The Legend of the Kyubi

Extra 13: We are Pirates ~! (End)

Extra 13: We are Pirates ~! (End)

0A year had passed since the meeting between Kurama and Marco on [Gyojin Island], a time when the world had been dealt several blows.     

First, Sengoku had finally decided to retire and give his place to Aokiji after beheading Akainu for all he had done.     

Second, Edward Newgate managed to depart peacefully to the other world, after 3 months of the meeting between his son and his heir. He died in his sleep with a smile on his face, and surrounded by all his children.     

Kurama quickly took control of the areas that [Shirohige] was protecting, and with the help of his pirates, he kept the place in order, even decided to give Marco and the others a treat, and attacked different checkpoints of Teach, to show him not to mess with them.     

Ace had begun his training under his tutelage, and was improving with each passing day.     

Kurama had to admit that the latent potential of the inhabitants of this world was impressive, especially those who practiced Kenjutsu.     

The other big events, was that the [3 Disasters] had again appeared to attack Teach for what he had done, managing to kill 5 of [Kurohige]'s sub-captains before falling in combat, eliminating the last vestiges of the [Beast Pirates], or at least all those who were not hidden in the shadows, calmly waiting for the right moment.     

But leaving all those events aside, such as, for example, the moment when Luffy and the others, declared war on [Big Mom] to save Sanji, the world was watching for the most important event of the century.     

Everyone had their eyes on [Mary Geoise], even Dragon and the other members of the [Revolutionary Army], as well as the [Navy], were watching everything with serious expressions on their faces.     

* * * * *     

"I guess the time has come," said Kurama as he appeared in front of [Mary Geoise] with a cold expression on his face, after all, he could feel a huge amount of life energy signatures, down from the palaces of the [World Nobles].     

Without a second thought, he snapped his fingers, and moved all the slaves to safety.     

"I have come to fulfill my promise!" - Kurama exclaimed as he stretched out his hands.     

His voice echoed throughout the place, as a group of [World Nobles] slowly walked towards his direction.     

"You reckless bastard! How dare you speak to the gods of this world like that!" - A noble roared, only to disappear in a matter of seconds.     

This startled those present, who quickly backed away in fear, but it was too late.     

Kurama quickly stretched out his hands and created a strange, multicolored sphere of energy - "Konton (Chaos)!"     

The moment his words left his mouth, the chaotic energy sphere, began to grow considerably.     

The nobles quickly ordered to activate countermeasures, only to freeze when they saw that their slaves were nowhere to be found.     

Kurama did not hesitate, he quickly launched the sphere against [Mary Geoise], only to cause a huge explosion that echo throughout the place.     

Earth, debris, rocks, and all sorts of fine objects flew through the air while a huge curtain of smoke surrounded the unchanging sacred ground of the world.     

The onlookers who were watching from the comfort of their homes, watched as the smoke disappeared, only to be terrified to see how the towering mountain had disappeared, and only a huge pillar with an imposing palace on top of it remained.     

Kurama ignored everything else, and floated in the direction of the palace where the empty throne was supposedly located, which ironically was being occupied by someone.     

* * *     

"That monster" - muttered one of the elders in terror as the others looked at each other with relief at how the palace had managed to survive.     

"Don't rejoice" - said a neutral voice - "We didn't survive because our countermeasures worked, but because he wanted us to."     

"!" - the elders looked at each other in terror as they watched a silhouette appear in front of them.     

Kurama gave them a glance before focusing completely on the strange man sitting on the empty throne.     

"What are you?" - Kurama asked with a frown as he noticed how the presence of this strange man, looked like the mixture of different auras - "You don't feel like a progenitor, but your lifespan has been extremely long, something uncommon for mortals."     

"What I am, is not important" - replied the man as he made a small bow - "My name is Im."     

"Im" - repeated Kurama as he narrowed his eyes - "The guardian, or the scribe of the world?"     

Im kept silent without answering the albino's words, even though he knew that if he refused to say anything, he might die, though that was not important right now.     

"No, the watcher, the one who observes everything" - Kurama said as Im's eyes widened slightly - "I see, seeing how fate moves, I guess it must be fun to observe the D clan."     

Im maintained his silence.     

"Well, never mind, it's not like this changes anything" - Kurama said as he shook his head - "I was just curious as to who it was that was in this place, and now that I already found out what kind of person you are, I see no need to continue extending your lives."     

The sages quickly ran out of the room, not remembering how the entrance now led to a deep cliff.     

"The fate of the world, has changed drastically since your arrival, Traveler" - Im said for the first time since he introduced himself - "Is this a good, or a bad thing?"     

"It doesn't matter, because that's something for the inhabitants of the world to find out" - Kurama replied while shaking his head - "Hero, villain, they are just names people will give me to try to understand my actions, names that to me don't matter at all"     

"Humans need someone to guide and protect them" - Im said neutrally.     

"Humans need to look out for themselves" - Kurama replied neutrally - "Not a nanny who controls their every move, much less a bunch of idiots who think they are the gods of this world, just because their ancestors did something awesome."     

"You have a point" - Im said as he closed his eyes - "But I stand by my point, they need someone to be watching them."     

Kurama didn't say anything else, he just snapped his fingers and watched everything around him turn to dust.     

Im gave him one last look before disappearing along with the palace and the elders, thus ending the legacy of the [World Government].     

Kurama shook his head before raising his gaze to the sky - "With this, there's nothing left to do but wait for the dimensional stream to end."     

The white-haired man quickly left the place, and went to his family, after all, he had to take care of not only his little Rei, but also Shino, the daughter he had with Alvida.     

"Is it all over?" - Hancock asked as she looked at her husband with an unreadable expression.     

The destruction of the [World Nobles], as well as the [World Government], was something she had wished for, but now that it had happened, it felt too good to be true.     

"I fulfilled your wish, and now it's time to pay" - Kurama said as he looked at the woman's breasts.     

"Pff ~! Ha ha ha ha ~!" - Hancock couldn't hold back her laughter when she heard this.     

The confusion inside her quickly disappeared with just a few words from her husband.     

"Thank you, I needed that" - Hancock said as she caressed her lover's cheek.     

"And who said I was kidding? It's payback time" - Kurama said with a wild grin.     

Hancock blushed as she was dragged to her room, only for after a few seconds her moans to echo in the place, it was a relief that Kurama had put the privacy seal before starting.     

* * * * *     

The days passed, and Kurama had decided to retire after making sure that not only Ace was ready to take his place as [Yonko], but also that [Shirohige]'s pirates, had enough power to fight Teach, which wasn't that hard now that he had lost a lot of his strongest fighters thanks to the [3 Disasters].     

After taking care of that, Kurama again continued his journey with his family, only to be surprised that after a few months, they encountered the straw hat pirates again.     

Shirahoshi was excited to see the world with her own eyes, while the children continued to feel in love with traveling with their parents as they grew up.     

So two years passed, until Kurama finally arrived at [Laugh Tale], although to Alvida's annoyance, they did not take the One Piece, in fact, they just decided to build a houseboat outside the island while they waited with curiosity for the lucky one who managed to reach this place and discover the truth.     

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