The Legend of the Kyubi

Extra 13: We are Pirates ~! (36)

Extra 13: We are Pirates ~! (36)

0"!" - Buggy's eyes widened in surprise because that would explain a lot of things, such as why Roger was so fond of Shanks - "That idiot Shanks was his heir!"     

"You might say you're right" - nodded Ivankov as he started to think - "And seeing how Shanks ended up being, I must say that Roger had the right vision!"     

Buggy was silent for a few seconds before asking that had been nagging at him for a good moment - "How do you know about the history of that hat?"     

"I have my sources" - Ivankov replied calmly as he winked at him.     

Buggy quickly backed away as he sensed how dangerous [Queen Okama] was.     

"You're boring, Buggy-boy" - Ivankov said as he shook his head - "Anyway, we better help Luffy-boy before he does any crazier things, we can't let Roger's legacy fall."     

"You have a point, it's the least I can do for my captain" - muttered Buggy seriously, after all, his stay on the [Jackson Gold] had been some of his best years of life, especially how exciting all those adventures were together with so many people leaving for a better life - ". . ."     

"At least you still have a little conscience left, Buggy-boy" - Ivankov said with a huge smile.     

"Keep quiet and let's go, we'd better save those two idiots" - Buggy muttered with a frown - "God, life in prison made me go soft."     

Ivankov didn't respond to this, he just ran along with the other fugitives in the hope of saving his best friend's son, as well as the son of his former comrade.     

* * * * *     


"That voice!" - Garp exclaimed as his eyes widened in terror as he watched a familiar silhouette approaching at full speed - "What's that idiot doing in this place!"     

"Mugiwara no Luffy" - Sengoku said as he frowned and looked at his old friend - "We need to have a serious talk about your family, Garp!"     

"Ugh" - Garp only replied with a small groan of annoyance, but said nothing to defend himself, after all, his son was the most wanted criminal in the world while his grandson was a Pirate who had declared war on the [World Government] - "Relax, I'll take care of him."     

"Remember Garp, you are a Marine before his grandfather" - Sengoku said seriously.     

Garp didn't answer, he just walked in the direction of his grandson.     

* * * * *     


"?" - Edward Newgate slowly looked in the direction of the voice and watched as a straw-hatted boy ran to his chained son.     

"I see that boy finally arrived" - Kurama said as he looked at Luffy with a small smile.     

"Did you know he was coming?" - [Shirohige] asked in a low voice.     

"I helped him infiltrate [Impel Down] to see if he could rescue Ace, but things didn't go the way he thought" - Kurama replied calmly - "Shall we continue?"     

"You're far stronger than me" - said [Shirohige] while frowning - "Why don't you just kill me and get it over with?"     

"Because I'm not looking for your death" - replied Kurama earnestly - "I'm just demonstrating my power and incidentally helping the boy accomplish his goal while pretending to be on the side of the [World Government], after all, I can't let them keep pestering [Amazon Lily]"     

"I see, I understand what's going on" - nodded [Shirohige] with a huge smile - "Then I don't have to hold back, show all your power because this time I won't retreat."     

"I hoped so, but don't force yourself too much because you might end up badly hurt, something that could be taken advantage of by your enemies" - said Kurama seriously.     

"I know, but I wouldn't be me if I didn't give my all in a battle" - smiled [Shirohige] as his body started to tremble - "Gurarara!"     

Kurama nodded with appreciation - "As would be expected from someone who has held the title of the strongest man in the world - "Come on, let's continue to enjoy this battle"     

"At least I'm doing it because I don't think these old bones can keep up with your body".     

Kurama didn't answer him, he just continued to fight with the old pirate, though his gaze rested lightly on where the straw-hatted boy was to prevent anything from happening to him because something told him that his life was important to the world.     

* * * * *     


"That voice! Luffy?!" - Ace exclaimed in terror as he watched his younger brother run in his direction - "What are you doing here, you idiot!"     

