The Legend of the Kyubi

Extra 8: Bleach (1)*

Extra 8: Bleach (1)*

0"Let me see, let me get this straight" - said a man with dull blond hair and green eyes wearing a green kimono and a white hat with green stripes - "You are from another world and you entered our universe because the jutsu you were practicing went wrong."     

"Yes" - nodded a handsome white-haired man who was wearing a blue yukata that showed off his firm pecs. He was smoking an antique pipe with fox detailing as he looked around curiously - "This place is interesting, though I'd rather those white things weren't there"     

"Hollows" - Kisuke replied calmly - "That's what they're called, souls that couldn't enter paradise for different reasons, though most of the time it's because they failed to overcome their earthly attachments"     

"I see, it's interesting to know that in this dimension, souls have two different destinies" - nodded the white-haired man - "In my dimension, it doesn't matter if they go to hell or the Pure World, the dead keep forever the appearance they had at the moment they died"     

"Interesting" - murmured Urahara as he nodded - "By the way, my name is Kisuke Urahara and this is my humble store"     

"My name is Kurama Uzumaki, leader of the Uzumaki clan and Jubi no Kitsune" - replied the white-haired man, now known as Kurama - "And I guess it's a relief to meet someone who isn't human"     

"It's not like I'm hiding it" - replied Kisuke while shrugging his shoulders - "Exactly, I'm not a human, in fact, I'm a Shinigami."     

"That's a wonderful coincidence" - smiled Kurama as he looked at the man - "In my world, we, the Uzumaki clan, are allies of the Shinigami, or at least our version of it."     

"I'd like to hear more about it" - said Kisuke with a smile.     

"I have no problem" - nodded Kurama as he looked in the direction of the door - "But first, why don't we call this beautiful lady who is hiding behind that piece of furniture?"     

"Interesting, I didn't think you'd spot me, much less be able to detect my gender so easily" - said a slightly husky voice as a black cat slowly walked in their direction.     

"Ahem! I didn't expect to see you so soon, Yoruichi" - Kisuke said in surprise as he saw how the cat was throwing a curious look at the white-haired man.     

"Do you really think I wouldn't come back after feeling that burst of power that appeared from your store?" - Asked the cat named Yoruichi as she rolled her eyes at him - "I'm sure Shinji and the others won't last any time at all to arrive, I'm even sure Isshin has to be worried."     

"Actually, we're already here" - said a blond man who honestly found a slight resemblance to Samui, especially the hair color and cut.     

"Who's the white-haired hottie?" - asked a girl with black hair combed into a ponytail, red glasses, wearing a white Sailor Fuku and blue skirt - "Mama like"     

"It has nothing to do with him looking like one of the main characters in one of your Hentai Manga, Lisa-chan?" - A tall man who was wearing sports clothes asked.     

"Sh-shut up, Love!" - Lisa exclaimed with a red face.     

"Will you two stop talking about that fucking pervert shit!" - Exclaimed a young girl who appeared to be the youngest of the group. A girl of about 13-14 years old with blonde hair combed in two pigtails.     

"They're not for degenerates! They're for adults who appreciate the beauty of good art!" - Lisa exclaimed as she looked at the girl - "Although you wouldn't expect anything less from someone who is just starting with her teenage years!"     

"You want to fight, you old bitch?!" - exclaimed the girl angrily.     

"Anytime shrimp" - snorted Lisa as she growled fiercely at her.     

"That's enough!" - Shinji exclaimed as he glared at the two women - "Lisa, Hiyori, save your games for other times!"     

"Etto, Shinji" - said a muscular pink-haired man as he pointed in the direction of the tent - "Look!"     

"Huh?"- Shinji looked in the direction where his friend was pointing, only to notice how the other girl in their group, a cute and innocent green-haired girl wearing a white tights suit, was laughing happily as she listened to the white-haired man speak.     

"And then I changed the sound of my voice to that of a woman, like this ~" - Kurama said as he grabbed his throat and started talking like a girl - "And I shouted, Hentai ~!"     

"Ha ha ha ha!" - the green-haired girl could only let out a laugh because she could imagine how it all transpired - "You're evil, Kurama-san ~"     

"But that doesn't compare to the prank my son Naruto played" - Kurama replied with a big smile as he made a hand seal and summoned two clones.     

This surprised everyone present, except Mashiro, who was excitedly watching what the albino was about to do.     

"You see, it was when Sasuke, my best friend became the Hokage of one of the allied villages" - said Kurama as he continued his story - "My son Naruto decided to give him a little surprise."     

"I didn't know you had a son, Kurama-san" - said Kisuke with surprise.     

"I haven't had to talk about my personal life" - Kurama replied as he shrugged - "Remember that we've been talking about my world"     

"Right" - nodded Kisuke as he poured some tea for his guest - "Here you go."     

"Thank you very much" - said Kurama, only to notice how the green-haired girl, was tugging at the sleeve of his yukata - "Yes?"     

"Come on, Kurama-san! Go on with your story ~!" - Mashiro exclaimed as she puffed out her cheeks in annoyance.     

"Ok, you see, this is what my friend looks like" - said Kurama as one of the clones took on the appearance of Sasuke and the other that of Mikoto - "And she's his mother!"     

"Wow ~! They sure do look alike" - said Mashiro in surprise as he started to look closely at the two clones and touched them - "They look real"     

"That's because we are" - said Sasuke's clone with a pedantic smile on his face.     

"Our original uses as a catalyst the energy of our world to create us" - replied Mikoto's clone with a small smile on her lips, only this one was much kinder than the other clone's - "This transformation also uses as a medium our energy called Chakra"     

"Can you do anything else?" - Kisuke asked curiously as he raised an eyebrow.     

"Whatever my clones learn, I learn when they disappear" - replied Kurama calmly - "I can also control the elements, create seals capable of doing whatever I wish"     

"Anything you wish?" - Yoruichi asked with mixed surprise and curiosity.     

"Imagination is the limit, my fair lady" - replied Kurama as he gave her a wink.     

"I feel that's not all" - said Kisuke as he looked at the white-haired man.     

"Exactly" - smiled Kurama as he shook his head - "Anyway, I think it's time for you guys to explain a few things."     

"Hmph! As if we're obligated to answer your questions" - Hiyori snorted as she glared at the white-haired man.     

"We adults are talking, so children have to keep quiet" - said Kurama as his slitted pupils sharpened - "Is that clear?"     

"Child, I'm much older than you!" - Hiyori roared coldly as she began to release strange blue energy.     

"Oh? That's the power you guys use?" - Kurama asked in surprise - "It looks like concentrated Yin chakra, interesting."     

"Hiyori, you better not do anything stupid, because he is much stronger than you think" - said Shinji while squinting his eyes.     

"If I were you, I would heed the dentist's sexual fantasy" - said Kurama as Yoruichi's lips trembled slightly from trying to hold in laughter - "And answering your words, from my point of view, you're just a girl."     

"Kurama-san, we Shinigami have a much longer lifespan than humans" - said Kisuke while looking at the white-haired man.     

"I am aware of that" - Kurama replied as he turned his eyes to the blond man, only to look at each of the people present - "But I still stand by my point, from my point of view, you are all young."     

"Yeah right, like you're too old" - Hiyori snorted disdainfully as the others shook their heads. They all knew about the blonde girl's bad attitude, so they were not surprised by such a display of hostility.     

Shinji said nothing to refute his companion's words, after all, he too was sure that the white-haired man, was just exaggerating his words.     

"A thousand years" - Kurama answered calmly while looking at the young blonde, who was confused, although after a few seconds she opened her eyes in surprise - "I stopped counting after I hit a thousand years."     

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