The Legend of the Kyubi

Extra 19: Change the World (11)

Extra 19: Change the World (11)

0Next week there will be no chapters because I will have to be out of town for the funeral of one of my aunts. Sorry for the inconvenience.     


Two days had passed since Kurama had arrived in the present time together with Kagome, time that he had used to adapt and learn many things, or rather, to remember many things that he had forgotten after living so long in the Elemental Nations.     

"Well, at least he's not so interested in the [AV (Adult Videos)] anymore..." - Kagome muttered as she looked out the window. She was currently in her school's classroom, completely ignoring the teacher because her mind was on other matters.     

"Hey, Kagome, are you okay?" - A girl with wavy black hair asked.     

"Huh? What's wrong, Ayumi?" - Kagome asked as she looked at her friend.     

"I noticed you look distracted," replied Ayumi as she looked at her friend.     

"Yeah, I noticed it too, in fact, you're not looking at Hojo-kun that much anymore" - said a girl with short black hair.     

Kagome was embarrassed when she heard this, though after spending some time with Kurama and seeing how handsome he was, she was a little confused. No, she didn't love the silver haired man, though she couldn't say she wasn't attracted to him, he had a special aura about him that made everything inside her warm up when she looked at him for a while, as if her instincts were telling her not to walk away from him.     

"I noticed it too, normally you'd be looking at him for the whole class with a gawking expression" - another girl added, only she had dark brown hair.     

"Stop teasing her, Eri, Yuka" - Ayumi said with a frown - "It's obvious that something happened to Kagome."     

The girls began to argue amongst themselves, not noticing how the teacher was shooting them an annoyed look as she noticed how the four girls had gathered together.     

"Is my class boring, Miss Higurashi and company?" - The teacher asked.     

"Indeed," Kagome replied unconsciously, though her expression changed to one of terror upon hearing what she had said.     

A growing fury exploded inside the teacher as she asked them to leave the classroom after hearing how the other students laughed at the priestess-in-training's response.     

* * * * *     

"Thanks for getting me in trouble, girls" - Kagome said sarcastically.     

"Don't blame us for your mistakes, you were the one who said that to Kirishima sensei" - Yuka replied while rolling her eyes at her.     

"You have to admit it was worth it though" - Eri said as the four of them laughed lightly.     

"Well, what's going on?" - Ayumi asked as she looked at her best friend.     

"Yeah, tell us what's bothering you, Kagome" - Yuka said as Eri nodded.     

Kagome was silent for a few seconds before explaining the general situation of her feelings, though obviously leaving the supernatural details out of the conversation.     

The girls looked at the priestess-in-training with surprise because they didn't expect their friend to like older men.     

"Are you serious?" - Yuka asked skeptically because she felt there was something off about her friend's words.     

"Yes" - muttered Kagome with a red face.     

"Kagome, I don't know what to say" - said Ayumi as she looked at her friend.     

"Do you have a picture?" - Eri asked as she earned the gaze of her friends - "What? At least we can understand how Kagome feels if we put ourselves in her shoes."     

Yuka and Ayumi looked at each other before nodding because Eri's words made sense, besides, they were curious to know more about this man who was confusing their friend.     

Kagome was silent for a few seconds before pulling out her cell phone and showing them a picture she had saved.     

The girls looked at the small screen curiously, only to blush at the sight of the handsome silver-haired man, who looked no older than 25.     

"Wow" - Eri murmured with hearts in her eyes.     

"I can understand how you feel, Kagome" - Yuka murmured as she smiled awkwardly.     

"He's more handsome than many models" - added Ayumi as they looked at Kagome with jealousy because she had been the first to meet such a handsome man.     

"Somehow I feel a little bad for Hojo-kun" - Eri said as the others nodded.     

Kagome was a little uncomfortable with the situation, so she quickly put her cell phone away.     

"Oh come on, at least send us the picture" - Yuka said as she earned a passive look from Kagome - "What, we're friends, aren't we?"     

