Naruto: Rise to the top

53- The slow progress of Sage Body

53- The slow progress of Sage Body

0●Note: I wrote another novel called (One Piece: The Ship of Lust) that you can check out if you want to.     

Both Kushina and Mikoto slept, but Ryuu and Sayuri did not sleep and Ryuu sat in the lotus position and Sayuri sat near him, and they both entered the Sage Mode and started using Sage Art: complete body cultivation.     

Ryuu has not slept once since he learned Sage Art: body cultivation. Even if he is very tired, he can use it to relieve fatigue and mental and physical stress.     

Eight hours later, Kushina and Mikoto woke up and looked at Ryuu who was sitting in the lotus position. Mikoto sighed and said, "It doesn't look like he has fallen asleep again, is this technique really making him not need to sleep?"     

"This technique is really useful, it can strengthen his body and give him enough rest that he does not need to sleep, I want to learn this technique too" Kushina wanted to be stronger and this technique was the best way to get strength.     

"Even if you want to learn it, we can't. The level of chakra in our bodies is not enough to learn the sage status so we can't learn this technique." Mikoto shattered Kushina's dreams of learning this technique.     

Kushina sighed and said "there's still hope, we're still young and we're still too chakra. Anyway let's go find some good food, we haven't eaten anything but food pills since we went out on the mission."     

Unlike the previous missions they hunted from the jungle to eat, in this mission they traveled fast and didn't have time to hunt, so they ate unpalatable food pills every day.     

This made Kushina, who was very comfortable in her previous missions, a little bit unbearable.     

"Okay, let's go. Maybe they're distributing some food at the camp," Mikoto said as she came out of the tent.     

Kushina came out of the tent after Mikoto and followed her thinking 'I hope it tastes good'.     

Ryuu felt Kushina and Mikoto wake up from the tent but didn't open his eyes and continued cultivating. On the way here he didn't have much time to cultivate so he wasted a lot of time without cultivation and he's trying to make up for it now.     

After another seven hours, Ryuu opened his eyes and looked around and no one found him. Even Sayuri had come out of the tent an hour ago. Ryuu stood up and felt some pain in his legs from sitting for so long. Ryuu canceled Sage Mode and then spoke in his mind 'Sarah, show me my stats, please'     

'You are really a vile and unscrupulous person, you never talk to me and all you ask is that I show you your stats or the stats of your enemies, don't forget I have a personality now and I need someone to talk to me, I'm bored here why don't you talk to me more'     

Sarah's sad voice appeared in Ryuu's mind, she was sad and upset because Ryuu didn't talk to her much, he didn't even talk to her for days even though she was living in his mind.     

'Don't worry, I'll talk to you more from now on' Ryuy sighed. He's been used to not talking to the system for months.     

'It's good that you understand this.' After she said this, Sarah showed Ryuu's stats.     


Name:  Ryuu Uchiha     

•Strength Level: semi-Kage=95     

•Agility: kage (Low)=111     

•Chakra: Super Kage =9,265     

Gender: male     

Age: 9     

Bloodline:  Uchiha- Senju     

physique: Sage body (completion percentage 0.21%)     


"My strength will enter Kage level soon," Ryuu thought, then looked toward the Sage Body's completion percentage and felt depressed, "Although I know it will take a long time but it is annoying when it progresses so slowly."     

'You shouldn't be depressed by this, your progress will be faster as you upgrade the skill, and if you level up to Advanced Grandmaster you can use it on the move and also you can use it without having to go into a Sage Mode.' Sarah consoled Ryuu, when she heard what he said.     

At this moment, Kushina and Mikoto entered with some food in hand. Then Sayuri entered after them. Mikoto said with a smile, "Ryuu, this is your lunch. You didn't eat breakfast, so we brought you a double portion."     

"Thank you." Ryuu said and then started eating the food, the food that Mikoto and Kushina had prohibited was just porridge and some bread and it wasn't that tasty but Ryuu kept eating it until there was nothing left.     

When Ryuu gets to eat, Kushina says, "The group that came with us returned to Konoha 5 hours ago, so we should go back alone now."     

"Okay, let's go back now," Ryuu said. Then he and the girls started collecting their things, and then came out of the tent, then Ryuu remembered that Tsunade was in this camp and asked the girls, "Did you go to meet Tsunade-sensei?"     

"We tried to meet her but we weren't allowed because she is too busy right now," Kushina said while sighing.     

Ryuu nodded and then he and the girls got out of the camp and started moving towards Konoha Village.     

Ryuu and the girls really wanted to take a warm shower and eat better food so once they got back to Konoha they went home to rest.     

Two days later, they went to the Hokage's building to take another mission.     

Soon, one month passed.     

During this period, Ryuu and the girls continued to take on various missions, and the tasks varied from spying, gathering information, checking the borders, and delivering war supplies to the front lines.     

During this month, Ryuu and the girls kept asking the Hokage to join the front lines. Finally, after a month of insistence, the Hokage accepted their request.     

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