The Legend of the Kyubi

Delinquent Gang A

Delinquent Gang A

0It has been two days since Kurama had talked with the girls about the option of entering the CRA and they had been with him all the time. The young redhead was already fully recovered and was just waiting to be discharged.     

Kurama's life in the hospital had been boring to say little. He just wanted to move his body but the nurses always stopped him.     

During this time, Iruka came and informed him about the final results of the exams and which team he would be on. According to the man with a scar on his nose, the teams have already met their Jonin instructors and to anyone's surprise, the '9 Rookies' had been divided between them.     

Team 7: Sasuke was with his girlfriend Sakura and the Kiba. The latter was a bit uncomfortable since sometimes he was in the middle of the couple and his sensei was Kakashi Hatake. They had already begun to do missions because Kakashi already had full knowledge of their abilities and thought that it was not necessary to teach them anything at the moment.     

Team 10: Shikamaru was with Choji and Shino, here there was total harmony. Shino spoke almost nothing and Choji with Shikamaru were each in his world, his Sensei was Asuma Sarutobi. In this team, the happiest was Choji because every time they finished a mission, Asuma invited them to eat something.     

According to Iruka, he was in Team 8 with Hinata-chan and Ino-chan, his Sensei was Kurenai Yuhi.     

Kurama immediately understood that the two girls were next to him thanks to the Hokage's arrangements. He knew very well that in the village there was a famous combination of clans that were always together to go on missions. Among them was the Ino-Shika-Cho team, a team consisting of a Yamanaka, a Nara and an Akimichi, so it was a surprise to see that he had been put with the Yamanaka heiress. But what surprised him most was that his Sensei was none other than Kurenjai Yuhi and not Yamato, who supposedly should be the best option knowing that he can use the Mokuton Element.     

What he didn't know was that Yamato was going to be his Sensei but Kurenai asked Sarutobi to let her take care of the redhead. Hiruzen after thinking about it decided to accept the request of the red-eyed kunoichi, after all, she had trained with Kushina as the three Genin had done, so there would be a compression from the beginning.     

"I hope you don't come back in a long time, Kurama-san" - said a nurse who was watching as the redhead was collecting his things because today was the day where he would finally leave the hospital - "I don't say it because I'm bad, but because I think the other patients can endure another ... devastate among those three "     

"Sorry about that" - sighed the redhead - "Let's just say they are ... very lively ..."     

"Just tell them to control themselves" - the nurse denied.     

"I will tell you" - the redhead smiled - "Thank you very much for taking care of me"     

"Don't even mention it" - the nurse smiled - "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to continue with my work"     

Kurama slowly left the room and walked towards the entrance, only to see how Hinata and Ino were waiting for him next to Kushina and the others.     

"Kuro-kun / Kurama-kun!" - exclaimed the two Genin as they ran to hug him.     

"I'm sorry I worried you" - smiled young Uzumaki.     

The girls just watched as the three Genin from team 8 hugged.     

"Should we inform them?" - Anko asked quietly.     

"I don't think it's necessary" - Kushina denied - "At least not at the moment"     

Mikoto just nodded at her friend's words.     

"I think it was enough" - Mikoto said as she looked at the young ones - "Kurama-kun! We already booked the Teuchi-san place to celebrate your recovery!"     

With this accident, Kurama had understood his insane regeneration had a small weakness and that was that he needed an insane amount of food - "I'm starving Dattebayo ~!"     

Kurama blushed when he heard what he had said while the girls only laughed, especially Kushina because she had been through something similar in her youth, although there were times where she still did.     

"Ara ~? That brings back memories" - Mikoto said while giving her best friend a look - "When we were young, every time Kushina was very excited, she always released a Dattebane ~"     

"U-Urusai !!!" - Kushina shouted as her face turned red.     

* * * * * * * * * * *     

After a while, the group arrived in Ichiraku and to their surprise, Ayame was waiting for them outside the door.     

