The Legend of the Kyubi

Extra 13: We are Pirates ~! (46)

Extra 13: We are Pirates ~! (46)

0"Do you want us to take you to [Saboady Archipelago]?" - Kurama asked as he raised an eyebrow because it was too much of a coincidence that Luffy asked them for this favor when they were about to go to [Gyojin Island].     

"It's been two years, and thanks to you, I was able to contact my friends and we decided it was time to get together" - Luffy answered seriously.     

Kurama nodded as he remembered that it was true.     

Two years had passed, and the boy had grown in power, but some things did not change with the passing of the years, like for example, that the girl who showed herself in love with Luffy, still could not manage to get inside the hard head of the straw-hatted pirate.     

Kurama could only wish the poor girl well for choosing an idiot as a target, only to ponder - "I have no problem with sending you to the archipelago we were planning to go there, so this is perfect!"     

"Really!" - Luffy exclaimed excitedly.     

"I don't gain anything by lying to you, kid" - replied Kurama while shrugging his shoulders - "Anyway, we're leaving tomorrow, so I recommend you to get ready"     

"OK" - nodded Luffy with a huge smile as he ran towards the home he had used for the last few years of training.     

"Good luck to you too, Mei-chan, because you're going to need it with how dense Luffy is" - said Kurama as he looked at the girl, who had begged for Hancock to train her.     

"I know, but in my clan, once we make a decision, we can't turn back, I already chose that idiot as my husband, and I have to follow him until the end of the world" - muttered Mei with red cheeks.     

"You, D clan people, you are connected in mysterious ways" - said Kurama with a huge curiosity - "Again I wish you luck, Roselin D. Mei."     

"Thank you very much!" - Mei exclaimed with a smile as she ran after Luffy.     

"Seriously, this is ridiculous" - murmured Kurama as he was thinking about how the world was revolving around a single clan.     

The D. clan had defined the different eras in one way or another, it was as if the world loved them, and at the same time hated them, or was it better to say tested them?     

Kurama quickly shook his head as he continued to think about the possibilities of this clan, and why they were the staunchest enemies of the [Celestial Dragons], though it wasn't as if the latter mattered much when there was only less than a year left until the final judgment of these bastards.     

"What are you thinking?" - Hancock asked as she came back together with her princess.     

"Daddy! Hug!" - Rei exclaimed with a huge smile.     

Kurama quickly appeared in front of his wife and carefully hugged his little princess, only to sigh internally at how she seemed not to have inherited his Bijuu factor.     

It was strange that his daughter was more human than normal, but that didn't mean he didn't love her just like his other children.     

"Are you still worried that she's not half Kitsune?" - Hancock asked with concern.     

"No, it's just that it's still strange, normally my Bijuu factor is a dominant gene, but maybe it seems that your physiology is much more powerful than I thought" - answered Kurama as he started to think about the reason - "Maybe we're forgetting something important."     

"In the future, we will find out the truth, but for now I don't want to know about anything other than my baby's happiness".     

"I know, I wasn't trying to make you feel bad, it's just that despite not showing my Kitsune factor, she is extremely strong, she could even compare to my eldest son" - Kurama said while using his chakra to investigate Rei's interior and notice how not only her body was extremely resistant, but her potential could compare to Naruto, who was undoubtedly the strongest of his children.     

Hancock watched her baby with a smile as she played with her nose, only to look back at her husband - "I saw Luffy and Rei run out of the palace, did they need anything?"     

"Luffy wants us to send him to the [Saboady Archipelago] to meet his crew, and Rei, well, I'm sure you know what she wants" - Kurama said as he gave his wife a blank look, after all, he had seen how Hancock had tried to give Rei advice on love relationships, only to end catastrophically.     

To be honest, Hancock wasn't the best one to give this kind of advice because she was the type of woman who demonstrated a love so strong it was almost suffocating.     

For Kurama, this was not a problem because he knew how to calm her, but other men would suffer heavily from such oppressive love from the [Pirate Empress], and that's not counting the case that the man was surrounded by more women, at that point, Hancock could become a potential Yandere.     

"I feel like you're thinking something bad, honey" - Hancock said with a frown.     

"Sorry, I was just thinking about how beautiful our daughter will become, maybe she could even be the new most beautiful woman in the world" - said Kurama as he drastically changed the subject.     

"I wouldn't mind if my princess took my place" - Hancock said with a smile as she played with her baby's nose - "Don't you think so too, sweetie?"     

"Un!" - Rei nodded with a smile as she laughed happily at her mother's actions.     

"Well, we'd better prepare for whatever comes against us, remember this is the first time our little Rei is going to leave [Amazon Lily]" - Kurama said seriously.     

"Right" - muttered Hancock as she grabbed her daughter with a smile - "Come on, we have to prepare the clothes for the world to meet the daughter of the [Pirate Empress], and [Monstrosity]."     

"I still hate that name" - Kurama said with a frown - "It makes me sound like someone who only seeks death and destruction."     

"What are Death and Destruction?" - Rei asked curiously.     

"Something bad people do" - replied Hancock as she shot a bored glance at her husband.     

"But Dad is someone good and kind!" - Rei shouted with a frown.     

"True, but there are bad people who say bad things about your father" - said Hancock as she snorted with disdain.     

"Rei is going to punish the liars!" - Rei said as she puffed out her cheeks.     

"That's the spirit, daughter, we will punish those who insult your father" - said Hancock as she lifted their daughter over her head, only for the little girl to smile happily.     

She was surprised that her baby not only spoke so well, but could understand so many things being so young, it was as if she was a prodigy, but she quickly understood the reason when Kurama explained that this was part of the Kitsune factor that made her mature much faster than normal, although, at the same time, he was surprised because this most of the time happened since she was 2 or 3 years old.     

Rei was a special case even among his children, but this Kurama didn't tell Hancock because he didn't want to worry her.     

Kurama has even thought that maybe his daughter was not as simple as he thought, in other words, he had reincarnated in [Naruto]'s world, so it was possible that something like his case, happened in this dimension, and that the lucky soul took his daughter's body.     

Did this change things?     

Not in the slightest, Kurama wouldn't feel bad about something like this because it would only mean that someone was lucky to have them as parents, not that a foreign soul had taken over their daughter because Rei's energy signature, hadn't changed in the slightest since the beginning of her gestation.     

"What are you thinking, Kurama?" - Hancock asked with a frown.     

"Nothing serious, I was just thinking about the future, and about all the children who will be gawking at the sight of our little princess" - said Kurama as he took Rei from her mother's arms - "But it won't be easy for them to steal our baby"     

"True, not just anyone will be able to be together with Rei-chan" - snorted Hancock with hostility - "In fact, she won't marry anyone."     

"Hancock, as much as it annoys me, that's not good, we can't take away our baby's happiness because of our selfish desires" - said Kurama while shaking his head - "Finding love, it's something we all wish for, it was like that with us, and it will be like that with our little one"     

"Ugh, I hate it when you're right" - muttered Hancock as she hugged her husband and daughter - "Without our love, Rei-chan would never have come into the world, and now that I think about it a little better, I wouldn't mind being able to hold a grandchild in my arms when she's much older"     

"For the one who wants to have a relationship with our baby, he is going to have to pass a series of tests" - said Kurama neutrally.     

"I knew I could count on you" - said Hancock while laughing mischievously.     

Rei for her part, just looked confused at her parents because she didn't know what they were talking about.     

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