 years old, crimson red hair and greenish blue eyes.     

"I don't know, but this place doesn't feel like earth, hell or the place where angels live" - answered a seductive youthful voice. The one in charge was a beautiful girl of the same age as the first one, only a little more developed body, she had black hair like night, beautiful purple eyes.     

"Buchou, are you okay?" - Asked a young blonde-haired boy, quite handsome, though not as handsome as Kurama, at least from Wiz's perspective.     

"Yes, I'm fine, though I still don't understand where we are" - replied the red-haired girl.     

"This place seems to be filled with chakra and a strange familiar energy..." - Said a white-haired girl with a monotone voice.     

"True, Shirone-nya is right" - said a black-haired woman wearing a rather revealing kimono, although the biggest surprise was not her beauty, but that just like the white-haired girl, she had cat ears and two tails coming out of her rear.     

"This place seems to have been created by a massive combination of ley lines" - said the one who was the most striking of the group, a woman with two fox ears and nine golden tails coming out of her back, at the same time, she was the most beautiful of the group.     

"Are you sure, Yasaka-san?" - A beautiful blonde woman with green eyes asked. She was wearing a red Victorian dress.     

"I gain nothing by lying, Layla-san" - replied Yasaka as she shook her head - "I've been connected to the ley lines for as long as I can remember, so it's impossible not to recognize them."     

"Mom, it's a little strange, but this place feels like home" - said a cute little girl of about 12 who looked a lot like the blonde woman with fox-like features.     

"Now that you mention it, this aura resembles that of Ura Tokyo, Kunou..." - Yasaka said while frowning slightly - "Don't you think so too Shiori?"     

"Yes, mom!" - exclaimed a cute little girl of about 6 years old.     

"At least the hit wasn't as hard as we thought, or my baby would have suffered some kind of damage" - said a beautiful girl who looked at most 18 years old, although her curves said otherwise. She had black hair styled in a twintails, purple eyes and was wearing an office suit.     

"Is Nero-chan okay, Serafall-san?" - Another black-haired, purple-eyed woman asked, only she with a much more mature body, and ironically was a grown-up version of the girl with black hair combed into a ponytail.     

"Yes, Shuri-san" - Serafall replied as she nodded with a smile.     

"Is my nephew really okay?" - A pretty young girl with short black hair and purple eyes asked.     

"Sona-chan!" - Serafall exclaimed as she looked at her younger sister, though her expression quickly changed - "Wait, this isn't good, if you're here, it means that..."     

"Yes, my servants are with me" - replied Sona while adjusting her glasses - "I want you to give me a report, Tsubaki..."     

"We are all in perfect condition, Sona-sama" - answered Tsubaki, a beautiful black-haired young woman, and the girlfriend of Kiba Yuto, the blond young man who was a servant of the red-haired girl - "Momo is taking care of Saji because he seems to have suffered some kind of shock during the impact."     

"I see..." - Sona muttered as she looked around - "Where are Kurama-san and the others?"     

These words surprised the others in the group.     

Venelana, a woman who looked like the red-haired girl, only much more mature and with light brown hair, was looking around in surprise.     

"Rias senpai, this place doesn't feel like home, the aura is too natural" - said a boy(?) who was wearing a girl's school uniform.     

"I know, Gasper-kun" - replied Rias Gremory while frowning.     

"I think we'd better ask directly to that woman who has been monitoring us since the dust cleared" - said a black-haired woman who was wearing an open gothic loli dress that showed her huge breasts, which the only protection they had, were two cross-shaped patches covering her nipples.     

"I thought it was an illusion" - said a beautiful silver-haired woman in her 20s who was wearing some sort of silver armor - "As you might expect from Ophis-san, the infinity dragon."     

"Penemue-san, please carry Kunou out of the hole" - said Yasaka while looking at the black-haired woman who was wearing a business suit.     

Wiz watched the group curiously, when he saw how the woman named Penemue pulled out six pairs of black wings, an action that others in the group followed, only with different styles. For example, the twintails girl holding the baby in her arms had pulled out six pairs of bat wings, while the blonde woman with the sleepy face had six pairs of white dove wings.     

"Who are you? Where are we?" asked Venelana as she walked ahead of the group. She, like the woman with pigtails, had six pairs of bat wings on her back.     

"She has a strange scent that resembles that of Hiel-sama" - said Rossweisse, the Valkyrie wearing silver armor.     

"An undead? No, she doesn't seem to be a corpse, in fact, she looks like a human with enormous magical power, maybe that resurrected somehow and that's why she has that scent?" - Yasaka asked while narrowing her eyes - "You're the one who brought us to this strange place?"     

Wiz began to tremble because despite being alive, she still had an instinctive fear of holy magic, one that the blonde woman with the sleepy face was radiating, it was out of control.     

"Answer me, human," Ophis said as she narrowed her eyes.     

"I-I..." - Wiz murmured tearfully.     

"I don't think she's responsible for our situation with how shy she is" - said Rias while frowning - "Are we overthinking this?"     

"It is possible that she is acting out, although her pulse seems to be out of control, showing that she really is nervous" - said Penemue while frowning - "The probability that she is the one responsible, is quite low."     

The women began to talk amongst themselves as Wiz let out a sigh of relief.     

"Are you okay?" - Gabriel, the blonde woman with white wings and strangely provocative body (the white robe that barely covered anything, didn't help), asked with a pure smile.     

"Y-Yes, it's just that I have bad experience with holy magic" - Wiz answered while stuttering.     

"Oh, sorry, this is a natural thing for an archangel" - replied Gabriel ruefully. She quickly began to better control her power to keep the holy energy to a minimum - "Is it better now?"     

"Yes, thank you very much" - nodded Wiz, though his expression again fell - "Archangel!!! What's a high level angel doing in this place!"     

"I have no idea" - Gabriel answered honestly - "Last I remember, we were organizing a birthday party for Kurama, and then we were in that hole!"     

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