"It is good to see that you are well, Otouto" - said the brunette as she hugged the young redhead.     

"It's good to see you too ... Ayame Nee ..." - said the boy as he hugged her back.     


One day while eating at Ichiraku, a young man with a typical criminal appearance began to annoy Ayame.     

Teuchi that day was not because he was seeing properties to move and expand the restaurant     

Ayame was trying her best to try to defend but she was only a civilian.     

Naruto couldn't take it anymore to see how they bothered her, so he stood in front of the criminal and punched him in the face, leaving him unconscious. When he woke up, he said the typical standard phrase of a MOB 'This won't end like this, wait for him to come back' and he ran away. After a few minutes, he had returned with a group of 10 people. They started yelling inside the restaurant things like 'give us the bastard', 'you better come with us to spend a night, if you don't want us to destroy your place, bitch' or things like that.     

Ayame was trembling with fear inside the stall she was seriously thinking of going with them to leave their place quiet but especially not to harm Naruto. (1)     

When she was about to leave, one hand grabbed her shoulder and stopped her, when she turned around, she could see how eyes of different color looked at her saying "everything will be fine".     

Naruto after calming Ayame, left where the criminals were. Without thinking he threw himself on them and in a matter of seconds he left them unconscious.     

Seeing that everything was over, Ayame burst into tears in Naruto's arms. She felt that her life could have ended if those criminals did their job, just thinking about it filled her with despair.     

Naruto just hugged her back and let her let go of all her fears on him.     

* * * * *     

After a few minutes, Ayame finally calmed down a bit.     

Now not only her eyes were red, but her entire face. The shame she had at the moment, prevented her from looking into the redhead's eyes and could not even thank her savior.     

Naruto took Ayame's hand and ran next to her inside the ramen stall.     

"Thank you Naruto-kun ..." - Ayame said with a small smile.     

"You're welcome ..." - Naruto replied.     

"No, really thank you" - Ayame said with a smile - "Normally at times like that, Itachi is the one who comes to help me"     

"Ho ~? Are you seeing Teme-chan's brother?" - Naruto said with a playful smile.     

"D-Don't bother Onee-chan!" - Ayame said with a red face - "And it's not what you think ..."     

"He only saved me when a group similar to them came to annoy" - said Ayame - "That day they almost left Otou-san in the hospital and it was Itachi who helped me"     

"I guess I'm going to have to call Itachi, Onii-chan," Naruto said as he gave the brown-haired woman a wink. "But seriously, if you need help with something like this, you can ask your Otouto."     

Ayame returned the hug and whispered - "Thank you ..."     

From that day the two became more united and every time Teuchi had to leave, Ayame told Naruto in advance to accompany her, the trauma of that occasion still tormented her.     

Flashback End     

Half an hour passed and people started arriving at the party.     

They were few but necessary for the redhead to feel the concern of those present. Among them were his friends of the team 7,8,10, their senseis and Hiruzen with his Anbu Neko.     

Sasuke was surprised to see his mother upon arrival. He was confused, so he asked - "Kaasan! How are you here?"     

"Hi, Sa-chan" - Mikoto smiled - "I'm just supporting my old friend"     

Kushina just rolled her eyes but said nothing to give her away.     

Sasuke was embarrassed by how his mother told him. His friends were dead with laughter, especially his teammate Kiba, who patted him on the shoulder - "Good job, Sa-chan! Hahaha!"     

The dark-haired man without thinking gave him a blow to the face, starting a battle between the two boys of team 7. Sakura did not delay trying to separate them.     

"Ugh ... I don't think I can show my face to my friends ..." - Sasuke murmured as he felt someone put his hand on his shoulder. Slowly he looked up and noticed that it was Sakura, which had a completely red face - "It's not that bad, Sasuke-kun ... Sa-chan sounds like my name ..."     

Sasuke blushed even more as he listened as the laughter of those present grew louder and louder.     

* * * * * *     

"I guess it's time to leave" - Mikoto said while looking at the time.     

