The Legend of the Kyubi

Extra 14: Saikousoku Fall in Love ~ (17)

Extra 14: Saikousoku Fall in Love ~ (17)

0A day had passed since Kii had joined the Uzumaki family at their ranch, time they had used to contact Kuroko and inform her about the situation.     

The black-haired woman was not happy with the idea of having another unknown [Interspecies] in her work area, but quickly agreed to let her stay with the family, as well as investigate those responsible for throwing toxic waste in the middle of the forest, after all, that was an extremely serious crime.     

Kii had decided to plant herself in the middle of the field, the place where the orchards were, and would work as the one responsible for ensuring the safety of the fruits and vegetables there.     

"It's awesome to see how happy these little ones are" - Kii murmured with a smile as she stroked the leaves of the surrounding plants.     

Like [Dryad], she had the ability to communicate with the plants and feel their emotions, that's why she was happy to be on this farm, because she could hear from the plants how happy they were to have such kind masters like them.     

Maybe no one believed it, but the plants knew and accepted their fate with a smile because they knew that thanks to them, many other living beings would continue to exist, besides, being harvested did not mean the end, but a new beginning.     

Kii slowly walked through the field with happiness, but frowned when she noticed how a part of the place had footprints. She quickly ran to the injured plants and used her ability to try to save them, only to sigh with regret when she saw that it was all too late.     

"What's wrong?" - Mil asked in surprise as she noticed the change in her new member's expression as she carefully walked around the area to not step on the plants, only to frown when she saw how the place was ravaged by footprints, and from the marks, it was obvious that a human was responsible.     

She, as well as the others [Minotaurs], as well as Centorea, and Saane, did not wear shoes because there was no need thanks to their horseshoes. Miia also didn't wear shoes for obvious reasons, Kurama and Yukio, wore wooden sandals, and finally, the footprint was too small to be Tio's, and too big to be Ils.     

"Who was the culprit?" - Mil asked with a frown because she had specifically told the workers not to go through the places with flowers because they would end up causing disasters like this.     

"I don't know, but I can tell it was intentional" - Kii replied with a frown as she looked at the poor flowers with fury because she could feel the pain and misery.     

Just like the other plants, it wasn't painful for a flower to be cut because they were happy to show their ephemeral beauty to the world, but that didn't mean they didn't feel anything when they were hurt in this cruel way.     

"Was it intentional?" - Mil asked in surprise only to bring her nose to the ground and start sniffing, only to notice that the scent of the one responsible, seemed to be nowhere to be found - "Whoever it was, doesn't seem to want to be found out."     

"Give me 5 minutes and I promise I'll find the one responsible" - Kii said angrily because the pain of such innocent entities, was too much for her fragile heart.     

"Ok, I'll go talk with Kurama" - said Mil as she ran in the direction of her home.     

Kii gave her a glance before shaking her head and concentrating on her current situation. She slowly placed her hand on a nearby tree and closed her eyes, only to see in her mind as a huge amount of images popped up.     

She was observing everything that had happened during the last week from the tree's perspective, only to frown as she saw how many of the humans were not showing the plants the respect they deserved, although this was normal if one remembered the way humanity was, but none of that mattered because despite not showing respect, they were not harming nature.     

The images continued to advance until the day came.     

Kii paid attention to this as she made the images slow down, so she could find the culprit.     

Kurama appeared on the spot next to Mil, and looked closely at the [Dryad], only to see her slowly open her eyes - "Did you find the culprit?"     

"Yes" - Kii replied with a frown - "Female, black hair, brown eyes, about 30 years old with a mole under her lip, navy-blue business suit."     

"I think I know who she is" - Kurama said with a frown. She was the exact description of the woman who had come to the farm with the intention of buying it, only to be answered with a denial. She had left with an angry expression, but such it seemed that it wouldn't be the last they would see of her.     

"What do we do now?" - Mil asked with a frown, as it was obvious that things would get much more complicated.     

"I have an idea, but I need to contact Kuroko to help me with certain things" - Kurama said seriously as the two [Interspecies] looked at each other.     

Kurama had thought of a plan to prevent things from getting out of hand because he honestly had a bad feeling, one that would be corroborated in a few days later.     

* * * * *     

"Release me, now!" - roared a woman in her 30s black hair and brown eye, the same one Kii had seen during her investigation.     

She was locked in a cage next to a group of men dressed in black, surrounded by the entire Uzumaki family, minus Yukio and Yuki for obvious reasons.     

"I'm sorry, but that won't be possible, you still have a lot to explain" - Kurama said while crossing his arms - "Like for example, why have you been trying to damage our farm?"     

"I have no reason to talk to a bunch of freaks like you!" - roared the woman as she glared at the monsters in front of her - "Now let go of me before I sue you, and you have no choice but to leave Japan!"     

"I'm sorry, but that won't be possible, not when we've recorded everything you've done and trying to do" - Kurama replied as he handed her a cell phone with some recordings on it.     

The woman's eyes widened in surprise because she never thought Kurama would manage to get physical evidence of her actions, not when she hadn't heard anything from the people they had assigned to watch the group - "How?"     

"It's easy" - Ils said as she put her hand on Mil's body, and used her ability to create the illusion that she was another unknown person - "I only had to do this a few times for us to bring in the specialists."     

The woman was shocked because she now understood why the group had made so many trips.     

"But you can't do these to us, we are human, and you can't touch us!" - The woman exclaimed as the men in black continued without saying a word.     

"There are always exceptions" - replied, this time in a neutral voice.     

The group looked towards the source, showing how Kuroko had appeared together with her group - "It's a pleasure to see you in this place."     

"Kuroko, what are you doing here?" - The woman asked in surprise.     

"I'm here because I couldn't believe what I heard, Kurumi" - Kuroko replied with a frown - "I never thought that you would now be the woman who does the dirty work for your company."     

"Ugh" - Kurumi said nothing in response, after all, she knew things weren't right now that Kuroko had shown up.     

The two had been classmates all through high school, so they knew each other well enough to know that it was best not to get in the middle of Kuroko's work because things would end badly for her.     

"Can you forgive me, just this once? I promise I won't repeat my mistakes" - Kurumi said as she looked at Kuroko, then at Kurama and the others.     

"I ask you to please forgive my cousin, I promise I will give you an answer as soon as possible" - said Kuroko seriously.     

"She's your cousin?" - Mil asked with a frown.     

"Yes, and I promise you that she will be punished" - replied Kuroko with a frown as she noticed how her cousin's face paled - "Believe me when I tell you that the Smith family has some brutal ways of punishment for people like Kurumi"     

"No, please anything but that!" - Kurumi exclaimed with a pale face, only to scream in terror as she watched Kuroko's group drag her out of the place along with her subordinates - "Please, Kurama-san! You punish me, don't let this crazy woman take me!"     

"I don't even want to know what's got her so upset" - said Kurama as he shook his head - "Anyway, with that settled, I guess we can get back to normal."     

"Again, I apologize for my cousin's actions, she doesn't normally do this kind of thing" - Kuroko said with a frown as she started to think - "I'm going to conduct an investigation to the corporation Kurumi works for and give you a better answer."     

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