"I came to save you, Ace!" - Luffy shouted with a huge grin.     

"You idiot, I don't need you to come to save me!" - Ace exclaimed as tears ran down his cheek as he watched his brothers fall one after the other, and as his younger brother in all but blood, also put himself in danger - "Do none of you understand that you don't have to do this!!! How do you think I feel watching you die one after the other!"     

"How do you think we feel watching you walk to your death!" - Luffy shouted angrily as he saw how his older brother seemed to have given up - "Why!"     

"Because we can't let you die, you idiot!" - Marco exclaimed angrily - "Can't you see the efforts of our brothers, how they're sacrificing themselves for you!"     

". . ." - Ace was silent as he bit his lip, only to sigh regretfully - "I don't wish to see them die for me!"     

"And we don't wish to see you die" - Marco said as he frowned seeing how Akainu had appeared - "Tch, no less was expected of you, you bastard!"     

"Marco the Phoenix, it will be my pleasure to capture you and send you to [Impel Down] along with all these criminals" - Akainu said neutrally as his body began to melt, forming a pool of magma that soon took human form - "ROAR!"     

"Now you're not only a monster, but an ugly one" - said Marco with disdain as countless blue flames surrounded his body, taking the shape of a majestic bird - "Gyooooooooo!"     

"Ace!" - Luffy exclaimed as he continued running in the direction where his brother was, only to stop when he saw Kisaru walking in his direction - "Sorry, Straw Hat-kun, but this is as far as you go!"     

". . ." - Luffy was silent, but his expression quickly changed when he saw two people walking in front of him.     

"We'll take care of him, Luffy, you keep moving forward" - said Jinbe who was standing next to Crocodile.     

"I never thought that two former [Shichibukai] would attack me at the same time" - said Barsolino while squinting his eyes - "I can expect it from Jinbe, but you, Crocodile?"     

"Let's just say I received an offer I couldn't refuse" - Crocodile said neutrally.     

His words were not false, when it came, he heard a voice in his head telling him that it was Kurama and that he was offering him a wish as long as it was not against his morals.     

For Crocodile, this was more than enough, after all, after leaving [Impel Down], he only wished for one thing, a place where he could dwell and regain his strength without anyone disturbing him.     

With a little more time, he would not only return to normal, he could even grow to levels he hadn't thought of, that's why he had decided to ask Kurama to send him to a place where he could create a new empire.     

Kurama accepted immediately, although what Crocodile did not know was that Kurama would twist his wish as if he was a Dijin. Kurama would grant Crocodile's wish, but not in the way he wanted.     

"Well, this doesn't change anything," - said Kisaru while squinting his eyes - "Because even together you can't beat me."     

"We'll see" - Crocodile replied while creating a huge sandstorm - "I hope you'll cover yourself, fish boy".     

"Did you just call me a fish?" - Jinbe said with a vein marking on his forehead.     

"It's a joke, don't take it so literally" - Crocodile snorted while squinting his eyes - "OK, now it's time for us to get this thing started, straw boy, go to your brother and save him, or at least get him out of there with the chains"     

"OK, thanks" - Luffy said as he ran back to his destination.     

"Oh no, don't even think about it" - Kisaru said neutrally, only to frown as he saw a blue palm approach his face.     

He quickly turned his body to light and stepped back a few feet, only to shoot an annoyed glare at the blue Gyojin - "Why the face?"     

"Because it's the fastest way to knock you out" - Jinbe answered honestly.     

"Knock me out? Not kill me?" - Kisaru asked with surprise.     

"My goal is to save Ace, not to become a bitter enemy of the Navy, not when my people need me" - replied Jinbe while squinting his eyes - "But that doesn't mean I won't give my all, so I recommend you not to underestimate my abilities".     

"Ok, let's go, the faster we finish this, the faster I can capture straw hat-kun" - said Kisaru while starting a new confrontation between titans.     

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