"I think the same" - old Sandaime sighed - "I don't think it's a good idea to leave my Kage Bunshin alone for a long time"     

"It was a pleasure to finally meet Kushina Sensei's son" - Kurenai said with a smile while looking at the young man - "We will meet tomorrow at 10 AM to be able to introduce ourselves correctly and start our missions as a team 8"     

"I'll be there, Kurenai Sensei" - nodded the redhead.     

Asuma only gave the boy a look as he opened the door but when he did, someone threw a blow to his face. He quickly dodged the attack but it seemed that the aggressor did not want to release his prey.     

"Tch! You should let yourself be hit" - said a man with scars on his face.     

"..." - Asuma just looked at him with a frown.     

"Better stop ... we didn't come to fight with extras ... we just have to take the woman to get the information from the bastard who locked us up" - said a man in a business suit.     

"We could not expect less from the boss" - said the thugs.     

"Now.... Where are you now?" - the man asked as he looked around - "I found you"     

Ayame was shaking, memories of that incident began to sprout again, everyone present saw how the kind girl was on the verge of despair.     

"Boss! Look how many beauties are gathered here!" - exclaimed one of his subordinates - "There is also the red-haired bastard who locked us up!"     

"Perfect! This couldn't be better!" - exclaimed the criminal leader - "You know what to do guys!"     

"Hai, Boss!" - exclaimed the thugs.     

"Calm down Nee-san, this will be over soon" - the redhead smiled as he looked at the others - "Please let me take out the garbage"     

The others just nodded silently.     

"Remember to leave me something to play ~" - Anko smiled wickedly.     

"Count on it" - the redhead smiled the same way.     

"Boss... I think she is Anko Mitarashi from IT ..." - muttered a subordinate.     

"..." - The criminals began to shake when they thought about that possibility.     

"Boss..." - muttered another.     

"Now what!" - shouted the leader.     

"There is also the Hokage ..." - muttered the thugs with a completely pale face.     

"..." - The gang members just kept silent while they saw the old Sandaime who had a smile on his face.     

The Leader began to sweat cold, looked at the Hokage and said - "H-Hokage-sama! This is a misunderstanding!"     

Hiruzen said nothing, just pointed at the redhead who was giving them a look that promised pain     

After that, they could only hear the cries for help from the gang but nobody did anything to help them. When it was all over, the men were semi-conscious but in pain.     

"I'm sorry it all ended like this" - Kurama told his guests - "It's not the best way to end a party ..."     

"Don't worry" - the Sandaime smiled, then turned to look at Kushina - "Thank you very much for inviting me despite what has happened lately"     

"It's the least I could do" - replied the red-haired woman - "Not to mention that you helped us with a small problem we had"     

Those present except Hiruzen did not understand what she was trying to say, but noticing that it was personal, they decided not to intrude.     

"See you later" - said Hiruzen as he retired with his Anbu. The others left one after the other after the Hokage retired, leaving only Kushina, Anko, Kurama and the cooks Ayame and Teuchi.     

"Anko-chan, would you like to come with me?" - Kurama said while looking at the purple-haired woman - "I have some techniques that I am sure might interest you and they are a good source of practice ..."     

Anko just smiled like a girl who had received the gift she wanted - "Sure Foxy-kun ~! Lets ~ Go ~!"     

That said, Kurama and Anko disappeared from the place with the 10 criminals, only so that after a few minutes, the cries of pain and desires of a quick death, resonated throughout Konoha.     

"Now I am not afraid of them ..." - Ayame murmured as she let out a sigh - "Now I feel sorry for them ..."     

"Say it for yourself, daughter" - said the old cook - "They tried to take advantage of my princess, so I don't have the slightest feeling of compassion"     

The few who were left continued talking but kept silent when they heard the sound of the screams of gang members in the distance.     




(1) Remember that at that time, Kurama was still called Naruto.     

Chapter 24 available in pa-treon     

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