The System: Civilian Shinobi

[Prelude to the war! Part-2]

[Prelude to the war! Part-2]

0Dividing against following Ibiki and Inoichi-san I left the T&I department and jumped at the nearby buildings, after activating Mind's Eye of Kaguya I 'looked' at everything around me.     

'So many things are gonna change… Let's report back and get ready for it.'     

Jumping from roof to roof I let the happy emotions of the civilians flow through me. Opening the window to the Hokage's office I flashed my chakra to confirm it was me before slipping inside.     

"Temari has been captured and delivered to T&I Hokage-sama" I leaned against the wall beside Kakashi-san as Tsunade-sama was going through some scrolls.     

"Okay--" She looked at the ANBU commander and said, "How many ninja's are outside the village?"     

"40% Hokage-sama, majority of the Jounin's are outside as well..." The emotionless voice of the ANBU commander replied.     

"Get everyone back, send messenger hawks to every jounin and tell them to be back in the village in 3 days, then question everybody before letting them in the village, do a full sweep for spies, get me Nara Shikaku and Nara Shikamaru, also Jiraya get out of your damn shadows..."     

As soon as she finished her statement the ANBU commander vanished, Jiraya-sama dropped her camouflage jutsu and stepped out from beside the bookshelf. He nodded to me then looked to Kakashi-san and said, "How's your student doing?"     

Kakashi-san said, "Well, he's not going on a rampage so that's a plus?"     

I could feel his confused emotions even though he used his bland tone.     

"I could tell you that he's with Naruto, and although they are arguing, I can sense he is quite happy at the moment," I said as I Kakashi-san gave me a grateful look.     

The door opened and Shikamaru and Shikaku entered the room and after surveying the area and cataloguing everyone in the room they both slouched, even more, Shikaku entered the room and walked towards us as Shikamaru closed the door behind him.     

Tsunade-sama stopped reading the scroll and looked at us, "Alright--" She sealed the room after indicating to the ANBU's to vacate the office, she looked at me and I nodded indicating that I don't sense anybody in our vicinity.     

"Shikamaru, you are the only one who doesn't know here that we are going to war with Suna, Iwa and Kumo very soon, mull over it for a while--" As Shika groaned and cursed inside his head she turned to us, "Jiraya and Kakashi? how good are both your Protege's?"     

I glanced at both of them through the corner of my eyes as Kakashi said, "Solid jounin in speed Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, Taijutsu and Shurikenjutsu, good in strategy and besides everyone in this room and some ANBU's I would bet him coming out on top in a fight."     

He seemed proud of his student and it seemed Jiraya noticed that so he said, "Naruto is a variable I would say, the brat is both a genius and a moron, but I don't think anyone in the village can stop him if he decides to do something-" He looked at me for a second before adding, "besides the Sharingan-cheating freaks that is..." His grin was infectious as even I was feeling irked.     

'That just means he'll use the Kyubi, that's a cheat code... and my gamer powers I guess--'     

Before I could reply though Tsunade-sama said, "Good enough, we will be fighting a war on three fronts, we need to cover our bases and make sure to reduce our loses so I think it is best to hit heavy before retreating, what do you think Shikaku, Shikamaru?"     

Shikamaru looked like a trapped mouse as everyone's gaze turned to him, "I think your Idea has to merit Hokage-sama, we need at least two heavy hitters to smash through their lines as soon as both sides mobilize their units and then retreat as they compile their loses--"     

Shikaku-san added as Shika stopped and was thinking about the plan, "-- and we need to figure out who to send to which country, Iwa hates us more than anyone else, so we need our most heavy hitters there, Jiraya-sama and Itachi?"     

He proposed that Idea so I shook my head saying, "I think we should let Sasuke and Itachi go together--" I sensed Shikamaru's emotions going through a turmoil, "--I'll go as well, we three should be able to handle Iwa, they don't have any obvious counter to the Sharingan so we can ga--"     

"No-" Shikaku-san cut me off before shaking his head, "no, the Sharingan is needed elsewhere, Kumo has two perfect Jinchuriki's, we need Sharingan to counter them, plus Itachi, Jiraya and you are the only ones that can handle the Raikage when he uses his lightning armour, maybe not even you, Itachi can probably--"     

After his statement, every one of us once again quietened down, Shika spoke up, "-I think it would be good for Sasuke to be with Itachi, he needs that bonding time and Itachi will protect Sasuke against anything anyway."     

'Hmm yeah, that is for sure...wait-'     

I turned to Hokage-sama and said, "Itachi is not okay bdw, he has some kind of tumour in his lungs, I'll give him probably a year before his body starts shutting down--"     

I cursed remembering the huge gaping hole in his chest when I performed the operation on him, the tumour was stuck between his lungs and heart, thus weakening him day by day. Tsunade-sama immediately motioned me to come forward when the door was knocked.     

We each shared a puzzled look before Tsunade-sama undid the seals and Shizune-san opened the door and Inoichi-sama and Ibiki-san walked in. She then closed the gate and made a swift retreat as Inoichi-sama spoke, "Sorry for the intrusion Hokage-sama but..." He hesitated before stepping forward and placing a scroll on the ground. After Injecting some chakra into it a body appeared in the middle of the room.     

The man was white from head to toe, his body appeared to be cracked in several places and white spikes were coming out of his torso and legs, his stomach looked like the closing maw of a beast with a patch of green hair on his head. Everyone gave it a curious look but my senses immediately told me something was off.     

"What is that abomination Inoichi?" Tsunade-sama left her chair and was walking out of it to stand in front of her desk, her hand already lit green ready to analyze the body as Inoichi-sama spoke, "That would be Tobi-san's girlfriend? or at least whatever took her place-"     



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