Naruto: Rise to the top

20- Save Kushina (Part 1)

20- Save Kushina (Part 1)

0After Ryuu uses the skill chakra sense, he quickly discovers the location of Kushina. He discovers that Kushina's location is 10 km from Konoha village and three people with her. Once he found out her location, Ryuu went to her at full speed.     

'How could this happen? Kushina should have been kidnapped when she was 12 years old by Kumo Village but Kumo Village shouldn't know about Kushina yet' thought Ryuu.     

Ryuu was right because in the original work, Kushina was kidnapped at the age of 12. After the Kumo village learns that she has a special chakra that can restrain the Nine Tails, she is kidnapped by the Kumo village who want to take advantage of her special chakra in order to control the Nine Tails.     

'Everyone who hurts the people I love will regret their birth, whether it's Kumo Village or someone else' Ryuu was very angry.     

'They're moving at 60 km/h so I'll be there in 5 minutes' Ryuu activated his Sharingan and three tomoe appeared in his eyes moving fast. Then using body flicker move very fast.     

Five minutes away, it is 15 kilometers from Konoha.     

"Sato, let's stop. I can sense that someone is following us," Kato said. He was feeling in danger for some reason, he had never felt this way before.     

As soon as they heard Kato's words, the other two stopped. Renko put Kushina on the ground and they formed a triangular formation with Kushina in the middle, their faces bearing a trace of seriousness.     

"How many are catching up with us?" Sato asked, if the stalkers are too many, they should kill the Uzumaki girl quickly.     

"He is one person, but I feel very dangerous coming from him," Kato said with a serious face.     

"Don't worry, the three of us are all at the elite Jonin level, even if someone with a level close to Kage's level can't get rid of us easily," Renko said. He wasn't afraid even if someone close to the Kage level came.     

"If the person following us is someone close to the Kage level, Renko and I will stop him while Kato will deliver the Uzumaki girl to the meeting area after we deliver the Uzumaki girl to the meeting area, even if the Hokage comes personally, he won't be able to save her."     

When Sato finished laying out the plan, a large number of shuriken appeared coming towards them from all angles.     

"Wind Release:Armor of Wind"     

Sato used his chakra and the wind around him to create a whirlwind around his team. The wind forms a circle with a radius of 3 metres, with a diameter of 6 metres. This repels all shurikens and becomes part of the wind armour.     

"Kato, tell me where the person who attacked us is," said Sato as he prepared to make another ninjutsu.     

"It's to the left of Renko, about 20 meters away," Kato said while sensing Ryuu's whereabouts.     

"Wind Release: Armor Ball of Wind"     

Sato controlled the wind armor and turned it into a ball with a diameter of 6 meters and then shot it towards Ryuu. Inside the wind ball were many shurikens that were repelled by the wind armor and some rocks that were carried from the ground.     

The attack crashed into a tree 20 meters away and the tree in the way of the attack was smashed. Then the attack dispersed, but the shuriken and boulders that were inside the 'Armor Ball of Wind' were fired in all directions.     

Ryuu used a body flicker to evade very quickly before the attack could reach him.     

'Damn, they're not from Kumo but Iwa, but why does Iwa want Kushina, is it the same as the original work because Kushina has a special chakra. There's no point in thinking now, I have to get rid of them quickly ' Ryuu thought.     

After dodging the attack, Ryuu came down from the trees and stood in front of the kidnappers.     

After Sato saw Ryuu, he said, "Kato, sense the area around to check if there is anyone else."     

"No one else is within a 10-kilometre radius," Kato said.     

"Haha good, I think we are very lucky today we kidnapped the Uzumaki girl easily today, then Ryuu Uchiha shows him alone, if we kill him we will rid ourselves of the future troubles" Renko said while laughing happily, if they kill Ryuu here, that means they got rid of the trouble that is bothering Danzo.     

"Since the person who followed us is Ryuu Uchiha, we don't need to split up, we will attack him together in order to kill him quickly," Sato said.     

'Danzo-sama will be happy when we kill Ryuu,' Sato smiled.     

"Rinko will fight him closely using Taijutsu, while Kato and I will support him from the side," Sato said. Rinko Ninja is a Taijutsu specialist and has a lot of experience in it.     


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