Naruto: Rise to the top

34- second test

34- second test

0"Let's start the second test, which will be a test of your response to danger, follow me, we'll go somewhere else," said Saika, and started walking toward a corridor that appeared out of nowhere.     

Ryuu walked after her and both of them entered the corridor, but as soon as he entered the corridor, Ryuu sensed someone attacking him from behind, so they quickly evaded. But once they dodge the attack, he wanted to check the person who attacked him but he didn't see anything even with the Sharingan activated.     

"Come on, hurry up. I'll leave you here if you don't follow me." At this moment, Saika spoke up and urged Ryuu to hurry up.     

'Did the second test already start,' Ryuu thought as he followed Saika.     

After 20 minutes, Saika and Ryuu came out of the corridor and appeared in a place that looked like a forest in Konoha.     

When Ryyu came out of the corridor, he fell straight to the ground, breathing so hard that every time he breathed, he felt like his lungs were burning. There were many wounds on his body and almost all of his clothes were torn.     

During the previous twenty minutes the attacks never stopped, and the attacks came in a sudden manner and from all angles around Ryuu.     

"You do not seem well trained in avoiding sudden attacks, and you rely a lot on your eyes to avoid danger or locate the enemy. You have to make discovering danger something instinctive, and avoiding attack also you have to make it something instinctive, your body must move on its own when it feels danger."     

Saika started by criticizing Ryuu for his heavy reliance on his eyes, then started by explaining how a person should spot danger and started talking about the correct method of training.     

But she didn't notice any response coming from Ryuu so she turned her face to him with his lung lying on the ground and breathing hard and he was unconscious 'Damn I forgot he's injured and needs treatment'     


three hours later.     

"where am I?" Ryuu woke up and noticed that he was in a small, simple room made of wood with no decorations, with only a bed.     

Then Ryuu noticed the bandages covering his entire body and remembered that he had passed out in the second test.     

"Damn, did I fail the test?" Ryuu was annoyed and frustrated.     

"Don't worry, you passed the second test." A voice came from outside the house, then the door was opened and Saika entered the house, her body had shrunk a lot from before, and Saika was only one meter tall.     

Hearing that he passed the test, Ryuu felt relaxed, then thought for a moment and spoke, "But I don't remember passing it."     

"It's normal that you don't remember that, because you were unconscious at the last minute of the test, it seems that when you passed out your body continued to evade danger on its own, in fact I also didn't notice that you were unconscious but the person who was attacking you noticed it "     

Saika was shocked when they told her that Ryuu had completed the test while unconscious and the minute he lost consciousness they couldn't hit him no matter what they tried. It's possible that if he took the same test now, Ryuu might easily pass it.     

Ryuu was shocked upon hearing this. He didn't expect that he could do this while unconscious.     

"Can you stand up, if you can stand then put on these clothes and let's go to the third test, the minimum rest time is 4 hours between each test, if you keep sleeping more than this, you will be disqualified for the next test"     

Saika's beak was carrying a bag. Inside the bag were some clothes specially made for Ryuu, similar to the clothes he was wearing before.     

"I'm fine, I can continue the test." Ryuu spoke as he got out of bed and when he got up he felt his body burning in pain as if he had been stabbed with thousands of needles.     

Saika stepped forward and gave Ryuu the clothes she was carrying. Ryuu ignored the pain and took the clothes and quickly put them on and then went outside. When Ryuu came out of the house he noticed that he was in a forest filled with trees 10 meters high.     

"So where is the third test?" Ryuu asked after they left the house.     

"It's near here, follow me."     

After a minute of walking, they came to an area with many trees, which are close to each other, and the distance between each tree is one meter or less.     

"The third test, tests your ability to fight in different environments and terrain, and it will be divided into several stages, this place is the first stage, so fight well." When Saika finished explaining, she disappeared from her place.     

After a while, Saika's voice echoed again, "After you succeed in this stage, you will be transferred to the next stage automatically."     

Hearing that the test had begun, Ryuu became fully focused and did his Sharingan and carefully observed the area around him.     

'The distance between the trees is too small, I can't move quickly here, and it's also easy to do a sneak attack here because it's easy to hide in the thick of trees'     

While Ryuu was thinking, a snake appeared on top of the tree that Ryuu was close to. The snake was three meters long and green with brown spots. The snake noticed Ryuu's movements carefully to find a suitable opportunity to attack and then came down from the tree very quickly and attacked Ryuu.     

Ryuu felt a movement on top of him so he took out Kunai and swung it towards the attacking person. In Ryuu's attack, the head of the snake that tried to attack him was beheaded.     

'My response to danger has become a lot faster than before. I feel like I can fend off any sneak attack' Ryuu was glad he got a little stronger.     

The moment Ryuu killed the snake he started hearing the hissing of the snakes from all the trees around him. Snakes started appearing in very large numbers and started attacking Ryuu.     


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