The System: Civilian Shinobi




'I was pretty sure I got the eye out...' I sent a subtle chakra pulse through my system in order to break out of any genjutsu but nothing happened…     

'What happened… how come the eye just vanished from the jar...'     

"How do you know Izanagi?" Sasuke was the one who popped an unfamiliar term as he was glaring at Danzo…     

'Sasuke has matured a lot in the last year, but I guess someone using his clan's technique, especially someone who is credited with ordering the massacre might not sit still with him...'     

I was observing Danzo and his various Sharingan before I notice an oddity, 'one of the eyes is not blazing with chakra anymore...'     

"Can you elaborate on what happened here Sasuke?" I was a little confused at the ocular prowess so Sasuke explained, "Inazagi is a forbidden genjutsu of the Uchiha clan, it is a genjutsu which rather than placed on the user, it is placed on the reality itself… you can alter reality around you or your destiny for a few seconds before you go back to your original place while your current body vanishes..."     

'That sounds like a too good to be true ability, like that godforsaken Kamui...'     

"...The downside however is that you lose sight of the eye as a sacrifice..." Sasuke's statement made sense as one of the eyes on his freak arm has already closed off…     

'Alright I also felt a pulse of chakra coming from that eye when I attacked him earlier… he is also standing in the same position he was before we had our little confrontation… I wonder what will he do if I cut off his arm so he would have to choose between sacrificing Shisui's eye or fight without an arm...'     

"Kakashi-san, Sasuke, handle these pesky little rats for me..." I dash towards him one more time and I sense another pulse of chakra emanating from a Sharingan eye…     

'Okay, so he has started the genjutsu...on reality?' I retreat instead of attacking and just fire random shuriken and Kunai at his feet in order to stop him from attacking as I focused my senses on the Sharingan… after 5 seconds of keeping him at bay, the eye automatically closed as it seemingly ran out of energy…     

'Heh...' I couldn't help but smirk as he wore a disgruntled expression, 'Looks like someone figured out your weakness...'     

"Kakashi-san! Sasuke! He has a time limit of 5 seconds after activating Izanagi in order to use it to alter his destiny otherwise his eye runs out of time… also he can not alter someone else's condition or position, just his own… he has 8 more Sharingan along with another one in his right eye so… be ready for a long batt..." I stop mid-sentence as I sense Danzo sending a pulse of chakra through the handle of his chair where he sat and two caves opened up and more and more root operatives started flooding the room… I counted 45 more operatives as Sasuke and Kakashi's expression turned grim…     

'Dammit, the bastard has more operatives inside a base hidden inside his base… We can't fight him and 45 others… I guess I'll have to try it...'     

I started to go through a massive handseal chain and even Danzo gave me a curious look before his expression turned panicked as he activated another Izanagi and at the same time ordering his operatives, "Disrupt the fuin or kill Tobi as soon as possible..."     

"Buy me some time..." I was focusing on the hand seals as Sasuke and Kakashi-san fought against an army of enemies in order to buy me the precious few seconds…     

Danzo's face was turning desperate as he flung two Shiruken's charged with wind chakra at me trying to take me out in a last-ditch effort…     

I finish the last seal as I dodge sideways having tracked the shuriken's and the wind senbons with my Sharingan, slamming my hand on the ground I say, "Fuin: World of Nirvana"     

Seals sprung from my hands and immediately covered the whole room as almost everyone slumped for a second and looked a little wide-eyed as I stood up while holding a half tiger seal with my left hand…     

'Phew! That was close...'     

"You can relax now Kakashi-san, Sasuke… I'll finish this..." both of them retreated as I started channeling swift release chakra through my body and took out my katana…     

'Swift release'     

'Wind Release: Chakra flow'     

'Damn this is a little too effective...' rather than being too conservative with my strikes I straight off started chopping limbs or at least shredding muscles to give them temporary disability as Danzo tried to run away from the room but the barrier fuin seal stopped his actions…     

'A ninja without chakra is really useless isn't he?' My seal did its job of stopping anyone caught within its range from even gathering chakra, Danzo had a panicked expression as his personal army was moved down by me as frankly, my speed was too fast for them to defend against without using chakra to stimulate their muscles…     

After dealing with everyone else I stood in front of Danzo who had a kunai in hand, "Damn you! Letting you live and parade without proper control..." before he could finish his sentence I chop his right arm off and use chakra scalpel to remove his eye as I let him drop on the ground cursing…     

'Hmm this time it's legit...'     

As soon as I place the eye in a medicinal box a notification popped up…     

[S-Rank mission updated- To the Eternal]     

[The Mangekyou Sharingan is not the end of the Uchiha bloodline, by replacing the pair of your eyes with another pair you could gain access to the evolved version of the Mangekyou Sharingan, the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan]     

[Progress: Eyes collected 2/2]     

[Rewards: EMS, Complete Susanoo, access to the abilities of the new eyes]     

'So I have two Mangekyou eyes once more and I can upgrade my eyes to the eternal...'     

Looking at the prone form of Danzo I look at Sasuke and say, "All yours Sasuke..."     

'Let's see what questions you ask then...'     

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