The System: Civilian Shinobi

[The Uchiha Massacre!]

[The Uchiha Massacre!]

0"It seems like we are not the last of our clan after all Sasuke..." I say as I look at the pair of Sharingan's staring at me, I could sense Sasuke's emotions fluctuating as both the boys in front of me stood alert with a kunai in hand…     

"All right now calm down..." I tried to pacify the children as I sent an Inspect at each of them…     

[Name: Ryu Uchiha]     

[Name: Tami Yamanaka]     

'Hmm… so that's a legit Uchiha… but how… did Danzo stole some of the newborns during the massacre? They seem to be the right age...'     

The two kids standing in front of me were around seven so it could be the correct answer… I scanned their physical condition and except for some cuts and bruises, they seemed fine…     

'They have emotions at least not like Danzo's other army… but I don't think they would surrender...'     

I turn towards Kakashi-san and we shared a look before he blurred forward and chopped at both of their necks… their bodies slumped over so he scooped them up and placed them over his shoulders…     

"I don't sense any strong presence left in the base… they could be hidden behind seals but I think we'll be able to handle it..." I gave Kakashi-san the rundown as he nodded in agreement and said, "...We should inform Hokage-sama as soon as possible..."     

I nod as we both turn to look at Sasuke… he blinked a couple of times before he said, "Alright but I'll be back..." and with that, he vanished in a shunshin…     

'Why am I getting Orochimaru vibes from this place...'     


Kakashi and I scoured the place and found out a lot of children in the base along with many different rooms, there was what I can assume a kitchen, rather bland but it had rations sored so… there was also 3 training grounds supported by pillars as they were dug underground… We placed the rest of the children in the same room as Danzo's body by the time Tsunade-sama arrived with the ANBU commander and Shikaku-san…     

Shikaku-san started conversing with Kakashi as Tsunade-sama came towards me, "I got a basic report from Sasuke? Did you really find an Uchiha kid? did you check for gene manipulation?..."     

She gave me a confused look as I shook my head, "No we found several Uchiha clansmen… 4 to be exact..." while she and the rest of the elders reeled from the shock of my statement I walked to the 4 kids who were leaning against the wall as if they were sleeping…     

"Here they are… I checked for gene manipulation but there were no signs of any tweaking present. They are Uchiha by birth and likely were abducted during the Uchiha Massacre..." Her face was blank as her emotions were a jumbled mess as Sasuke approached us and just leaned on the wall beside the kids…     

'Well… I don't even know how he's feeling at the moment...'     

"Anything else?" Tsunade-sama asked trying to distract her mind from the elephant in the room as Shikaku-san said, "What about that…" he indicated to the cut-off arm of Danzo that still had multiple Sharingan in it…     

'To tell you the truth I don't know what to do with that… having that many spare Sharingan is a boon to the military but it doesn't mean everyone can handle the strain that the Sharingan places on the Non-Uchiha body...'     

"That is Danzo's right arm that I cut-off after sealing his chakra… if what I am sensing is true and due to past experiences with the same chakra… those are Hashirama-sama's cells..." Tsunade-sama's expression distorted for the first time as her mask slipped… She gave me a look asking for confirmation and upon seeing me nod she walked closer to the arm and picked it up before scanning it with her chakra…     

'What is with people and their obsession with Hashirama-sama's cells, Kabuto, the masked man, and even Danzo are absolutely obsessed with it… it doesn't even give access to as powerful Mokutun to what he was capable of...'     

Tsunade-sama threw the arm towards me and said, "extract and secure the Sharingan's… they are your clan's property, and after that destroy the hand..."     

I nod as I took out a storage scroll and sealed the hand into it… Tsunade-sama then turned around and said to the ANBU-commander and Shikaku-san, "Figure out what happened with the Uchiha clan… there are too many unanswered questions even after Itachi's statement and I need to know what happened… also round up every root operative and place them in T & I… they will need to go through some screening before they can be allowed any freedom..."     

Sasuke wanted to protest about the placing of the Uchiha clan members into T & I holding cells but he said, "Permission to be placed to watch over T & I Hokage-sama?" Tsunade-sama looked at him for a second before turning to the ANBU commander and nodding…     

"Tobi, contact Itachi, ask him to make way for Konoha as soon as possible… there are a lot of things that don't match up with the Uchiha-clan incident and I want to go to the bottom of it..."     

"Yes, Hokage-sama..." I notice Sasuke giving me a look so I used the ANBU sign language to indicate…' follow me'     

I dashed out of the caves and Sasuke followed me until we got out of the root base…     

"Here..." I took out a scroll from my Inventory and threw it at him…     

He opened the scroll and stared at it for a second… "Is this?" he gave me a look to which I nod and say, "...sign it and I'll show you the hand seals for the Summoning Jutsu, Its time you meet Itachi isn't it?"     


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