The Legend of the Kyubi

Extra 13: We are Pirates ~! (19)

Extra 13: We are Pirates ~! (19)

0The conversation continued quietly until a loud alarm began to echo through the city.     

"What is that?" - Alvida asked as her eyes widened in surprise.     

"That's the sign that things are about to get a little crazy" - replied Iceburg as he shook his head - "There's a giant wave coming to [Water 7], it's something that happens from time to time."     

"If so, how is it that this city can resist and thrive?" - Hancock asked as she raised an eyebrow.     

"Because we have devised a method to prevent the wave from wiping out our island" - Iceburg replied as he walked towards a pillar of the shipyard.     

"Easy, let me handle this" - Kurama said as he snapped his fingers.     

Iceburg stared at him for a few seconds before shaking his head, only to widen his eyes in surprise when he heard the alarm siren stop sounding.     

He quickly ran to a communicator to inquire as to why, only to freeze when he heard that the sea had magically calmed down and the wave had disappeared without a trace.     

Iceburg slowly looked at the albino with a serious expression, only to shake his head.     

It was better that he didn't mess with Kurama and the others anymore.     

"With this, I think you can now leave [Water 7] without any problems" - Iceburg said as he quietly retreated.     

"Did you do it to help the [Mugiwara]?" - Alvida asked as she raised an eyebrow.     

"Partly" - replied Kurama while shrugging his shoulders - "Anyway, we better get out of here and go to [Amazon Lily]."     

"Agreed, I already want to see how my sisters are doing" - Hancock said with a smile as she remembered her younger sisters.     

"What are we waiting for?" - Alvida asked as she looked at her companions - "Let's go."     

"Sure, Captain" - said Hancock with disdain as the two women went to their posts.     

Kurama watched this as he shook his head.     

He had proposed that he take charge along with his clones, but after seeing how the women refused with all their might, he decided it was best to let them do what they wanted.     

No matter how much their lives changed, both Hancock and Alvida were women of the sea, and they wished to sail free on the oceans of the world.     

With a snap of his fingers, Kurama teleported the ship to the outskirts of [Water 7] and began their journey to the island of [Amazon Lily], unaware of the huge news he would hear days later.     

* * * * *     

"Oh god, those idiots are crazy!" - Alvida exclaimed as she picked up the newspaper they had bought - "How could they even think of doing something like that!"     

"Now I understand why you were helping them so much, that group has potential" - said Hancock with disdain, not towards the straw hat crew, but against the world government.     

Three days had passed since Kurama and the others had left [Water 7], and they were approaching their target.     

They were cruising along peacefully, or at least they were until they saw how a messenger seagull was flying over them a suitcase full of newspapers, so they decided to buy one.     

"That boy's got guts" - said Kurama with a huge grin as he saw how Luffy's bounty had gone up after declaring war on the world government.     

"What surprises me is that they survived a [Buster Call]" - Alvida said as she shook her head - "Although I admit it, that idiot has balls of steel."     

"What surprises me, is that that boy is Vice Admiral Garp's grandson" - said Hancock while shaking her head.     

"That's nothing, Luffy is Dragon's son" - Kurama added as the two women's eyes widened in surprise - "I met him during our little stay in [Loguetown]."     

"That family is kind of crazy" - Alvida muttered while holding the bridge of her nose.     

She couldn't believe how a naval hero like Garp, would have the world's most wanted criminal as his son, and that his grandson was trying to become the [Pirate King].     

"It's ironic and funny at the same time" - said Hancock as a huge smile appeared on her face - "I guess all the members of that family, are good people."     

She hated the [Marines], but not Garp and his subordinates, after all, he was one of the few Marines who did his job fairly and who you could have a dialogue with without getting the absolute righteousness talk, or how everyone but the [Marines] and the [World Government] were evil.     

"It's a little unsettling that a pirate would find Garp to be a good person, remember he's hunted hundreds of us" - Alvida said with a frown.     

"Yes, but unlike other [Marines] like Aokiji, Akainu, or Kisaru, his justice is fairer" - replied Hancock while frowning - "Not to mention that those bastards didn't deserve to stay free"     

All the criminals Garp had hunted were bastards who didn't deserve to stay alive.     

Many might think it was hypocritical of her to say this when she was also a criminal, but unlike the bastards captured by Garp, she was a goddess.     

Hancock stole ships, but the crewmen she left alive, as long as they weren't assholes because if they were, they would end up as statues at the bottom of the sea.     

"I think we're getting off-topic" - Kurama said as the two women widened their eyes in surprise - "According to this, not only did they manage to save Nico Robin, and burn the [World Government] flag, but they also defeated [CP9]"     

Inside the hold, the person who was listening to the conversation, trembled slightly, after all, she couldn't believe that her comrades had lost to someone so weak, much less Lucci who was one of the most talented recruits in the [Navy] had ever had.     

Kurama knew of her presence as a stowaway on their ship, but had done nothing to capture her because she was no threat to any of them.     

"So, where are they headed now?" - Alvida asked as she raised an eyebrow.     

"Possibly to the [Saboady Archipelago]" - Hancock replied as she pulled out a map and traced the route the straw hat crew had traveled - "Though to get there, they'll have to pass one or two more islands at the minimum."     

"The [Saboady Archipelago]" - muttered Kurama as he started to think - "I think we'll have to visit that place too."     

". . ." - Hancock was silent for a few seconds as she felt her body freeze, after all, that place didn't bring back nice memories.     

She unconsciously moved her hand to her back and let out a sigh full of regret, only to shake her head - "Ok, we'll go, but after a few weeks."     

"If it's any consolation, we won't go as tourists, but as liberators" - Kurama said with a huge smile - "In fact, I feel it's a good time to replicate the past."     

"!" - Hancock's eyes widened in surprise when she heard this as she nodded firmly.     

"I don't think I understand what the fuck you're talking about" - Alvida said with a frown.     

"I'll explain it to you when we get to [Amazon Lily], although I warn you that you better not say anything because if you say a single word of my secret, I promise you that your death will be a slow and painful one" - said Hancock with absolute neutrality.     

Alvida froze at Hancock's icy gaze, so she only did one thing, she nodded hurriedly with a forced smile on her face.     

The person inside the hold shivered slightly at the information about Luffy's family, but her expression quickly changed to one of excitement when she heard about Hancock's secret.     

If she succeeded in getting that information, she could make the [Pirate Empress] kneel in front of her.     

"How much more do we need to get to [Amazon Lily]?" - Alvida asked, who had decided to change the subject quickly because she couldn't stand the enormous pressure Hancock was releasing.     

"If we keep going at this speed, I'd say another day or two" - said Hancock while frowning - "If we could use the [Gates of Justice], it would take us a few hours, although that option is no longer possible."     

With her "betrayal", she no longer had the protection of the [World Government], though to her surprise, her title of [Shichibukai], still hadn't been taken away, which was strange.     

"What's wrong, scaly ass?" - Alvida asked after calming down and noticing the change in Hancock's attitude.     

The [Pirate Empress] shot a sharp glance at her traveling companion, only to shake her head - "I just thought it's strange that I still hold my title as [Shichibukai]"     

"Now that you say it, I also find it strange, I mean, those bastards have been chasing and attacking us during our entire journey, so their hatred towards us is of no minor degree" - Alvida said with a frown - "At least not with all the casualties we have caused to their ranks."     

"Maybe that's the reason" - replied Kurama as he looked at the two women.     

"What do you mean, sweetheart?" - Hancock asked as she raised an eyebrow.     

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