The System: Civilian Shinobi

[Akatsuki! Part-2]

[Akatsuki! Part-2]

0---------------Obito's POV (Tobi's room)------------     


I arrive inside the room by using Kamui and our prodigy instantly leaped from his bed and used chakra to attach himself to the roof…     

'Hmm, good reflexes, he rolled aside before dodging upwards...'     

I could see his eyes scanning my uniform for a second before he sent a spike made of iron straight towards me.     


'The Third Kazekage's Iron sand, what the fuck is this Kekkei Genkai doing in Konoha...he's gathering chakra as well, I never liked prodigies but the silent types annoy me even more, let's see you deal with this...'     

"Tobi says hello to Tobi"     

I acted like a kid and flailed my arms at him in a hello while he took a defensive posture…     

'I wonder how much Sasori would like at having another puppet capable of using the Iron sand… I need to stay low for now but I guess I can prepare a gift for him in advance...'     

"Tobi doesn't want to fight, Tobi is just here to get his things back, and then he'll be on his way, don't fling dangerous objects at Tobi, Tobi's a good boy!!!"     

I was speaking while deciding what to do with the kid…     

'He's just a kid, why the hell did even Kisame lose an arm, I can assume Itachi was neglecting his duties not wanting to kill a leaf shinobi if he can help it but…'     

"Who are you! What do you need!"     

Tobi spoke for the first time and immediately I decided that yeah this kid needs to die.     

'No respect for your seniors, he doesn't even know where the swords and the ring is I assume, it will probably already with Jiraya...'     

I was about to strike when he activated his Mangekyou Sharingan…     

'...Okay, that explains how Kisame lost to a kid, those damn Uzumaki and the ANBU mask could have hidden his eye as he easily used it to dismantle Kisame in a surprise attack, according to Kabuto he has high-kage level burst speed, combined that with the Sharingan is very dangerous...'     

As I was looking at the Mangekyou eyes I realize just how much of an unknown this kid is…     

'I always hated prodigies but this kid is making Itachi look pale… but as Itachi, he belongs to the Leaf, so I can easily control him, heh...'     

I let go of my Tobi persona as I stood up straight and crossed my hands, "Looks like we Uchiha's aren't as dead as the world believes, right Tobi Uchiha!"     

'Damn those Uzumaki's, couldn't they leave their secrets to making those masks out there for the worlds to use, I know with the Sharingan the kid can see straight at my Mangekyou… at least Kakashi doesn't have access to the Mangekyou so he can't recognize the pattern...'     

"I would advise you not to use your eye's abilities… the Mangekyou abilities are less powerful against another Mangekyou user, here I'll deactivate mine..."     

I let the banter going while scanning his reaction trying to figure out what Mangekyou abilities he acquired, he showed recognition at seeing my Kamui so I just hope that isn't it…     

'So this one is not looking like your typical Konoha ninja, they trust others easily and readily hope for peace, so he should have powered down the Mangekyou, but this one knows the difference in power, his instincts are better… but how did he get this intuitive without a war?'     

"Who are you and what do you want?"     

'Hmm… he already knows what I can do so he is wary, possibly already theorizing that at any possible moment I can kill his parents and he can't do anything...'     

"It is rather rude for you to keep your Mangekyou activated but I'll give you this one, I go by two names but since you are my descendant I'll tell you, I am Uchiha Madara!"     

I look at his reaction and just like everyone else that name freaked him out a little bit.     

'Tch! Say what you want that bastard old man did have power over people's imagination… even after his death I think I can terrorize Iwa with just that name… only his name and sensei's...'     

I took a little trip down memory lane before I realize where I was.     

'Right, let's get another pawn then, 1st step, sow the seeds of doubt...'     

"I know you believe me now but I'll let you form your own theories… you do however seem awfully protective of the village that killed off our clan..."     

Seeing his disbelieving expression I told him the merry little tale of valiant hero Itachi Uchiha that was used by the Hidden leaf…     

'I could see your brain working overtime trying to figure out what happened, let the seeds grow, let the trust in your government fade...'     

"What do you want?"     


Seeing him still maintaining the defensive stance was a little discouraging so I decided that I need a different approach to crack this nut…     

'Well, I guess some threats work wonders at psychological war right?'     

"It seems Konoha is getting better in their brainwashing… but it doesn't matter does it, you now work for me Tobi-kun..."     

"What do you mean?"     

'I could see it in your eyes that you are already ready for some defensive measures...what can you do idiot I have Kamui...'     

"It seems you aren't quick on the uptake like Itachi-kun, let me simplify things for you… I can enter your home, your Mom and Dad's room, your Sensei's room, that little Yamanaka's room, or the room of your sensei's unborn child and kill them in their sleep, after all, everyone's not a sensor..."     

I could sense him getting desperate before his Mangekyou started glowing…     

'Idiot, Kamui'     

I activated Kamui ready to travel away at a moment's notice before the world faded from my view…     

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