The Epic of Azathoth

[ 2/? ]Meeting People, Daemon Must Learn to Smile.

[ 2/? ]Meeting People, Daemon Must Learn to Smile.

0{Do you know any sword and katana styles? Daemon only swings the Yamato and Excalibur, he only knows the basics of holding a sword and katana, but that's about it. He doesn't have any of his techniques, he is depending on his great strength. I want him to master at least two different sword styles. }     

{I don't want him to depend too much on the Babylon Gate or powerful weapons to fight. }     


"Sunk in the shit...'' I stopped to think and that was a literal way of saying, I don't know if I can survive a nuclear bomb, Not only that, the radiation has no effect on me, I had already come to this city and expected a third arm to be born in my belly button, but nothing, that's what I call luck. "Ok, I'm not going to try to blow this shit up, but can I take her to study?".     

Stopping for a moment and weighing it, she said. "If it's to study her, yes, but do it in the [ID] I don't want our house to become a big hole."     

When she said that she can't help but mentally smile, keikaku doori , now if some idiot talks bad about me ''Kaboom'' a nuclear bomb in your face.     

"Have you thought of any evil plans?" she asked.     

I was surprised for a moment but not letting it show on my face, I thought about how she found out and the only thing I could think of was this. 'The woman's intuition, how scary'.     

"How can you say such words to your boyfriend?''     

''Do I sound like someone who would do that?'' Saying this as if I was very offended, she looked at me as if she knew all my secrets and said sarcastically. "Yes, you 100% would, I know you well enough to say that."     

"How can you say that and my feelings? Don't you care about them?'' Spilling so much bullshit that I even shed a tear to make it seem more real, I had to do everything I could to make her believe me.     

''I doubt very much that you care that much about feelings,'' she said even more sarcastically than before.     

Tch. Damn, it's not easy to fool her, watching me intensely, she asked. "So? what exactly do you want here?     

Looking at the destroyed city, there was nothing that caught my attention, so I decided to walk around to look for something that would catch my eye. Flying down below, I started to observe the place so as not to be surprised by anything.     

Expanding my shadow, two red Halos came out followed by two hooded heads wearing a gray cloak that came out from within the shadow. Two robotic humanoid beings came completely out of my shadow, one of them went to my vanguard while the other went to my rear, taking up their positions, they started to check everything around me, not letting even a speck of dust pass.     

After Apha1.2 came out of my shadow, it (shadow) expanded even more, with that came out Omega1.2 with its large size that not even a bear would have the slightest chance to win against them, following the same pattern as Apha1.2, one of them went to my vanguard while the other went to my rear.     

Once everyone had gone to their positions, I started walking down the destroyed street. As I walked down the street I had some thoughts as I saw them fighting together, why not make a centaur, or robot to serve as a mount and a spearman, or even turn them into one being, a big mechanical wolf with a swordsman.     

That is a good idea, noted.     

Another possible idea was to make robots as big as a skyscraper, noted.     

Since I also need to make more of them, with that I can get them into [ID] alone to conquer [ID] just with that dungeon they gained a lot of levels.     

I also need to vary in their creation, some kind of long range shooter, how about a plasma gun? That should do it, yes, I can make a lot of them and create an aircraft and have it fly all over the dungeon while the snipers shoot at anything that is moving.     

It would be nice to make Omega and Apha in pairs, so they can pair up for more efficiency.     

"Hey, Daemon, look at this store. Said Eloah, turning around I observed the woman a head shorter than him, she had long golden hair as if it was pure gold, she also had light skin as if it was made of silk. She also had two crimson red eyes, shining as if they were precious rubies.     

Man ... I really started to fall in love with her.     

This was a new and strange feeling for me...     

Turning her attention to what she was pointing to, it was a firearms store, what she wanted there she already has the [Arsenal Cube] with her, so I asked, "What's in there? You don't already have the [Arsenal Cube] why do you want more weapons?''     

''I don't want the weapons, you better take them and sell them all.'' She replied, approaching me seductively. "Are you pleased with what you saw? She asked, pressing her assets against my chest.     

Giving a nod and saying, "Yes, I don't want anyone to see you in this form." When I said this, she stole my lip and I responded to the kiss by kissing her back. Finishing our kiss, she stood on her tiptoes and whispered in my ear. "I am only yours, and you are mine."     


Ah... I woke up a possible Yandere.     

Coming out from inside the weapon store, Apha1,2 exclaimed at the same time. "Creator, now that you have finished your act of procreation, we wish to report what we have found." Giving a nod for them to continue, they spoke again at the same time. "'We found some contaminated humans known as Oozers inside the facility and efficiently eliminated them, we also found human bodies inside.''     

"Good job, you two." He said.     

Saying this, I held Eloah's hand, and we entered inside the gun store.     

When we entered the store, it was almost empty, with only a few cartridges lying on the floor.     

Standing outside, the four of us were waiting for our return.     

Looking at everything, we went to the store and found where the bodies were, we realized that they were not killed by Oozers, but by firearms.     

Looking at them, Eloah, flicked her wrist, casting some kind of fire magic, and as the magic hit them, they disappeared into ashes.     

Eloah started looking around the warehouse, seeing this and not knowing what she was looking for, Tch, she clicked her tongue.     

Then she pulled me over to the wooden table and made me sit on it, already knowing where this would end I didn't interrupt her.     

It had been a week since we last had sex.     

There was no reason to interrupt her.     

Pressing her breasts against me, she put her arms around my neck, stealing my lips, she put her hand under my black shirt and started to smooth my abdomen and I put my hand on her elastic ass and squeezed it, while I kissed her she let out little moans.     

Just as she was about to take off my shirt. We heard a loud bang and the sound of sirens outside.     


/ Bang! /     

/ Siren! /     

/ Siren! /     


Stopping our kiss, she stopped to look at me and I did the same, looking at her slightly flushed cheek, with my husky voice, I said, "Should we ignore them? or should we continue?     

"Let's see, we can continue at home." She replied in a sensual and trembling voice, deep down I knew she was frustrated, after all, even I had been holding back for some time.     

Quickly straightening my clothes, she did the same and quickly pulled herself together.     

Leaving the store, Apha1,2, and Omega1,2 and was waiting for us outside.     

Looking at them, I said. "Go."'     

Hearing my orders, Apha1 and Omega1 quickly went after the reason for the noise.     

Staying behind, I looked at Apha2 and Omega2, and said ''you two too, go after them.''     

''But who is going to protect the Creator?" asked Apha2.     

"No need, just go," I answered him.     

As soon as I commanded him, they ran at high speed after Alpha1 and Omega1.     

With that, we too went after the noise.     

When we got there, at the end of the straight street there was a descent that led to what looked like an open-air sewer (GTA5), but the sewer had already dried up and if it was a sewer.     

There they saw a man with pale blue skin wearing an old pair of glasses, with totally white hair and beard.     

Carrying a large backpack on his back, while he carried a pale little girl in his arms.     

Behind the man, Apha1 and Omega1 were fighting a large horde of Oozers.     

Jumping into the sewer, Apha2 and Omega2 joined the fight.     

Quickly massacring all the Oozers that were there, Eloah and I were watching from the side the whole massacre.     

The man with pale blue skin and white-haired glasses was standing there watching the whole massacre with a shocked face.     

Jumping into the sewer, Eloah and I approached the man and the child.     

Arriving in front of him, the man tried to protect the little girl by hiding behind him and putting his hand in a crown, ignoring this, I asked. ''What is your name.''     

For a moment I noticed that he sighed with relief, then he said. "I am Simon, the girl is Marceline."     

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