Kagome refused to answer at this as she frowned at how mad her friends were reacting after seeing Kurama's picture.     

* * * * *     

"How have you been for the past two days, Kurama-san?" - Kimi asked as she looked at her guest.     

"This era is interesting and has a lot of fun things" - Kurama replied with a smile as he thanked Kagome's mother for the tea she had prepared for him - "Delicious."     

"Oh, it's nothing, and it's good to hear that you're enjoying your stay in our era" - Kimi smiled as she watched Grandpa Higurashi enter the room and gave the guest a strange look.     

"Is something wrong?" - Kurama asked as he raised an eyebrow.     

"Actually, there is something I would like to ask you" - replied Grandfather Higurashi as he looked at Kurama - "It's regarding my job as a monk of this temple."     

"Oh, sure" - Kurama nodded as he took the cup of tea and thanked Kimi again for preparing it for him before walking next to the old man.     

Kimi gave him a glance though she quickly went back to household chores, after all, she had a lot of work to do, and though Kurama had offered to help her, she still wasn't very comfortable with the idea of an unknown man touching a few personal things.     

* * * * *     

"What's wrong?" - Kurama asked as he and the old man came to a dark room filled with scrolls and ancient writings.     

"I'd like you to confirm a few things for me and answer some of my questions" - the old man replied as he took a scroll and carefully held it out to him.     

Kurama raised an eyebrow before he was surprised to see about how overnight, a new village appeared near the capital of antiquity, a prosperous village whose people seemed to accept all who entered with good intentions, be it human, Yokai and Hanyo.     

The silver-haired man marveled at this information as a huge smile appeared on his lips at the sight of a rather rustic image of himself.     

"Is this you?" - asked the old man curiously.     

"Possibly" - replied Kurama as he nodded - "I promised my daughter and that Hanyo boy that I would create a place so that no one could reject them, a place that would accept everyone regardless of their origin, as long as they respected my rules."     

The old man nodded when he heard this before looking at the silver-haired man with a small smile - "You may not know this, but this information was lost in time, and the only remaining proof of the existence of that city, is these scrolls that are under my possession."     

"?" - Kurama looked at the old man with surprise before frowning - "Really?"     

"Yes, if you want I can tell you some things about my family" - said the elder Higurashi as he looked at the silver-haired man - "Oh, and before I get into the subject, I want to tell you that no, I am not your descendant"     

Kurama didn't answer, he just raised an eyebrow as he waited for the old man to speak.     

"The truth is that I am a descendant of one of the inhabitants of that city, my ancestor was a common girl who was lucky enough to work for Miss Izumi, or at least that's what her biography said" - the old man continued as he looked at Kurama in search of an answer.     

"Did you say Izumi?" - Kurama asked as his eyes widened, surprised to hear this.     

"Yes, do you know her?" - The old man asked as he raised an eyebrow.     

"Impossible not to know her, when she is my daughter" - replied Kurama as he shook his head.     

The old man was surprised to hear this, after all, he thought Izumi was one of Kurama's consorts, though now he was discovering that was not the case.     

"Anyway, my ancestor was one of Izumi-sama's caretakers, and it was thanks to her kindness that she managed to awaken the gift to become a priestess" - the old man continued as he was thinking.     

"Wait, I have a question" - said Kurama while frowning - "How is it possible that the city was destroyed?"     

"In the ancient writings it doesn't say anything about it, only that one day, the protector along with his family disappeared without a trace, as if the world had swallowed them, it was at that moment that the protector's enemies decided to attack and raze the city" - replied the old man with a frown - "My ancestor escaped along with her family because being one of Izumi-sama's caretakers, she was a target of the attack"     

Kurama frowned when he heard this as he began to think a bit about the overall situation of his disappearance, after all, he was sure that he would not leave the city he had created without a form of protection - "Will there be a spy amongst the top brass, by any chance?"     

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